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Error Handling Classes


class  SoDebugError
 The SoDebugError class is the internal debugging message passing mechanism.This class basically serves two purposes: More...
class  SoError
 The SoError class is the base class for all the error handling classes.The default error handler just prints messages on the standard error output channel, but this can be overridden by client applications. More...
class  SoMemoryError
 The SoMemoryError class is used to inform of problems with memory allocation.Modern operating systems takes care of handling most out of memory conditions for you, but in certain situations it can be wise to do some manual checking and intervention. This class is provided as an aid to help out in these situations. More...
class  SoReadError
 The SoReadError class is used during model import operations.During model file import, this class will be used to output any error or warning messages. More...

Detailed Description

The error classes are static classes that contain a callback pointer for handling errors of the given type. Coin has default handlers for displaying all the types, but these can be overridden by applications by setting other callbacks.

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