Class DotTerminatedMessageReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable, java.lang.Readable

    public final class DotTerminatedMessageReader
    DotTerminatedMessageReader is a class used to read messages from a server that are terminated by a single dot followed by a <CR><LF> sequence and with double dots appearing at the begining of lines which do not signal end of message yet start with a dot. Various Internet protocols such as NNTP and POP3 produce messages of this type.

    This class handles stripping of the duplicate period at the beginning of lines starting with a period, and ensures you cannot read past the end of the message.

    Note: versions since 3.0 extend BufferedReader rather than Reader, and no longer change the CRLF into the local EOL. Also only DOT CR LF acts as EOF.

    $Id: 1747119 2016-06-07 02:22:24Z ggregory $
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DotTerminatedMessageReader​( reader)
      Creates a DotTerminatedMessageReader that wraps an existing Reader input source.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Closes the message for reading.
      int read()
      Reads and returns the next character in the message.
      int read​(char[] buffer)
      Reads the next characters from the message into an array and returns the number of characters read.
      int read​(char[] buffer, int offset, int length)
      Reads the next characters from the message into an array and returns the number of characters read.
      java.lang.String readLine()
      Read a line of text.
      • Methods inherited from class

        lines, mark, markSupported, ready, reset, skip
      • Methods inherited from class

        nullReader, read, transferTo
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DotTerminatedMessageReader

        public DotTerminatedMessageReader​( reader)
        Creates a DotTerminatedMessageReader that wraps an existing Reader input source.
        reader - The Reader input source containing the message.
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public int read()
        Reads and returns the next character in the message. If the end of the message has been reached, returns -1. Note that a call to this method may result in multiple reads from the underlying input stream to decode the message properly (removing doubled dots and so on). All of this is transparent to the programmer and is only mentioned for completeness.
        read in class
        The next character in the message. Returns -1 if the end of the message has been reached.
        Throws: - If an error occurs while reading the underlying stream.
      • read

        public int read​(char[] buffer)
        Reads the next characters from the message into an array and returns the number of characters read. Returns -1 if the end of the message has been reached.
        read in class
        buffer - The character array in which to store the characters.
        The number of characters read. Returns -1 if the end of the message has been reached.
        Throws: - If an error occurs in reading the underlying stream.
      • read

        public int read​(char[] buffer,
                        int offset,
                        int length)
        Reads the next characters from the message into an array and returns the number of characters read. Returns -1 if the end of the message has been reached. The characters are stored in the array starting from the given offset and up to the length specified.
        read in class
        buffer - The character array in which to store the characters.
        offset - The offset into the array at which to start storing characters.
        length - The number of characters to read.
        The number of characters read. Returns -1 if the end of the message has been reached.
        Throws: - If an error occurs in reading the underlying stream.
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes the message for reading. This doesn't actually close the underlying stream. The underlying stream may still be used for communicating with the server and therefore is not closed.

        If the end of the message has not yet been reached, this method will read the remainder of the message until it reaches the end, so that the underlying stream may continue to be used properly for communicating with the server. If you do not fully read a message, you MUST close it, otherwise your program will likely hang or behave improperly.

        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        close in class
        Throws: - If an error occurs while reading the underlying stream.
      • readLine

        public java.lang.String readLine()
        Read a line of text. A line is considered to be terminated by carriage return followed immediately by a linefeed. This contrasts with BufferedReader which also allows other combinations.
        readLine in class