Colt 1.2.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DoubleMatrix2DProcedure
cern.colt.matrix Matrix interfaces and factories; efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2, 3 and d-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc; Templated, fixed sized (not dynamically resizable); Also known as multi-dimensional arrays or Data Cubes
cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo Double matrix algorithms such as print formatting, sorting, partitioning and statistics. 

Uses of DoubleMatrix2DProcedure in cern.colt.matrix

Methods in cern.colt.matrix with parameters of type DoubleMatrix2DProcedure
 DoubleMatrix3D DoubleMatrix3D.viewSelection(DoubleMatrix2DProcedure condition)
          Constructs and returns a new selection view that is a matrix holding all slices matching the given condition.

Uses of DoubleMatrix2DProcedure in cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo with parameters of type DoubleMatrix2DProcedure
static int Stencil.stencil9(DoubleMatrix2D A, Double9Function function, int maxIterations, DoubleMatrix2DProcedure hasConverged, int convergenceIterations)
          9 point stencil operation.

Colt 1.2.0

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