Interface LinearOptimizer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractLinearOptimizer, SimplexSolver

    public interface LinearOptimizer
    This interface represents an optimization algorithm for linear problems.

    Optimization algorithms find the input point set that either maximize or minimize an objective function. In the linear case the form of the function is restricted to

     c1x1 + ... cnxn = v
    and there may be linear constraints too, of one of the forms:
    • c1x1 + ... cnxn = v
    • c1x1 + ... cnxn <= v
    • c1x1 + ... cnxn >= v
    • l1x1 + ... lnxn + lcst = r1x1 + ... rnxn + rcst
    • l1x1 + ... lnxn + lcst <= r1x1 + ... rnxn + rcst
    • l1x1 + ... lnxn + lcst >= r1x1 + ... rnxn + rcst
    where the ci, li or ri are the coefficients of the constraints, the xi are the coordinates of the current point and v is the value of the constraint.

    $Revision: 811685 $ $Date: 2009-09-05 19:36:48 +0200 (sam. 05 sept. 2009) $
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxIterations

        void setMaxIterations​(int maxIterations)
        Set the maximal number of iterations of the algorithm.
        maxIterations - maximal number of function calls
      • getMaxIterations

        int getMaxIterations()
        Get the maximal number of iterations of the algorithm.
        maximal number of iterations
      • getIterations

        int getIterations()
        Get the number of iterations realized by the algorithm.

        The number of evaluations corresponds to the last call to the optimize method. It is 0 if the method has not been called yet.

        number of iterations