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Projector Classes


class  SbCylinderPlaneProjector
 The SbCylinderPlaneProjector class projects 2D points to a half-cylinder and a plane.This projector uses a plane along with the half-cylinder of SbCylinderSectionProjector for projections. If the 2D point mapping "misses" the cylinder section, the 3D point will be projected onto the plane. More...
class  SbCylinderProjector
 The SbCylinderProjector class is the abstract base class for mapping to cylindrical surfaces.The cylinder projectors map 2D points to various surface types based on cylindrical shapes. More...
class  SbCylinderSectionProjector
 The SbCylinderSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced cylinder.The projection cylinder for this class is sliced by a clipping plane parallel to its height axis. Projections will be mapped to the remaining cylinder part. More...
class  SbCylinderSheetProjector
 The SbCylinderSheetProjector class projects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a cylindrical shape. More...
class  SbLineProjector
 The SbLineProjector class projects 2D points to 3D points along a line.The 3D projection of the 2D coordinates is for this projector class constrained to lie along a pre-defined line. More...
class  SbPlaneProjector
 The SbPlaneProjector class projects 2D points to 3D points in a plane.The 3D projection of the 2D coordinates is for this projector class constrained to lie inside a pre-defined 3D plane. More...
class  SbProjector
 The SbProjector class is the abstract base projector class.Projectors are used in the Coin library for mapping 2D coordinates (typically from the position of the mouse cursor in the rendering window) to 3D "world" coordinates. More...
class  SbSpherePlaneProjector
 The SbSpherePlaneProjector class projects 2D points to a half-sphere and a plane.This projector uses a plane along with the half-sphere of SbSphereSectionProjector for projections. If the 2D point mapping "misses" the sphere section, the 3D point will be projected onto the plane. More...
class  SbSphereProjector
 The SbSphereProjector class is the abstract base class for mapping to spherical surfaces.The sphere projectors map 2D points to various surface types based on spherical shapes. More...
class  SbSphereSectionProjector
 The SbSphereSectionProjector projects 2D points to a sliced sphere.The projection sphere for this class is sliced by a clipping plane. Projections will be mapped to the remaining sphere part. More...
class  SbSphereSheetProjector
 The SbSphereSheetProjector class projects 2D points to 3D points on a sheet covering a spherical shape.The following stand-alone example shows how screen space coordinates projects into 3D when mapped with an SbSphereSheetProjector. It outputs the resulting projections as an SoPointSet in a Inventor-file on stdout: More...

Detailed Description

The projector classes are used to convert between screenspace (2D) locations and locations in worldspace (3D). They are mostly used in relation to user interaction with the mouse in the viewport.

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