Class FastCosineTransformer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FastCosineTransformer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements RealTransformer
    Implements the Fast Cosine Transform for transformation of one-dimensional data sets. For reference, see Fast Fourier Transforms, ISBN 0849371635, chapter 3.

    FCT is its own inverse, up to a multiplier depending on conventions. The equations are listed in the comments of the corresponding methods.

    Different from FFT and FST, FCT requires the length of data set to be power of 2 plus one. Users should especially pay attention to the function transformation on how this affects the sampling.

    As of version 2.0 this no longer implements Serializable

    $Revision:670469 $ $Date:2008-06-23 10:01:38 +0200 (lun., 23 juin 2008) $
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct a default transformer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected double[] fct​(double[] f)
      Perform the FCT algorithm (including inverse).
      double[] inversetransform​(double[] f)
      Inversely transform the given real data set.
      double[] inversetransform​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      double[] inversetransform2​(double[] f)
      Inversely transform the given real data set.
      double[] inversetransform2​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      double[] transform​(double[] f)
      Transform the given real data set.
      double[] transform​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      double[] transform2​(double[] f)
      Transform the given real data set.
      double[] transform2​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FastCosineTransformer

        public FastCosineTransformer()
        Construct a default transformer.
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public double[] transform​(double[] f)
                           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Transform the given real data set.

        The formula is Fn = (1/2) [f0 + (-1)n fN] + ∑k=1N-1 fk cos(π nk/N)

        Specified by:
        transform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the real data array to be transformed
        the real transformed array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • transform

        public double[] transform​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                  double min,
                                  double max,
                                  int n)
                           throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.

        The formula is Fn = (1/2) [f0 + (-1)n fN] + ∑k=1N-1 fk cos(π nk/N)

        Specified by:
        transform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the function to be sampled and transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • transform2

        public double[] transform2​(double[] f)
                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Transform the given real data set.

        The formula is Fn = √(1/2N) [f0 + (-1)n fN] + √(2/N) ∑k=1N-1 fk cos(π nk/N)

        f - the real data array to be transformed
        the real transformed array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • transform2

        public double[] transform2​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                   double min,
                                   double max,
                                   int n)
                            throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.

        The formula is Fn = √(1/2N) [f0 + (-1)n fN] + √(2/N) ∑k=1N-1 fk cos(π nk/N)

        f - the function to be sampled and transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform

        public double[] inversetransform​(double[] f)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Inversely transform the given real data set.

        The formula is fk = (1/N) [F0 + (-1)k FN] + (2/N) ∑n=1N-1 Fn cos(π nk/N)

        Specified by:
        inversetransform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the real data array to be inversely transformed
        the real inversely transformed array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform

        public double[] inversetransform​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                         double min,
                                         double max,
                                         int n)
                                  throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.

        The formula is fk = (1/N) [F0 + (-1)k FN] + (2/N) ∑n=1N-1 Fn cos(π nk/N)

        Specified by:
        inversetransform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the function to be sampled and inversely transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real inversely transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform2

        public double[] inversetransform2​(double[] f)
                                   throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Inversely transform the given real data set.

        The formula is fk = √(1/2N) [F0 + (-1)k FN] + √(2/N) ∑n=1N-1 Fn cos(π nk/N)

        f - the real data array to be inversely transformed
        the real inversely transformed array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform2

        public double[] inversetransform2​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                          double min,
                                          double max,
                                          int n)
                                   throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.

        The formula is fk = √(1/2N) [F0 + (-1)k FN] + √(2/N) ∑n=1N-1 Fn cos(π nk/N)

        f - the function to be sampled and inversely transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real inversely transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • fct

        protected double[] fct​(double[] f)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Perform the FCT algorithm (including inverse).
        f - the real data array to be transformed
        the real transformed array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid