All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractByteArrayOutputStream |
This is the base class for implementing an output stream in which the data
is written into a byte array.
AbstractByteArrayOutputStream.InputStreamConstructor<T extends> |
Constructor for an InputStream subclass.
AbstractCharacterFilterReader |
A filter reader that filters out characters where subclasses decide which characters to filter out.
AbstractFileFilter |
Abstracts the implementation of the FileFilter (IO), FilenameFilter (IO), PathFilter (NIO)
interfaces via our own IOFileFilter interface.
AccumulatorPathVisitor |
Accumulates normalized paths during visitation.
AgeFileFilter |
Filters files based on a cutoff time, can filter either newer files or files equal to or older.
AndFileFilter |
A FileFilter providing conditional AND logic across a list of
file filters.
AppendableOutputStream<T extends java.lang.Appendable> |
OutputStream implementation that writes the data to an Appendable
AppendableWriter<T extends java.lang.Appendable> |
Writer implementation that writes the data to an Appendable
AutoCloseInputStream |
Proxy stream that closes and discards the underlying stream as soon as the
end of input has been reached or when the stream is explicitly closed.
BOMInputStream |
This class is used to wrap a stream that includes an encoded ByteOrderMark as its first bytes.
BoundedInputStream |
This is a stream that will only supply bytes up to a certain length - if its
position goes above that, it will stop.
BoundedReader |
A reader that imposes a limit to the number of characters that can be read from an underlying reader, returning EOF
when this limit is reached, regardless of state of underlying reader.
BrokenInputStream |
Broken input stream.
BrokenOutputStream |
Broken output stream.
BrokenReader |
Broken reader.
BrokenWriter |
Broken writer.
BufferedFileChannelInputStream |
InputStream implementation which uses direct buffer to read a file to avoid extra copy of data between Java
and native memory which happens when using BufferedInputStream .
ByteArrayOutputStream |
ByteOrderMark |
ByteOrderParser |
Converts Strings to ByteOrder instances.
CanExecuteFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that can be executed.
CanReadFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that can be read.
CanWriteFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that can be written to.
CharacterFilterReader |
A filter reader that filters out a given character represented as an int code point, handy to remove
known junk characters from CSV files for example.
CharacterSetFilterReader |
A filter reader that removes a given set of characters represented as int code points, handy to remove known
junk characters from CSV files for example.
CharSequenceInputStream |
InputStream implementation that can read from String, StringBuffer,
StringBuilder or CharBuffer.
CharSequenceReader |
Reader implementation that can read from String, StringBuffer,
StringBuilder or CharBuffer.
Charsets |
Charsets required of every implementation of the Java platform.
ChunkedOutputStream |
OutputStream which breaks larger output blocks into chunks.
ChunkedWriter |
Writer which breaks larger output blocks into chunks.
CircularBufferInputStream |
CircularByteBuffer |
A buffer, which doesn't need reallocation of byte arrays, because it
reuses a single byte array.
CircularInputStream |
An InputStream that repeats provided bytes for given target byte count.
ClassLoaderObjectInputStream |
A special ObjectInputStream that loads a class based on a specified
ClassLoader rather than the system default.
ClassNameMatcher |
An object that matches a Class name to a condition.
CleaningPathVisitor |
Deletes files but not directories as a visit proceeds.
ClosedInputStream |
Closed input stream.
ClosedOutputStream |
Throws an exception on all attempts to write to the stream.
ClosedReader |
Closed reader.
ClosedWriter |
CloseShieldInputStream |
Proxy stream that prevents the underlying input stream from being closed.
CloseShieldOutputStream |
Proxy stream that prevents the underlying output stream from being closed.
CloseShieldReader |
Proxy reader that prevents the underlying reader from being closed.
CloseShieldWriter |
Proxy writer that prevents the underlying writer from being closed.
CompositeFileComparator |
Compare two files using a set of delegate file Comparator .
ConditionalFileFilter |
Defines operations for conditional file filters.
CopyDirectoryVisitor |
Copies a source directory to a target directory.
CopyUtils |
Counters |
Provides counters for files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
Counters.Counter |
Counts using a number.
Counters.PathCounters |
Counts files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
CountingInputStream |
A decorating input stream that counts the number of bytes that have passed
through the stream so far.
CountingOutputStream |
A decorating output stream that counts the number of bytes that have passed
through the stream so far.
CountingPathVisitor |
Counts files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
DefaultFileComparator |
Compare two files using the default File.compareTo(File) method.
DeferredFileOutputStream |
An output stream which will retain data in memory until a specified threshold is reached, and only then commit it to
DelegateFileFilter |
This class turns a Java FileFilter or FilenameFilter into an IO FileFilter.
DeleteOption |
An object that configures how to delete a file.
DeletingPathVisitor |
Deletes files and directories as a visit proceeds.
DemuxInputStream |
Data written to this stream is forwarded to a stream that has been associated with this thread.
DemuxOutputStream |
Forwards data to a stream that has been associated with this thread.
DirectoryFileComparator |
Compare two files using the File.isDirectory() method.
DirectoryFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that are directories.
DirectoryStreamFilter |
A DirectoryStream.Filter that delegates to a PathFilter .
DirectoryWalker<T> |
DirectoryWalker.CancelException |
CancelException is thrown in DirectoryWalker to cancel the current
EmptyFileFilter |
This filter accepts files or directories that are empty.
EndianUtils |
Utility code for dealing with different endian systems.
ExtensionFileComparator |
FalseFileFilter |
A file filter that always returns false.
FileAlterationListener |
A listener that receives events of file system modifications.
FileAlterationListenerAdaptor |
FileAlterationMonitor |
A runnable that spawns a monitoring thread triggering any
registered FileAlterationObserver at a specified interval.
FileAlterationObserver |
FileAlterationObserver represents the state of files below a root directory,
checking the file system and notifying listeners of create, change or
delete events.
FileCleaner |
FileCleaningTracker |
Keeps track of files awaiting deletion, and deletes them when an associated
marker object is reclaimed by the garbage collector.
FileDeleteStrategy |
Strategy for deleting files.
FileEntry |
The state of a file or directory, capturing the following File attributes at a point in time.
FileEqualsFileFilter |
Accepts only an exact File object match.
FileExistsException |
Indicates that a file already exists.
FileFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that are files (not directories).
FileFilterUtils |
Useful utilities for working with file filters.
FilenameUtils |
General file name and file path manipulation utilities.
FileSystem |
FileSystemProviders |
Helps working with FileSystemProvider .
FileSystemUtils |
FileUtils |
General file manipulation utilities.
FileWriterWithEncoding |
Writer of files that allows the encoding to be set.
FilterCollectionWriter |
Abstract class for writing filtered character streams to a Collection of writers.
HexDump |
Dumps data in hexadecimal format.
HiddenFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that are hidden.
InfiniteCircularInputStream |
An InputStream that infinitely repeats the provided bytes.
IOCase |
Enumeration of IO case sensitivity.
IOConsumer<T> |
Like Consumer but throws IOException .
IOExceptionList |
A IOException based on a list of Throwable causes.
IOExceptionWithCause |
IOFileFilter |
An interface which brings the FileFilter, FilenameFilter, and PathFilter interfaces together.
IOFunction<T,R> |
Like Function but throws IOException .
IOIndexedException |
A IOException associated with a source index.
IOSupplier<T> |
Like Supplier but throws IOException .
IOUtils |
General IO stream manipulation utilities.
LastModifiedFileComparator |
LineIterator |
An Iterator over the lines in a Reader .
LockableFileWriter |
FileWriter that will create and honor lock files to allow simple
cross thread file lock handling.
MagicNumberFileFilter |
File filter for matching files containing a "magic number".
MarkShieldInputStream |
This is an alternative to ByteArrayInputStream
which removes the synchronization overhead for non-concurrent
access; as such this class is not thread-safe.
MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream |
MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream.MessageDigestMaintainingObserver |
Maintains the message digest.
NameFileComparator |
Compare the names of two files for order (see File.getName() ).
NameFileFilter |
Filters file names for a certain name.
NoopPathVisitor |
A noop path visitor.
NotFileFilter |
This filter produces a logical NOT of the filters specified.
NullAppendable |
Appends all data to the famous /dev/null.
NullInputStream |
A functional, light weight InputStream that emulates
a stream of a specified size.
NullOutputStream |
Writes all data to the famous /dev/null.
NullPrintStream |
Writes all data to the famous /dev/null.
NullReader |
A functional, light weight Reader that emulates
a reader of a specified size.
NullWriter |
Writes all data to the famous /dev/null.
ObservableInputStream |
The ObservableInputStream allows, that an InputStream may be consumed by other receivers, apart from the
thread, which is reading it.
ObservableInputStream.Observer |
Abstracts observer callback for ObservableInputStream s.
OrFileFilter |
A FileFilter providing conditional OR logic across a list of file filters.
PathEqualsFileFilter |
Accepts only an exact Path object match.
PathFileComparator |
Compare the path of two files for order (see File.getPath() ).
PathFilter |
A filter for Path s.
PathUtils |
NIO Path utilities.
PathVisitor |
A FileVisitor typed to a Path .
PathVisitorFileFilter |
A file filter backed by a path visitor.
PeekableInputStream |
Implements a buffered input stream, which allows to peek into the buffers first bytes.
PrefixFileFilter |
Filters file names for a certain prefix.
ProxyCollectionWriter |
A Proxy stream collection which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied streams and
doesn't change which methods are being called.
ProxyInputStream |
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method
calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are
being called.
ProxyOutputStream |
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method
calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are
being called.
ProxyReader |
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method
calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are
being called.
ProxyWriter |
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't
change which methods are being called.
QueueInputStream |
Simple alternative to JDK PipedInputStream ; queue input stream provides what's written in queue
output stream.
QueueOutputStream |
Simple alternative to JDK PipedOutputStream ; queue input stream provides what's written in queue
output stream.
RandomAccessFileInputStream |
Streams data from a RandomAccessFile starting at its current position.
ReadAheadInputStream |
Implements InputStream to asynchronously read ahead from an underlying input stream when a specified amount
of data has been read from the current buffer.
ReaderInputStream |
InputStream implementation that reads a character stream from a Reader
and transforms it to a byte stream using a specified charset encoding.
RegexFileFilter |
Filters files using supplied regular expression(s).
ReversedLinesFileReader |
Reads lines in a file reversely (similar to a BufferedReader, but starting at
the last line).
SequenceReader |
Provides the contents of multiple Readers in sequence.
SimplePathVisitor |
A SimpleFileVisitor typed to a Path .
SizeFileComparator |
SizeFileFilter |
Filters files based on size, can filter either smaller files or
files equal to or larger than a given threshold.
StandardDeleteOption |
Defines the standard delete options.
StandardLineSeparator |
StringBuilderWriter |
Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder .
SuffixFileFilter |
Filters files based on the suffix (what the file name ends with).
SwappedDataInputStream |
DataInput for systems relying on little endian data formats.
SymbolicLinkFileFilter |
This filter accepts File s that are symbolic links.
TaggedInputStream |
An input stream decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the
stream that caused the exception can easily be identified.
TaggedIOException |
An IOException decorator that adds a serializable tag to the
wrapped exception.
TaggedOutputStream |
An output stream decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the
stream that caused the exception can easily be identified.
TaggedReader |
A reader decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the reader that caused the exception can easily be
TaggedWriter |
A writer decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the
reader that caused the exception can easily be identified.
Tailer |
Simple implementation of the unix "tail -f" functionality.
TailerListener |
Listener for events from a Tailer .
TailerListenerAdapter |
TeeInputStream |
InputStream proxy that transparently writes a copy of all bytes read
from the proxied stream to a given OutputStream.
TeeOutputStream |
Classic splitter of OutputStream .
TeeReader |
Reader proxy that transparently writes a copy of all characters read from the proxied reader to a given Reader.
TeeWriter |
Classic splitter of Writer .
ThresholdingOutputStream |
An output stream which triggers an event when a specified number of bytes of data have been written to it.
TimestampedObserver |
An observer with timestamps.
TrueFileFilter |
A file filter that always returns true.
UnixLineEndingInputStream |
A filtering input stream that ensures the content will have UNIX-style line endings, LF.
UnsynchronizedByteArrayInputStream |
This is an alternative to ByteArrayInputStream
which removes the synchronization overhead for non-concurrent
access; as such this class is not thread-safe.
UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream |
ValidatingObjectInputStream |
An ObjectInputStream that's restricted to deserialize
a limited set of classes.
WildcardFileFilter |
Filters files using the supplied wildcards.
WildcardFilter |
WindowsLineEndingInputStream |
A filtering input stream that ensures the content will have Windows line endings, CRLF.
WriterOutputStream |
OutputStream implementation that transforms a byte stream to a
character stream using a specified charset encoding and writes the resulting
stream to a Writer .
XmlStreamReader |
Character stream that handles all the necessary Voodoo to figure out the
charset encoding of the XML document within the stream.
XmlStreamReaderException |
The XmlStreamReaderException is thrown by the XmlStreamReader constructors if
the charset encoding can not be determined according to the XML 1.0
specification and RFC 3023.
XmlStreamWriter |
Character stream that handles all the necessary Voodoo to figure out the
charset encoding of the XML document written to the stream.