Class Util

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      The default buffer size (1024) used by copyStream and copyReader and by the copyReader/copyStream methods if a zero or negative buffer size is supplied.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void closeQuietly​( closeable)
      Closes the object quietly, catching rather than throwing IOException.
      static void closeQuietly​( socket)
      Closes the socket quietly, catching rather than throwing IOException.
      static long copyReader​( source, dest)
      Same as copyReader(source, dest, DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE);
      static long copyReader​( source, dest, int bufferSize)
      Copies the contents of a Reader to a Writer using a copy buffer of a given size.
      static long copyReader​( source, dest, int bufferSize, long streamSize, CopyStreamListener listener)
      Copies the contents of a Reader to a Writer using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination.
      static long copyStream​( source, dest)
      Same as copyStream(source, dest, DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE);
      static long copyStream​( source, dest, int bufferSize)
      Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size.
      static long copyStream​( source, dest, int bufferSize, long streamSize, CopyStreamListener listener)
      Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination.
      static long copyStream​( source, dest, int bufferSize, long streamSize, CopyStreamListener listener, boolean flush)
      Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE
        The default buffer size (1024) used by copyStream and copyReader and by the copyReader/copyStream methods if a zero or negative buffer size is supplied.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • copyStream

        public static final long copyStream​( source,
                                            int bufferSize,
                                            long streamSize,
                                            CopyStreamListener listener,
                                            boolean flush)
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination. If you wish to notify more than one listener you should use a CopyStreamAdapter as the listener and register the additional listeners with the CopyStreamAdapter.

        The contents of the InputStream are read until the end of the stream is reached, but neither the source nor the destination are closed. You must do this yourself outside of the method call. The number of bytes read/written is returned.

        source - The source InputStream.
        dest - The destination OutputStream.
        bufferSize - The number of bytes to buffer during the copy. A zero or negative value means to use DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE.
        streamSize - The number of bytes in the stream being copied. Should be set to CopyStreamEvent.UNKNOWN_STREAM_SIZE if unknown. Not currently used (though it is passed to CopyStreamListener.bytesTransferred(long, int, long)
        listener - The CopyStreamListener to notify of progress. If this parameter is null, notification is not attempted.
        flush - Whether to flush the output stream after every write. This is necessary for interactive sessions that rely on buffered streams. If you don't flush, the data will stay in the stream buffer.
        number of bytes read/written
        CopyStreamException - If an error occurs while reading from the source or writing to the destination. The CopyStreamException will contain the number of bytes confirmed to have been transferred before an IOException occurred, and it will also contain the IOException that caused the error. These values can be retrieved with the CopyStreamException getTotalBytesTransferred() and getIOException() methods.
      • copyStream

        public static final long copyStream​( source,
                                            int bufferSize,
                                            long streamSize,
                                            CopyStreamListener listener)
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination. If you wish to notify more than one listener you should use a CopyStreamAdapter as the listener and register the additional listeners with the CopyStreamAdapter.

        The contents of the InputStream are read until the end of the stream is reached, but neither the source nor the destination are closed. You must do this yourself outside of the method call. The number of bytes read/written is returned.

        source - The source InputStream.
        dest - The destination OutputStream.
        bufferSize - The number of bytes to buffer during the copy. A zero or negative value means to use DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE.
        streamSize - The number of bytes in the stream being copied. Should be set to CopyStreamEvent.UNKNOWN_STREAM_SIZE if unknown. Not currently used (though it is passed to CopyStreamListener.bytesTransferred(long, int, long)
        listener - The CopyStreamListener to notify of progress. If this parameter is null, notification is not attempted.
        number of bytes read/written
        CopyStreamException - If an error occurs while reading from the source or writing to the destination. The CopyStreamException will contain the number of bytes confirmed to have been transferred before an IOException occurred, and it will also contain the IOException that caused the error. These values can be retrieved with the CopyStreamException getTotalBytesTransferred() and getIOException() methods.
      • copyStream

        public static final long copyStream​( source,
                                            int bufferSize)
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size. The contents of the InputStream are read until the end of the stream is reached, but neither the source nor the destination are closed. You must do this yourself outside of the method call. The number of bytes read/written is returned.
        source - The source InputStream.
        dest - The destination OutputStream.
        bufferSize - The number of bytes to buffer during the copy. A zero or negative value means to use DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE.
        The number of bytes read/written in the copy operation.
        CopyStreamException - If an error occurs while reading from the source or writing to the destination. The CopyStreamException will contain the number of bytes confirmed to have been transferred before an IOException occurred, and it will also contain the IOException that caused the error. These values can be retrieved with the CopyStreamException getTotalBytesTransferred() and getIOException() methods.
      • copyStream

        public static final long copyStream​( source,
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Same as copyStream(source, dest, DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE);
        source - where to copy from
        dest - where to copy to
        number of bytes copied
        CopyStreamException - on error
      • copyReader

        public static final long copyReader​( source,
                                            int bufferSize,
                                            long streamSize,
                                            CopyStreamListener listener)
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Copies the contents of a Reader to a Writer using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination. If you wish to notify more than one listener you should use a CopyStreamAdapter as the listener and register the additional listeners with the CopyStreamAdapter.

        The contents of the Reader are read until its end is reached, but neither the source nor the destination are closed. You must do this yourself outside of the method call. The number of characters read/written is returned.

        source - The source Reader.
        dest - The destination writer.
        bufferSize - The number of characters to buffer during the copy. A zero or negative value means to use DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE.
        streamSize - The number of characters in the stream being copied. Should be set to CopyStreamEvent.UNKNOWN_STREAM_SIZE if unknown. Not currently used (though it is passed to CopyStreamListener.bytesTransferred(long, int, long)
        listener - The CopyStreamListener to notify of progress. If this parameter is null, notification is not attempted.
        The number of characters read/written in the copy operation.
        CopyStreamException - If an error occurs while reading from the source or writing to the destination. The CopyStreamException will contain the number of bytes confirmed to have been transferred before an IOException occurred, and it will also contain the IOException that caused the error. These values can be retrieved with the CopyStreamException getTotalBytesTransferred() and getIOException() methods.
      • copyReader

        public static final long copyReader​( source,
                                            int bufferSize)
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Copies the contents of a Reader to a Writer using a copy buffer of a given size. The contents of the Reader are read until its end is reached, but neither the source nor the destination are closed. You must do this yourself outside of the method call. The number of characters read/written is returned.
        source - The source Reader.
        dest - The destination writer.
        bufferSize - The number of characters to buffer during the copy. A zero or negative value means to use DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE.
        The number of characters read/written in the copy operation.
        CopyStreamException - If an error occurs while reading from the source or writing to the destination. The CopyStreamException will contain the number of bytes confirmed to have been transferred before an IOException occurred, and it will also contain the IOException that caused the error. These values can be retrieved with the CopyStreamException getTotalBytesTransferred() and getIOException() methods.
      • copyReader

        public static final long copyReader​( source,
                                     throws CopyStreamException
        Same as copyReader(source, dest, DEFAULT_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE);
        source - where to copy from
        dest - where to copy to
        number of bytes copied
        CopyStreamException - on error
      • closeQuietly

        public static void closeQuietly​( closeable)
        Closes the object quietly, catching rather than throwing IOException. Intended for use from finally blocks.
        closeable - the object to close, may be null
      • closeQuietly

        public static void closeQuietly​( socket)
        Closes the socket quietly, catching rather than throwing IOException. Intended for use from finally blocks.
        socket - the socket to close, may be null