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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Ccc_stringThe cc_string type is a C ADT for ASCII string management.This is a Coin extension
 CSbBox2d2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates.This box class is used by many other classes in Coin for data exchange and storage. It provides two box corners with double precision coordinates, which is among other things useful for representing screen or canvas dimensions in normalized coordinates
 CSbBox2f2 dimensional box with floating point corner coordinates.This box class is used by many other classes in Coin for data exchange and storage. It provides two box corners with floating point coordinates, which is among other things useful for representing screen or canvas dimensions in normalized coordinates
 CSbBox2s2 dimensional box with short integer coordinates.This box class is used by other classes in Coin for data exchange. It provides storage for two box corners with short integer coordinates, which is among other things useful for representing screen or canvas areas in absolute window coordinates
 CSbBox3dAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box.This box abstraction class is used by other entities in the Coin library for data exchange and storage. It provides a representation of the defining corners of a box in 3D space, with the sides aligned with the 3 principal axes
 CSbBox3fAbstraction for an axis aligned 3 dimensional box.This box abstraction class is used by other entities in the Coin library for data exchange and storage. It provides a representation of the defining corners of a box in 3D space, with the sides aligned with the 3 principal axes
 CSbBox3s3 dimensional box with short integer coordinates.This box class is used by other classes in Coin for data exchange. It provides storage for two box corners with short integer coordinates, which is among other things useful for representing screen or canvas areas in absolute window coordinates
 CSbBSPTreeBinary space partitioning container.This class can be used to organize searches for 3D points or normals in a set in O(log(n)) time
 CSbClipGeneric polygon clipper class.It is used by first adding all vertices in the polygon, and then clipping against any number of planes. If you need to supply additional information per vertex (e.g. texture coordinates), you should supply a callback in the constructor, and a pointer to your vertex structure in addVertex(). For every new vertex created, the callback is called with the line being clipped, including the pointers to your vertex structures and the position of the new (clipped against some plane) vertex. You should then create a new vertex structure, calculate your data (e.g. a new texture coordinate) and return a pointer to this structure
 CSbCylinderRepresentation of a cylinder.This class is used within other classes in Coin. It contains data to represent a cylinder by an axis and a radius. The cylinder has no length/height value, which means it is treated as of infinite length
 CSbDictOrganizes a dictionary of keys and values.It uses hashing to quickly insert and find entries in the dictionary. An entry consists of an unique key and a generic pointer
 CSbDPLineLine in 3D space.SbDPLine is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides a way of specifying a directed line (also known as a ray) through a specified point (origin) and a direction in 3D space. Note that the line is infinite in both directions from its definition point
 CSbDPMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a double-precision matrix.This class is like the SbMatrix class, but uses double-precision floating point values for its elements. For more class documentation, see SbMatrix
 CSbDPPlanePlane in 3D space.SbDPPlane is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides a way of representing a plane, specified by a plane normal vector and a distance from the origin of the coordinate system
 CSbDPRotationRotation in 3D space.SbDPRotation is used extensively throughout the Coin library
 CSbDPViewVolumeDouble precision viewing volume in 3D space.This class contains the necessary information for storing a view volume. It has methods for projection of primitives from or into the 3D volume, doing camera transforms, view volume transforms etc
 CSbHeapGeneric heap class.FIXME: write doc
 CSbHeapFuncsThe SbHeapFuncs struct is used to specify functions on heap elements
 CSbImageAbstract datatype for 2D and 3D images.Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API
 CSbLineLine in 3D space.SbLine provides a way of specifying a directed line, through a 3D point (origin) and a vector direction in 3D space
 CSbList< Type >The SbList class is a template container class for lists.SbList is an extension of the Coin library versus the original Open Inventor API. Open Inventor handles most list classes by inheriting the SbPList class, which contains an array of generic void* pointers. By using this template-based class instead, we can share more code and make the list handling code more typesafe
 CSbList< BogusSet * >
 CSbList< CallbackInfo >
 CSbList< cc_glyph2d * >
 CSbList< cc_glyph3d * >
 CSbList< cc_xml_attr * >
 CSbList< cc_xml_elt * >
 CSbList< class CatalogItem * >
 CSbList< const char * >
 CSbList< ContentsCopiedMap * >
 CSbList< dldata >
 CSbList< double >
 CSbList< float >
 CSbList< int >
 CSbList< int32_t >
 CSbList< ReadImageCBData >
 CSbList< SbBool >
 CSbList< SbClipData >
 CSbList< SbList< SbVec2s > >
 CSbList< SbMatrix >
 CSbList< SbName >
 CSbList< SbString >
 CSbList< SbTri3f * >
 CSbList< SbVec2f >
 CSbList< SbVec2s >
 CSbList< SbVec3f >
 CSbList< SbVec4f >
 CSbList< ScXMLEventTarget * >
 CSbList< SendLookup >
 CSbList< ShapeData * >
 CSbList< so_plane_data >
 CSbList< SoDelayQueueSensor * >
 CSbList< SoElement * >
 CSbList< SoEnumEntry * >
 CSbList< SoFieldContainerCopyMap * >
 CSbList< SoFieldEntry * >
 CSbList< SoGLDisplayList * >
 CSbList< SoGLDriver * >
 CSbList< SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement::GLUnitData >
 CSbList< SoGLMultiTextureImageElement::GLUnitData >
 CSbList< SoGLRenderCache * >
 CSbList< SoInput_FileInfo * >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureEnabledElement::Mode >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureImageElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoMultiTextureMatrixElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoNode * >
 CSbList< SoOutputDataEntry * >
 CSbList< SoOutputROUTE >
 CSbList< SoOutputROUTEList * >
 CSbList< SoPath * >
 CSbList< SoProto * >
 CSbList< SoSFNode * >
 CSbList< SoShadowLightCache * >
 CSbList< soshape_bigtexture * >
 CSbList< SoTempPath * >
 CSbList< SoTextureCombineElement::UnitData >
 CSbList< SoTimerQueueSensor * >
 CSbList< SoTimerSensor * >
 CSbList< SoTypeData * >
 CSbList< SoVBO * >
 CSbList< struct so_eval_node * >
 CSbList< struct Vertex * >
 CSbList< uint16_t >
 CSbList< uint32_t >
 CSbList< uint8_t >
 CSbList< unsigned int >
 CSbList< versionrange >
 CSbList< Vertex >
 CSbList< void * >
 CSbMatrix4x4 dimensional representation of a matrix.SbMatrix is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a 4x4 matrix of single-precision floating point values
 CSbNameStores strings by reference.The class is used by Coin for storing keywords, names and other strings. They are stored in a manner where identical strings are guaranteed to map to the same memory address (as returned by the SbName::getString() method)
 CSbOctTreeDefines a generic oct tree for fast geometry searches.Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API
 CSbPlanePlane in 3D space.SbPlane is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides a way of representing a plane, specified by a plane normal vector and a distance from the origin of the coordinate system
 CSbPListContainer class for void pointers
 CSbProfilingDataData structure for gathering scene graph traversal profiling information
 CSbProjectorAbstract base projector class.Projectors are used in the Coin library for mapping 2D coordinates (typically from the position of the mouse cursor in the rendering window) to 3D "world" coordinates
 CSbRotationRotation in 3D space.SbRotation is used extensively throughout the Coin library
 CSbSphereRepresentation of a sphere.This class is used within many other classes in Coin. It contains the data neccessary to represent a sphere (a 3D point and a radius)
 CSbStringString class with convenience functions for string operations.This is the class used for storing and working with character strings. It automatically takes care of supporting all the "bookkeeping" tasks usually associated with working with character strings, like memory allocation and deallocation etc
 CSbTesselatorUsed to tessellate polygons into triangles.SbTesselator is used within Coin to split polygons into triangles. It handles concave polygons, does Delaunay triangulation and avoids generating self-intersecting triangles
 CSbTimeInstances represents time values.SbTime is a convenient way of doing system independent representation and calculations on time values of high resolution
 CSbTypeInfo< T >Type information library for Coin types and their relations
 CSbVec2bVector class for containing two byte integers
 CSbVec2d2 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a vector in 2 dimensions aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations on this vector
 CSbVec2f2 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a vector in 2 dimensions aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations on this vector
 CSbVec2i322 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a vector in 2 dimensions as well as simple integer arithmetic operations
 CSbVec2s2 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a vector in 2 dimensions as well as simple integer arithmetic operations
 CSbVec3d3 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates.This vector class provides storage for a 3 dimensional double precision floating point vector aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations
 CSbVec3f3 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a 3 dimensional vector aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations
 CSbVec3s3 dimensional vector with short integer coordinates.This vector class provides storage for a 3 dimensional vector as well as simple integer arithmetic operations
 CSbVec4d4 dimensional vector with double precision floating point coordinates.This vector class is not by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a 3 dimensional homogeneoues vector (with the 4 components usually referred to as <x, y, z, w>) aswell as simple double precision floating point arithmetic operations
 CSbVec4f4 dimensional vector with floating point coordinates.This vector class is used by many other classes in Coin. It provides storage for a 3 dimensional homogeneoues vector (with the 4 components usually referred to as <x, y, z, w>) aswell as simple floating point arithmetic operations
 CSbViewportRegionViewport within a full window.The SbViewportRegion class contains information to represent a subview within a window. It stores information about the origin and size of the subview, aswell as the size of the underlying "full" window
 CSbViewVolumeViewing volume in 3D space.This class contains the necessary information for storing a view volume. It has methods for projection of primitives into the 3D volume from 2D points in the projection plane or vice versa, doing camera transforms, view volume transforms, etc
 CScXMLNamespace for static ScXML-related functions
 CScXMLAndOpExprDataObjImplements the logical AND operator
 CScXMLEltReaderBase class for element reader objects
 CScXMLMinimumExprDataObjImplements the data objects for the evaluator for the minimum profile
 CScXMLObjectBase class for all SCXML objects
 CScXMLReferenceDataObjA data object representing a reference to another object in the data model
 CSoActionBase class for all traversal actions.Applying actions is the basic mechanism in Coin for executing various operations on scene graphs or paths within scene graphs, including search operations, rendering, interaction through picking, etc
 CSoAudioDeviceUsed to control an audio device.The SoAudioDevice class is responsible for initialization of an audio device, as well as enabling and disabling sound. It is a singleton class
 CSoBaseTop-level superclass for a number of class-hierarchies.SoBase provides the basic interfaces and methods for doing reference counting, type identification and import/export. All classes in Coin which uses these mechanisms are descendent from this class
 CSoBundleSuperclass for all bundle classes
 CSoCacheSuperclass for all internal cache classes.It organizes reference counting to make it possible to share cache instances. It also organizes a list of elements that will affect the cache. If any of the elements have changed since the cache was created, the cache is invalid
 CSoCallbackListThe SoCallbackList is a container for callback function pointers.This list stores callback function pointers (along with user-specified extra data to pass to the callbacks) and provides a method for triggering the callback functions
 CSoContextHandlerFor now to be treated as an internal class
 CSoDBKeeps track of internal global data.This class collects various methods for initializing, setting and accessing common global data from the Coin library
 CSoDetailSuperclass for all classes storing detailed information about particular shapes.Detail information about shapes is used in relation to picking actions in Coin. They typically contain the relevant information about what particular part of the shape a pick ray intersected with
 CSoElementSoElement is the abstract base class for all elements
 CSoEnabledElementsListContainer for type info for element types that are enabled in actions.This class is probably not interesting for the application programmer
 CSoEngineOutputOutput slots in SoEngine instances.SoEngineOutput has methods for convenient handling of the connections made from SoEngine objects to SoField objects
 CSoEngineOutputDataContainer for a prototype set of outputs.This class is instantiated once for each class of objects which use outputs, and which needs to be able to import and export them
 CSoErrorBase class for all the error handling classes.The default error handler just prints messages on the standard error output channel, but this can be overridden by client applications
 CSoEventBase class for all Coin events.Coin contains its own set of event classes, independent of the underlying window system
 CSoEventManagerEvent handling for a Coin3D viewer
 CSoFieldTop-level abstract base class for fields.Fields is the mechanism used throughout Coin for encapsulating basic data types to detect changes made to them, and to provide conversion, import and export facilities
 CSoFieldDataContainer for a prototype set of fields.This class is instantiated once for each class of objects which use fields, and which needs to be able to import and export them
 CSoGLCacheListUsed to store and manage OpenGL caches
 CSoGLDisplayListStores and manages OpenGL display lists.The TEXTURE_OBJECT type is not directly supported in Coin. We handle textures differently in a more flexible class called SoGLImage, which also stores some information about the texture used when rendering. Old code which use this element should not stop working though. The texture object extension will just not be used, and the texture will be stored in a display list instead
 CSoGLDriverDatabaseUsed for looking up broken/slow features in OpenGL drivers
 CSoGLImageUsed to handle OpenGL 2D/3D textures
 CSoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElementStores the current gltexture coordinates for several units
 CSoGLProjectionMatrixElementYet to be documented.FIXME: write doc
 CSoGLShapeHintsElementYet to be documented.FIXME: write doc
 CSoGlyphUsed to generate and reuse font glyph bitmaps and outlines
 CSoInputAbstraction of file import functionality.This class takes care of most of the chores of doing data import in Coin. It puts a layer of abstraction over the read operations to make it transparent for the rest of the Coin code whether or not we're reading from a file, from a memory buffer or from stdin
 CSoInteractionTakes care of initalizing internal classes.SoInteraction is present for the sole purpose of providing an interface to the initialization methods of the classes in Coin which are somehow related to user interaction, like the draggers and manipulators
 CSoIntersectingPrimitiveStruct with collision information
 CSoLightPathLight version of SoPath.SoLightPath can be used if you only need a temporary path, and don't want the overhead that comes with an SoPath (ref, unref, auditing etc)
 CSoNodeKitUsed to initialize the nodekit classes.The sole function of SoNodeKit is to be just a placeholder for the toplevel initialization code for all nodekit-related classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogContainer for nodekit layouts.Nodekits store all their hierarchical layout information and part information in instances of this class
 CSoNormalGeneratorUsed to generate normals.FIXME: document properly
 CSoNotListList of SoNotRec notification records
 CSoNotRecRecords for notification lists
 CSoOffscreenRendererUsed for rendering scenes in offscreen buffers.If you want to render to a memory buffer instead of an on-screen OpenGL context, use this class. Rendering to a memory buffer can be used to generate texture maps on-the-fly, or for saving snapshots of the scene to disk files (as pixel bitmaps or as Postscript files for sending to a Postscript-capable printer)
 CSoOutputAbstraction of an output stream.SoOutput offers the ability to write basic types to a file or a memory buffer in either ASCII or binary format
 CSoPickedPointUsed for specifying picked points.It holds miscellaneous information about the picked point, such as position, normal, texture coordinate and material index in the current material. It might also hold detail information (an SoDetail subclass) for every node in the picked path
 CSoPrimitiveVertexSingle vertex of a generated primitive.Instances of SoPrimitiveVertex are constructed when generating primitive data, primarily during an SoCallbackAction traversal. Depending on the context the vertex could represent a single 3D point, one of the two vertices in a line or one of the three vertices in a triangle
 CSoProfilerMain static class for initializing the scene graph profiling subsystem
 CSoProfilingReportGeneratorConvenience report generator functionality
 CSoRenderManagerUsed for controlling the rendering of a scene graph
 CSoSceneManagerMain interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit.The renderarea class from the GUI toolkit you are using uses this class as the interface against the scene graph. Event handling and providing "hooks" to do rendering are the main functions of the class
 CSoScXMLNavigationStatic class for some static init/cleanup/synchronization functions
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for all sensors.Sensors is a mechanism in Coin for scheduling jobs to be run upon specific events. The events in question could be particular points in time, or changes to entities in the scene graph
 CSoSensorManagerHandles the sensor queues.There are two major sensor types in Coin, "delay" sensors and "timer" sensors:
 CSoStateManages the Coin scenegraph traversal state data.The SoState class is used by actions derived from the SoAction class. It manages the scenegraph state as stacks of elements (ie instances of classes derived from SoElement)
 CSoTexture2Used to map a 2D texture onto subsequent geometry in the scenegraph.Shape nodes within the scope of SoTexture2 nodes in the scenegraph (ie below the same SoSeparator and to the righthand side of the SoTexture2) will have the texture applied according to each shape type's individual characteristics. See the documentation of the various shape types (SoFaceSet, SoCube, SoSphere, etc etc) for information about the specifics of how the textures will be applied
 CSoTexture3Used to map a 3D texture onto geometry.Shape nodes within the scope of SoTexture3 nodes in the scenegraph (ie below the same SoSeparator and to the righthand side of the SoTexture3) will have the texture applied according to each shape type's individual characteristics. See the documentation of the various shape types (SoFaceSet, SoCube, SoSphere, etc etc) for information about the specifics of how the textures will be applied. An SoTexture3 node will override any previous encountered SoTexture2 nodes and vice versa. Mixing of SoTexture3 and SoTextureCoordinate2 (or the other way around) is legal, but the third texture coordinate component will be ignored (set to 0.0)
 CSoTextureCubeMapUsed to map a cube map onto subsequent shape nodes.Shape nodes within the scope of SoTextureCubeMap nodes in the scenegraph (ie below the same SoSeparator and to the righthand side of the SoTextureCubeMap) will have the texture applied according to each shape type's individual characteristics. See the documentation of the various shape types (SoFaceSet, SoCube, SoSphere, etc etc) for information about the specifics of how the textures will be applied
 CSoTypeBasis for the run-time type system in Coin.Many of the classes in the Coin library must have their type information registered before any instances are created (including, but not limited to: engines, nodes, fields, actions, nodekits and manipulators). The use of SoType to store this information provides lots of various functionality for working with class hierarchies, comparing class types, instantiating objects from classnames, etc etc

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