Crypto++ 8.7
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
3way.cpp | |
3way.h | Classes for the 3-Way block cipher |
adler32.cpp | |
adler32.h | Class file for ADLER-32 checksum calculations |
adv_simd.h | Template for AdvancedProcessBlocks and SIMD processing |
aes.h | Class file for the AES cipher (Rijndael) |
aes_armv4.h | |
algebra.cpp | |
algebra.h | Classes for performing mathematics over different fields |
algparam.cpp | |
algparam.h | Classes for working with NameValuePairs |
allocate.cpp | |
allocate.h | Functions for allocating aligned buffers |
arc4.cpp | |
arc4.h | Classes for ARC4 cipher |
argnames.h | Standard names for retrieving values by name when working with NameValuePairs |
aria.cpp | |
aria.h | Classes for the ARIA block cipher |
aria_simd.cpp | |
ariatab.cpp | |
arm_simd.h | Support functions for ARM and vector operations |
asn.cpp | |
asn.h | Classes and functions for working with ANS.1 objects |
authenc.cpp | |
authenc.h | Classes for authenticated encryption modes of operation |
base32.cpp | |
base32.h | Classes for Base32Encoder, Base32Decoder, Base32HexEncoder and Base32HexDecoder |
base64.cpp | |
base64.h | Classes for the Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base64URLEncoder and Base64URLDecoder |
basecode.cpp | |
basecode.h | Base classes for working with encoders and decoders |
bench.h | |
bench1.cpp | |
bench2.cpp | |
bench3.cpp | |
bfinit.cpp | |
blake2.cpp | |
blake2.h | Classes for BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s message digests and keyed message digests |
blake2b_simd.cpp | |
blake2s_simd.cpp | |
blowfish.cpp | |
blowfish.h | Classes for the Blowfish block cipher |
blumshub.cpp | |
blumshub.h | Classes for Blum Blum Shub generator |
camellia.cpp | |
camellia.h | Classes for the Camellia block cipher |
cast.cpp | |
cast.h | Classes for the CAST-128 and CAST-256 block ciphers |
casts.cpp | |
cbcmac.cpp | |
cbcmac.h | Classes for CBC MAC |
ccm.cpp | |
ccm.h | CCM block cipher mode of operation |
chacha.cpp | |
chacha.h | Classes for ChaCha8, ChaCha12 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers |
chacha_avx.cpp | |
chacha_simd.cpp | |
chachapoly.cpp | |
chachapoly.h | IETF ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD scheme |
cham.cpp | |
cham.h | Classes for the CHAM block cipher |
cham_simd.cpp | |
channels.cpp | |
channels.h | Classes for multiple named channels |
cmac.cpp | |
cmac.h | Classes for CMAC message authentication code |
config.h | Library configuration file |
config_align.h | Library configuration file |
config_asm.h | Library configuration file |
config_cpu.h | Library configuration file |
config_cxx.h | Library configuration file |
config_dll.h | Library configuration file |
config_int.h | Library configuration file |
config_misc.h | Library configuration file |
config_ns.h | Library configuration file |
config_os.h | Library configuration file |
config_ver.h | Library configuration file |
cpu.cpp | |
cpu.h | Functions for CPU features and intrinsics |
crc.cpp | |
crc.h | Classes for CRC-32 and CRC-32C checksum algorithm |
crc_simd.cpp | |
cryptlib.cpp | |
cryptlib.h | Abstract base classes that provide a uniform interface to this library |
darn.cpp | |
darn.h | Classes for DARN RNG |
default.cpp | |
default.h | Classes for DefaultEncryptor, DefaultDecryptor, DefaultEncryptorWithMAC and DefaultDecryptorWithMAC |
des.cpp | |
des.h | Classes for DES, 2-key Triple-DES, 3-key Triple-DES and DESX |
dessp.cpp | |
dh.cpp | |
dh.h | Classes for Diffie-Hellman key exchange |
dh2.cpp | |
dh2.h | Classes for Unified Diffie-Hellman key exchange |
dll.cpp | |
dll.h | Functions and definitions required for building the FIPS-140 DLL on Windows |
dmac.h | Classes for DMAC message authentication code |
donna.h | |
donna_32.cpp | |
donna_32.h | |
donna_64.cpp | |
donna_64.h | |
donna_sse.cpp | |
donna_sse.h | |
drbg.h | Classes for NIST DRBGs from SP 800-90A |
dsa.cpp | |
dsa.h | Classes for the DSA signature algorithm |
eax.cpp | |
eax.h | EAX block cipher mode of operation |
ec2n.cpp | |
ec2n.h | Classes for Elliptic Curves over binary fields |
eccrypto.cpp | |
eccrypto.h | Classes and functions for Elliptic Curves over prime and binary fields |
ecp.cpp | |
ecp.h | Classes for Elliptic Curves over prime fields |
ecpoint.h | Classes for Elliptic Curve points |
elgamal.cpp | |
elgamal.h | Classes and functions for ElGamal key agreement and encryption schemes |
emsa2.cpp | |
emsa2.h | Classes and functions for various padding schemes used in public key algorithms |
eprecomp.cpp | |
eprecomp.h | Classes for precomputation in a group |
esign.cpp | |
esign.h | Classes providing ESIGN signature schemes as defined in IEEE P1363a |
factory.h | Classes and functions for registering and locating library objects |
fhmqv.h | Classes for Fully Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone key agreement in GF(p) |
files.cpp | |
files.h | Classes providing file-based library services |
filters.cpp | |
filters.h | Implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface |
fips140.cpp | |
fips140.h | Classes and functions for the FIPS 140-2 validated library |
fipsalgt.cpp | |
fltrimpl.h | |
gcm.cpp | |
gcm.h | GCM block cipher mode of operation |
gcm_simd.cpp | |
gf256.cpp | |
gf256.h | Classes and functions for schemes over GF(256) |
gf2_32.cpp | |
gf2_32.h | Classes and functions for schemes over GF(2^32) |
gf2n.cpp | |
gf2n.h | Classes and functions for schemes over GF(2^n) |
gf2n_simd.cpp | |
gfpcrypt.cpp | |
gfpcrypt.h | Classes and functions for schemes based on Discrete Logs (DL) over GF(p) |
GNUmakefile | |
GNUmakefile-cross | |
gost.cpp | |
gost.h | Classes for the GIST block cipher |
gzip.cpp | |
gzip.h | GZIP compression and decompression (RFC 1952) |
hashfwd.h | Forward declarations for hash functions used in signature encoding methods |
hc128.cpp | |
hc128.h | Classes for HC-128 stream cipher |
hc256.cpp | |
hc256.h | Classes for HC-256 stream cipher |
hex.cpp | |
hex.h | Classes for HexEncoder and HexDecoder |
hight.cpp | |
hight.h | Classes for the HIGHT block cipher |
hkdf.h | Classes for HKDF from RFC 5869 |
hmac.cpp | |
hmac.h | Classes for HMAC message authentication codes |
hmqv.h | Classes for Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone key agreement in GF(p) |
hrtimer.cpp | |
hrtimer.h | Classes for timers |
ida.cpp | |
ida.h | Classes for Rabin's Information Dispersal and Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithms |
idea.cpp | |
idea.h | Classes for the IDEA block cipher |
integer.cpp | |
integer.h | Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations |
iterhash.cpp | |
iterhash.h | Base classes for iterated hashes |
kalyna.cpp | |
kalyna.h | Classes for the Kalyna block cipher |
kalynatab.cpp | |
keccak.cpp | |
keccak.h | Classes for Keccak message digests |
keccak_core.cpp | |
keccak_simd.cpp | |
lea.cpp | |
lea.h | Classes for the LEA block cipher |
lea_simd.cpp | |
lsh.h | Classes for the LSH hash functions |
lsh256.cpp | |
lsh256_avx.cpp | |
lsh256_sse.cpp | |
lsh512.cpp | |
lsh512_avx.cpp | |
lsh512_sse.cpp | |
lubyrack.h | Classes for the Luby-Rackoff block cipher |
luc.cpp | |
luc.h | Classes for the LUC cryptosystem |
mars.cpp | |
mars.h | Classes for the MARS block cipher (IBM AES submission) |
marss.cpp | |
md2.cpp | |
md2.h | Classes for the MD2 message digest |
md4.cpp | |
md4.h | |
md5.cpp | |
md5.h | |
mdc.h | Classes for the MDC message digest |
mersenne.h | Class file for Mersenne Twister |
misc.cpp | |
misc.h | Utility functions for the Crypto++ library |
modarith.h | Class file for performing modular arithmetic |
modes.cpp | |
modes.h | Classes for block cipher modes of operation |
modexppc.h | |
mqueue.cpp | |
mqueue.h | Classes for an unlimited queue to store messages |
mqv.cpp | |
mqv.h | Classes for Menezes–Qu–Vanstone (MQV) key agreement |
naclite.h | Crypto++ interface to TweetNaCl library (20140917) |
nbtheory.cpp | |
nbtheory.h | Classes and functions for number theoretic operations |
neon_simd.cpp | |
nr.h | Classes for Nyberg-Rueppel signature scheme |
oaep.cpp | |
oaep.h | Classes for optimal asymmetric encryption padding |
oids.h | ASN.1 object identifiers for algorithms and schemes |
osrng.cpp | |
osrng.h | Classes for access to the operating system's random number generators |
ossig.h | Utility class for trapping OS signals |
padlkrng.cpp | |
padlkrng.h | Classes for VIA Padlock RNG |
panama.cpp | |
panama.h | Classes for Panama hash and stream cipher |
pch.cpp | |
pch.h | Precompiled header file |
pkcspad.cpp | |
pkcspad.h | Classes for PKCS padding schemes |
poly1305.cpp | |
poly1305.h | Classes for Poly1305 message authentication code |
polynomi.cpp | |
polynomi.h | Classes for polynomial basis and operations |
power7_ppc.cpp | |
power8_ppc.cpp | |
power9_ppc.cpp | |
ppc_simd.cpp | |
ppc_simd.h | Support functions for PowerPC and vector operations |
pssr.cpp | |
pssr.h | Classes for probabilistic signature schemes |
pubkey.cpp | |
pubkey.h | This file contains helper classes/functions for implementing public key algorithms |
pwdbased.h | Password based key derivation functions |
queue.cpp | |
queue.h | Classes for an unlimited queue to store bytes |
rabbit.cpp | |
rabbit.h | Classes for Rabbit stream cipher |
rabin.cpp | |
rabin.h | Classes for Rabin encryption and signature schemes |
randpool.cpp | |
randpool.h | Class file for Randomness Pool |
rc2.cpp | |
rc2.h | Classes for the RC2 block cipher |
rc5.cpp | |
rc5.h | Classes for the RC5 block cipher |
rc6.cpp | |
rc6.h | Classes for the RC6 block cipher |
rdrand.asm | |
rdrand.cpp | |
rdrand.h | Classes for RDRAND and RDSEED |
rdtables.cpp | |
resource.h | |
rijndael.cpp | |
rijndael.h | Classes for Rijndael encryption algorithm |
rijndael_simd.cpp | |
ripemd.cpp | |
ripemd.h | Classes for RIPEMD message digest |
rng.cpp | |
rng.h | Miscellaneous classes for RNGs |
rsa.cpp | |
rsa.h | Classes for the RSA cryptosystem |
rw.cpp | |
rw.h | Classes for Rabin-Williams signature scheme |
safer.cpp | |
safer.h | Classes for the SAFER and SAFER-K block ciphers |
salsa.cpp | |
salsa.h | Classes for Salsa and Salsa20 stream ciphers |
scrypt.cpp | |
scrypt.h | Classes for Scrypt from RFC 7914 |
seal.cpp | |
seal.h | Classes for SEAL stream cipher |
secblock.h | Classes and functions for secure memory allocations |
secblockfwd.h | Forward declarations for SecBlock |
seckey.h | Classes and functions for implementing secret key algorithms |
seed.cpp | |
seed.h | Classes for the SEED block cipher |
serpent.cpp | |
serpent.h | Classes for the Serpent block cipher |
serpentp.h | |
sha.cpp | |
sha.h | Classes for SHA-1 and SHA-2 family of message digests |
sha1_armv4.h | |
sha256_armv4.h | |
sha3.cpp | |
sha3.h | Classes for SHA3 message digests |
sha512_armv4.h | |
sha_simd.cpp | |
shacal2.cpp | |
shacal2.h | Classes for the SHACAL-2 block cipher |
shacal2_simd.cpp | |
shake.cpp | |
shake.h | Classes for SHAKE message digests |
shark.cpp | |
shark.h | Classes for the SHARK block cipher |
sharkbox.cpp | |
simeck.cpp | |
simeck.h | Classes for the SIMECK block cipher |
simon.cpp | |
simon.h | Classes for the Simon block cipher |
simon128_simd.cpp | |
simple.cpp | |
simple.h | Classes providing basic library services |
siphash.h | Classes for SipHash message authentication code |
skipjack.cpp | |
skipjack.h | Classes for the SKIPJACK block cipher |
sm3.cpp | |
sm3.h | Classes for the SM3 hash function |
sm4.cpp | |
sm4.h | Classes for the SM4 block cipher |
sm4_simd.cpp | |
smartptr.h | Classes for automatic resource management |
sosemanuk.cpp | |
sosemanuk.h | Classes for Sosemanuk stream cipher |
speck.cpp | |
speck.h | Classes for the Speck block cipher |
speck128_simd.cpp | |
square.cpp | |
square.h | Classes for the Square block cipher |
squaretb.cpp | |
sse_simd.cpp | |
stdcpp.h | Common C++ header files |
strciphr.cpp | |
strciphr.h | Classes for implementing stream ciphers |
tea.cpp | |
tea.h | Classes for the TEA, BTEA and XTEA block ciphers |
tftables.cpp | |
threefish.cpp | |
threefish.h | Classes for the Threefish block cipher |
tiger.cpp | |
tiger.h | Classes for the Tiger message digest |
tigertab.cpp | |
trap.h | Debugging and diagnostic assertions |
trunhash.h | Classes for truncated hashes |
ttmac.cpp | |
ttmac.h | Classes for the TTMAC message authentication code |
tweetnacl.cpp | |
tweetnacl.h | |
twofish.cpp | |
twofish.h | Classes for the Twofish block cipher |
vmac.cpp | |
vmac.h | Classes for the VMAC message authentication code |
wake.cpp | |
wake.h | Classes for WAKE stream cipher |
whrlpool.cpp | |
whrlpool.h | Classes for the Whirlpool message digest |
words.h | Support functions for word operations |
xed25519.cpp | |
xed25519.h | Classes for x25519 and ed25519 operations |
xtr.cpp | |
xtr.h | The XTR public key system |
xtrcrypt.cpp | |
xtrcrypt.h | XTR public key system |
xts.cpp | |
xts.h | Classes for XTS block cipher mode of operation |
zdeflate.cpp | |
zdeflate.h | DEFLATE compression and decompression (RFC 1951) |
zinflate.cpp | |
zinflate.h | DEFLATE compression and decompression (RFC 1951) |
zlib.cpp | |
zlib.h | ZLIB compression and decompression (RFC 1950) |