Class UnixFTPEntryParser

    • Field Detail


        public static final FTPClientConfig NUMERIC_DATE_CONFIG
        Some Linux distributions are now shipping an FTP server which formats file listing dates in an all-numeric format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. This is a very welcome development, and hopefully it will soon become the standard. However, since it is so new, for now, and possibly forever, we merely accomodate it, but do not make it the default.

        For now end users may specify this format only via UnixFTPEntryParser(FTPClientConfig). Steve Cohen - 2005-04-17

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnixFTPEntryParser

        public UnixFTPEntryParser()
        The default constructor for a UnixFTPEntryParser object.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the regular expression is unparseable. Should not be seen under normal conditions. It it is seen, this is a sign that REGEX is not a valid regular expression.
      • UnixFTPEntryParser

        public UnixFTPEntryParser​(FTPClientConfig config)
        This constructor allows the creation of a UnixFTPEntryParser object with something other than the default configuration.
        config - The configuration object used to configure this parser.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the regular expression is unparseable. Should not be seen under normal conditions. It it is seen, this is a sign that REGEX is not a valid regular expression.
      • UnixFTPEntryParser

        public UnixFTPEntryParser​(FTPClientConfig config,
                                  boolean trimLeadingSpaces)
        This constructor allows the creation of a UnixFTPEntryParser object with something other than the default configuration.
        config - The configuration object used to configure this parser.
        trimLeadingSpaces - if true, trim leading spaces from file names
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the regular expression is unparseable. Should not be seen under normal conditions. It it is seen, this is a sign that REGEX is not a valid regular expression.
    • Method Detail

      • preParse

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> preParse​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> original)
        Preparse the list to discard "total nnn" lines
        Specified by:
        preParse in interface FTPFileEntryParser
        preParse in class FTPFileEntryParserImpl
        original - Original list after it has been created from the server stream
        original unmodified.
      • parseFTPEntry

        public FTPFile parseFTPEntry​(java.lang.String entry)
        Parses a line of a unix (standard) FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an FTPFile instance. If the file listing line doesn't describe a file, null is returned, otherwise a FTPFile instance representing the files in the directory is returned.
        entry - A line of text from the file listing
        An FTPFile instance corresponding to the supplied entry