Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- c
: SoCalculator
- C
: SoCalculator
- cachedInvScale
: SoSurroundScale
- cachedScale
: SoSurroundScale
- cachedTranslation
: SoSurroundScale
- CacheEnabled
: SoInteractionKit
, SoSeparator
, SoSeparatorKit
, SoVRMLShape
- cacheOK
: SoSurroundScale
- call()
: SoGLCacheList
, SoGLDisplayList
, SoGLRenderCache
- callback()
: SoAntiSquish
, SoArray
, SoBaseColor
, SoBaseKit
, SoBumpMap
, SoBumpMapCoordinate
, SoBumpMapTransform
, SoCacheHint
, SoCallback
, SoCamera
, SoClipPlane
, SoClipPlaneManip
, SoComplexity
, SoCoordinate3
, SoCoordinate4
, SoDirectionalLightManip
, SoDragger
, SoDrawStyle
, SoEnvironment
, SoFile
, SoFont
, SoFontStyle
, SoGeoCoordinate
, SoGeoLocation
, SoGeoOrigin
, SoGeoSeparator
, SoGroup
, SoLevelOfDetail
, SoLight
, SoLightModel
, SoMaterial
, SoMaterialBinding
, SoMatrixTransform
, SoMultipleCopy
, SoNode
, SoNodeKitListPart
, SoNormal
, SoNormalBinding
, SoPackedColor
, SoPathSwitch
, SoPickStyle
, SoPointLightManip
, SoPolygonOffset
, SoProfile
, SoProfileCoordinate2
, SoProfileCoordinate3
, SoProfilerStats
, SoResetTransform
, SoRotation
, SoRotationXYZ
, SoScale
, SoSceneTexture2
, SoSceneTextureCubeMap
, SoSeparator
, SoShape
, SoShapeHints
, SoSpotLightManip
, SoSurroundScale
, SoSwitch
, SoTexture2
, SoTexture2Transform
, SoTexture3
, SoTexture3Transform
, SoTextureCombine
, SoTextureCoordinate2
, SoTextureCoordinate3
, SoTextureCoordinateBinding
, SoTextureCoordinateCube
, SoTextureCoordinateCylinder
, SoTextureCoordinateDefault
, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment
, SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap
, SoTextureCoordinateObject
, SoTextureCoordinatePlane
, SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap
, SoTextureCoordinateSphere
, SoTextureCubeMap
, SoTextureMatrixTransform
, SoTextureUnit
, SoTransform
, SoTransformManip
, SoTransformSeparator
, SoTranslation
, SoTransparencyType
, SoUnits
, SoVertexAttributeBinding
, SoVertexProperty
, SoVRMLAppearance
, SoVRMLBillboard
, SoVRMLColor
, SoVRMLCoordinate
, SoVRMLFontStyle
, SoVRMLGroup
, SoVRMLImageTexture
, SoVRMLInline
, SoVRMLMaterial
, SoVRMLNormal
, SoVRMLPixelTexture
, SoVRMLProximitySensor
, SoVRMLScript
, SoVRMLShape
, SoVRMLSwitch
, SoVRMLTextureCoordinate
, SoVRMLTextureTransform
, SoVRMLTransform
, SoVRMLVertexLine
, SoVRMLVertexPoint
, SoVRMLVertexShape
, SoWWWInline
- callbackS()
: SoNode
- callPickCBOnlyIfSelectable
: SoSelection
- canApproximateCount()
: SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- cancelURLDataRequest()
: SoVRMLInline
, SoWWWInline
- canCreateInstance()
: SoType
- canReadFile()
: SoForeignFileKit
, SoSTLFileKit
- canWriteFile()
: SoForeignFileKit
, SoSTLFileKit
- capture()
: SoElement
- captureThis()
: SoAccumulatedElement
, SoElement
: SoShadowStyle
- catalogError()
: SoBaseKit
- ccw
: SoVRMLElevationGrid
, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
: SoAsciiText
- center
: SoBumpMapTransform
, SoCenterballDragger
, SoComposeMatrix
, SoDecomposeMatrix
: SoImage
- center
: SoText3
- center
: SoTexture2Transform
, SoTexture3Transform
, SoTransform
, SoVRMLProximitySensor
, SoVRMLTextureTransform
, SoVRMLTransform
, SoVRMLVisibilitySensor
- centerFieldSensor
: SoCenterballDragger
, SoTransformManip
: SoShaderObject
- changeCBList
: SoSelection
- checkCopy()
: SoFieldContainer
- checkHeader()
: SoInput
- checkISReference()
: SoInput
- checkResetAfter()
: SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- checkResetBefore()
: SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- childFinishCB()
: SoDragger
- childMotionCB()
: SoDragger
- childOtherEventCB()
: SoDragger
- children
: SoBaseKit
, SoClipPlaneManip
, SoDirectionalLightManip
, SoGroup
, SoNodeKitListPart
, SoPointLightManip
, SoSpotLightManip
, SoTransformManip
, SoVRMLParent
- childStartCB()
: SoDragger
- childTransferMotionAndValueChangedCB()
: SoDragger
- childValueChangedCB()
: SoDragger
- choice
: SoVRMLSwitch
- circumscribe()
: SbSphere
: SoBumpMap
, SoSceneTexture2
, SoTexture2
, SoTexture3
, SoTextureCubeMap
- classStackIndex
: SoElement
- cleanClass()
: ScXMLAssignElt
, ScXMLObject
- cleanup()
: SoDB
- clear()
: SbBSPTree
, SbDict
, SbOctTree
: SoBoolOperation
- clearBuffers()
: SoRenderManager
- clearCallbacks()
: SoCallbackList
- clearDirectories()
: SoInput
- clearNodeIds()
: SoAccumulatedElement
- clearTemporaryVariables()
: ScXMLCoinEvaluator
, ScXMLEvaluator
, ScXMLMinimumEvaluator
- clip()
: SbClip
: SoShapeHints
- clone()
: ScXMLElt
, SoNodekitCatalog
- close()
: SoGLCacheList
, SoGLDisplayList
, SoGLRenderCache
, SoPrimitiveVertexCache
, SoVRMLAudioClip
- closeFile()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- COIN_1_0
: SoNode
- COIN_2_0
: SoNode
- collide
: SoVRMLCollision
- collideTime
: SoVRMLCollision
- color
: SoLight
, SoLocateHighlight
, SoVRMLColor
, SoVRMLElevationGrid
, SoVRMLLight
, SoVRMLVertexLine
, SoVRMLVertexPoint
, SoVRMLVertexShape
- colorFieldSensor
: SoDirectionalLightManip
, SoPointLightManip
, SoSpotLightManip
- colorIndex
: SoVRMLIndexedShape
- colorPerVertex
: SoVRMLElevationGrid
, SoVRMLVertexLine
, SoVRMLVertexShape
- combinedMatrix
: SoModelMatrixElement
- combineLeft()
: SoTransform
, SoVRMLTransform
- combineRight()
: SoTransform
, SoVRMLTransform
- compareSubString()
: SbString
- completelyInside()
: SoCullElement
- Components
: SoOffscreenRenderer
- computeBBox()
: SoAsciiText
, SoCone
, SoCube
, SoCylinder
, SoFaceSet
, SoImage
, SoIndexedNurbsCurve
, SoIndexedNurbsSurface
, SoIndexedShape
, SoLineSet
, SoNurbsCurve
, SoNurbsSurface
, SoPointSet
, SoQuadMesh
, SoShape
, SoSphere
, SoText2
, SoText3
, SoTriangleStripSet
, SoVRMLCone
, SoVRMLCylinder
, SoVRMLElevationGrid
, SoVRMLExtrusion
, SoVRMLIndexedLine
, SoVRMLIndexedShape
, SoVRMLSphere
, SoVRMLText
, SoVRMLVertexPoint
- computeCoordBBox()
: SoNonIndexedShape
- computeObjectSpaceRay()
: SoShape
- computeWorldSpaceRay()
: SoRayPickAction
- connectFrom()
: SoField
- connectionsSetUp
: SoBaseKit
- connectionStatusChanged()
: SoField
- connectRoute()
: SoBase
- connectSeparatorFields()
: SoInteractionKit
: SoTextureCombine
- containerSet()
: SoNodeKitListPart
- containsNode()
: SoNodeKitPath
, SoPath
- containsNonTriangleShapes()
: SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- containsNoPrimitives()
: SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- containsPath()
: SoPath
- containsTransparency()
: SoMultiTextureImageElement
- context
: SoWindowElement
: SoCallbackAction
, SoGLRenderAction
- continueToApply()
: SoWriteAction
- convert()
: SoForeignFileKit
, SoHeightMapToNormalMap
, SoSTLFileKit
- convertDouble()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertDoubleArray()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertFloat()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertFloatArray()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertInt32()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertInt32Array()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertShort()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- convertShortArray()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
: SoShapeHints
- convex
: SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
- coord
: SoVRMLVertexLine
, SoVRMLVertexPoint
, SoVRMLVertexShape
- coordIndex
: SoIndexedNurbsCurve
, SoIndexedNurbsSurface
, SoIndexedShape
, SoVRMLIndexedShape
- coords
: SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
- coords2
: SoProfileCoordinateElement
- coords3
: SoProfileCoordinateElement
- coords3D
: SoCoordinateElement
- coords4D
: SoCoordinateElement
- coordsAre2D
: SoProfileCoordinateElement
- copy()
: SbCylinderPlaneProjector
, SbCylinderSectionProjector
, SbCylinderSheetProjector
, SbLineProjector
, SbList< Type >
, SbPlaneProjector
, SbPList
, SbProjector
, SbSpherePlaneProjector
, SbSphereSectionProjector
, SbSphereSheetProjector
, SoBaseList
, SoChildList
, SoConeDetail
, SoCubeDetail
, SoCylinderDetail
, SoDetail
, SoDetailList
, SoEngine
, SoFaceDetail
, SoFieldData
, SoLineDetail
, SoNode
, SoNodeKitDetail
, SoPath
, SoPickedPoint
, SoPointDetail
, SoTextDetail
- copyChildren()
: SoFile
, SoVRMLInline
, SoWWWInline
- copyConnection()
: SoField
- copyContents()
: SoBaseKit
, SoCallback
, SoClipPlaneManip
, SoDirectionalLightManip
, SoFieldContainer
, SoFile
, SoGroup
, SoInteractionKit
, SoNode
, SoNodeKitListPart
, SoPointLightManip
, SoRotateCylindricalDragger
, SoRotateSphericalDragger
, SoSpotLightManip
, SoTransformManip
, SoVertexAttribute
, SoVRMLAppearance
, SoVRMLGeometry
, SoVRMLParent
, SoVRMLScript
, SoVRMLShape
, SoVRMLSwitch
, SoWWWInline
- copyDone()
: SoFieldContainer
- copyFieldValues()
: SoFieldContainer
- copyFrom()
: SoField
, SoMFBitMask
, SoMFBool
, SoMFColor
, SoMFDouble
, SoMFEngine
, SoMFEnum
, SoMFFloat
, SoMFInt32
, SoMFMatrix
, SoMFName
, SoMFNode
, SoMFPath
, SoMFPlane
, SoMFRotation
, SoMFShort
, SoMFString
, SoMFTime
, SoMFUInt32
, SoMFUShort
, SoMFVec2b
, SoMFVec2d
, SoMFVec2f
, SoMFVec2i32
, SoMFVec2s
, SoMFVec3b
, SoMFVec3d
, SoMFVec3f
, SoMFVec3i32
, SoMFVec3s
, SoMFVec4b
, SoMFVec4d
, SoMFVec4f
, SoMFVec4i32
, SoMFVec4s
, SoMFVec4ub
, SoMFVec4ui32
, SoMFVec4us
, SoSFBitMask
, SoSFBool
, SoSFBox2d
, SoSFBox2f
, SoSFBox2i32
, SoSFBox2s
, SoSFBox3d
, SoSFBox3f
, SoSFBox3i32
, SoSFBox3s
, SoSFColor
, SoSFDouble
, SoSFEngine
, SoSFEnum
, SoSFFloat
, SoSFImage3
, SoSFImage
, SoSFInt32
, SoSFMatrix
, SoSFName
, SoSFNode
, SoSFPath
, SoSFPlane
, SoSFRotation
, SoSFShort
, SoSFString
, SoSFTime
, SoSFTrigger
, SoSFUInt32
, SoSFUShort
, SoSFVec2b
, SoSFVec2d
, SoSFVec2f
, SoSFVec2i32
, SoSFVec2s
, SoSFVec3b
, SoSFVec3d
, SoSFVec3f
, SoSFVec3i32
, SoSFVec3s
, SoSFVec4b
, SoSFVec4d
, SoSFVec4f
, SoSFVec4i32
, SoSFVec4s
, SoSFVec4ub
, SoSFVec4ui32
, SoSFVec4us
- copyFromThis()
: SoSelection
- copyMatchInfo()
: SoAccumulatedElement
, SoCacheElement
, SoCullElement
, SoDepthBufferElement
, SoElement
, SoFloatElement
, SoFontNameElement
, SoGLRenderPassElement
, SoGLUpdateAreaElement
, SoGLVBOElement
, SoInt32Element
, SoLazyElement
, SoLightAttenuationElement
, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
, SoMultiTextureEnabledElement
, SoMultiTextureImageElement
, SoOverrideElement
, SoPickRayElement
, SoProfilerElement
, SoReplacedElement
, SoShapeStyleElement
, SoTextureCombineElement
, SoTextureOverrideElement
, SoViewportRegionElement
, SoWindowElement
- copyNodeIds()
: SoAccumulatedElement
- copyThroughConnection()
: SoEngine
, SoFieldContainer
, SoNode
- copyValue()
: SoMFBool
, SoMFColor
, SoMFDouble
, SoMFEnum
, SoMFFloat
, SoMFInt32
, SoMFMatrix
, SoMFName
, SoMFPlane
, SoMFRotation
, SoMFShort
, SoMFString
, SoMFTime
, SoMFUInt32
, SoMFUShort
, SoMFVec2b
, SoMFVec2d
, SoMFVec2f
, SoMFVec2i32
, SoMFVec2s
, SoMFVec3b
, SoMFVec3d
, SoMFVec3f
, SoMFVec3i32
, SoMFVec3s
, SoMFVec4b
, SoMFVec4d
, SoMFVec4f
, SoMFVec4i32
, SoMFVec4s
, SoMFVec4ub
, SoMFVec4ui32
, SoMFVec4us
: SoShapeHints
- countMyFields()
: SoBaseKit
- countWriteRefs()
: SoField
- creaseAngle
: SoShapeHints
, SoVRMLElevationGrid
, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
- createDefaultParts()
: SoBaseKit
- createFieldList()
: SoBaseKit
- createForeignFileKit()
: SoForeignFileKit
- createGlobalField()
: SoDB
- createInstance()
: SoAmbientColorElement
, SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement
, SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement
, SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement
, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement
, SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
, SoBumpMapMatrixElement
, SoCacheElement
, SoClipPlaneElement
, SoComplexityElement
, SoComplexityTypeElement
, SoCoordinateElement
, SoCreaseAngleElement
, SoCullElement
, SoDecimationPercentageElement
, SoDecimationTypeElement
, SoDepthBufferElement
, SoDiffuseColorElement
, SoDrawStyleElement
, SoEmissiveColorElement
, SoEnvironmentElement
, SoFocalDistanceElement
, SoFontNameElement
, SoFontSizeElement
, SoGeoElement
, SoGLClipPlaneElement
, SoGLColorIndexElement
, SoGLCoordinateElement
, SoGLDepthBufferElement
, SoGLDrawStyleElement
, SoGLEnvironmentElement
, SoGLLazyElement
, SoGLLightIdElement
, SoGLLinePatternElement
, SoGLLineWidthElement
, SoGLModelMatrixElement
, SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement
, SoGLMultiTextureImageElement
, SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement
, SoGLNormalElement
, SoGLPointSizeElement
, SoGLPolygonOffsetElement
, SoGLProjectionMatrixElement
, SoGLRenderPassElement
, SoGLShadowCullingElement
, SoGLShapeHintsElement
, SoGLUpdateAreaElement
, SoGLVBOElement
, SoGLViewingMatrixElement
, SoGLViewportRegionElement
, SoLazyElement
, SoLightAttenuationElement
, SoLightElement
, SoLightModelElement
, SoLinePatternElement
, SoLineWidthElement
, SoListenerDopplerElement
, SoListenerGainElement
, SoListenerOrientationElement
, SoListenerPositionElement
, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
, SoMaterialBindingElement
, SoModelMatrixElement
, SoMultiTextureEnabledElement
, SoMultiTextureImageElement
, SoMultiTextureMatrixElement
, SoNormalBindingElement
, SoNormalElement
, SoOverrideElement
, SoPickRayElement
, SoPickStyleElement
, SoPointSizeElement
, SoPolygonOffsetElement
, SoProfileCoordinateElement
, SoProfileElement
, SoProfilerElement
, SoShadowStyleElement
, SoShapeStyleElement
, SoShininessElement
, SoSoundElement
, SoSpecularColorElement
, SoSwitchElement
, SoTextOutlineEnabledElement
, SoTextureCombineElement
, SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement
, SoTextureOverrideElement
, SoTextureQualityElement
, SoTextureUnitElement
, SoTransparencyElement
, SoType
, SoUnitsElement
, SoVertexAttributeBindingElement
, SoViewingMatrixElement
, SoViewportRegionElement
, SoViewVolumeElement
, SoWindowElement
- createLineSegmentDetail()
: SoIndexedNurbsCurve
, SoNurbsCurve
, SoShape
- createNodekitPartsList()
: SoBaseKit
- createNotRec()
: SoBase
, SoField
, SoGroup
, SoMField
- createPathToAnyPart()
: SoBaseKit
- createPathToPart()
: SoBaseKit
- createPathToThis()
: SoDragger
- createPointDetail()
: SoShape
- createProtoInstance()
: SoProto
- createRoute()
: SoDB
- createStackIndex()
: SoElement
- createTriangleDetail()
: SoAsciiText
, SoIndexedNurbsSurface
, SoNurbsSurface
, SoShape
, SoText3
, SoVRMLExtrusion
- createType()
: SoType
- cross()
: SbVec3d
, SbVec3f
- cullBox()
: SoCullElement
- cullMatrix
: SoModelMatrixElement
- cullTest()
: SoCullElement
, SoSeparator
, SoVRMLGroup
: SoGLRenderAction
- cutOffAngle
: SoSpotLight
, SoVRMLSpotLight
- cycleInterval
: SoVRMLTimeSensor
- cycleTime
: SoVRMLTimeSensor
- cylinder
: SbCylinderProjector
- cylinderProj
: SoRotateCylindricalDragger
- SbClip()
: SbClip
- SbColor()
: SbColor
- SbColor4f()
: SbColor4f
- SbCylinder()
: SbCylinder
- SbCylinderPlaneProjector()
: SbCylinderPlaneProjector
- SbCylinderProjector()
: SbCylinderProjector
- SbCylinderSectionProjector()
: SbCylinderSectionProjector
- SbCylinderSheetProjector()
: SbCylinderSheetProjector
- SoCache()
: SoCache
- SoCacheHint()
: SoCacheHint
- SoCalculator()
: SoCalculator
- SoCallback()
: SoCallback
- SoCallbackAction()
: SoCallbackAction
- SoCallbackActionCB
: SoCallbackAction
- SoCallbackList()
: SoCallbackList
- SoCamera()
: SoCamera
- SoCameraKit()
: SoCameraKit
- SoCenterballDragger()
: SoCenterballDragger
- SoCenterballManip()
: SoCenterballManip
- SoChildList()
: SoChildList
- SoClipPlane()
: SoClipPlane
- SoClipPlaneManip()
: SoClipPlaneManip
- SoColorIndex()
: SoColorIndex
- SoComplexity()
: SoComplexity
- SoComputeBoundingBox()
: SoComputeBoundingBox
- SoConcatenate()
: SoConcatenate
- SoCone()
: SoCone
- SoConeDetail()
: SoConeDetail
- SoConvexDataCache()
: SoConvexDataCache
- SoCoordinate3()
: SoCoordinate3
- SoCoordinate4()
: SoCoordinate4
- SoCounter()
: SoCounter
- SoCube()
: SoCube
- SoCubeDetail()
: SoCubeDetail
- SoCylinder()
: SoCylinder
- SoCylinderDetail()
: SoCylinderDetail