This is the complete list of members for SoVRMLVertexShape, including all inherited members.
addAuditor(void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type) | SoBase | |
addCopy(const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SoFieldContainer *copy) | SoFieldContainer | static |
addName(SoBase *const base, const char *const name) | SoBase | static |
addToCopyDict(void) const | SoNode | virtual |
addWriteReference(SoOutput *out, SbBool isfromfield=FALSE) | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
affectsState(void) const | SoShape | virtual |
alive (defined in SoBase) | SoBase | mutable |
assertAlive(void) const | SoBase | |
audioRender(SoAudioRenderAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
audioRenderS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
BaseFlags enum name | SoBase | protected |
beginShape(SoAction *const action, const TriangleShape shapetype, SoDetail *const detail=NULL) | SoShape | protected |
beginSolidShape(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoShape | protected |
Binding enum name (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
callback(SoCallbackAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
callbackS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
checkCopy(const SoFieldContainer *orig) | SoFieldContainer | static |
COIN_1_0 enum value | SoNode | |
COIN_2_0 enum value | SoNode | |
COIN_2_2 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
COIN_2_3 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
COIN_2_4 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
COIN_2_5 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
COIN_3_0 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
COIN_4_0 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
color | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
colorPerVertex | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
computeBBox(SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f ¢er)=0 | SoShape | pure virtual |
computeObjectSpaceRay(SoRayPickAction *const action) | SoShape | protected |
computeObjectSpaceRay(SoRayPickAction *const action, const SbMatrix &matrix) | SoShape | protected |
connectRoute(SoInput *input, const SbName &fromnodename, const SbName &fromfieldname, const SbName &tonodename, const SbName &tofieldname) | SoBase | static |
coord | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
copy(SbBool copyconnections=FALSE) const | SoNode | virtual |
copyContents(const SoFieldContainer *from, SbBool copyConn) | SoVRMLGeometry | virtual |
copyDone(void) | SoFieldContainer | static |
copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *container, SbBool copyconnections=FALSE) | SoFieldContainer | |
copyThroughConnection(void) const | SoNode | virtual |
createLineSegmentDetail(SoRayPickAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v2, SoPickedPoint *pp) | SoShape | protectedvirtual |
createNotRec(void) | SoBase | protectedvirtual |
createPointDetail(SoRayPickAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v, SoPickedPoint *pp) | SoShape | protectedvirtual |
createTriangleDetail(SoRayPickAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v2, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v3, SoPickedPoint *pp) | SoShape | protectedvirtual |
decrementCurrentWriteCounter(void) | SoBase | static |
destroy(void) | SoBase | protectedvirtual |
doAction(SoAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
enableNotify(const SbBool flag) | SoFieldContainer | |
endShape(void) | SoShape | protected |
endSolidShape(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoShape | protected |
EXTENSION enum value | SoNode | |
fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *container) const | SoFieldContainer | |
findCopy(const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SbBool copyconnections) | SoFieldContainer | static |
finishVertexArray(SoGLRenderAction *action, const SbBool vbo, const SbBool normpervertex, const SbBool texpervertex, const SbBool colorpervertex) | SoShape | protected |
generateAndReadLockNormalCache(SoState *const state) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
generateDefaultNormals(SoState *s, SoNormalBundle *nb) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
generateDefaultNormals(SoState *s, SoNormalCache *nc) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
generatePrimitives(SoAction *action)=0 | SoShape | protectedpure virtual |
generateVertex(SoPrimitiveVertex *const pv, const SbVec3f &point, const SbBool useTexFunc, const SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement *const tce, const float s, const float t, const SbVec3f &normal) | SoShape | protected |
generateVertex(SoPrimitiveVertex *const pv, const SbVec3f &point, const SbBool useTexFunc, const SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement *const tce, const float s, const float t, const float r, const SbVec3f &normal) | SoShape | protected |
get(SbString &fielddata) | SoFieldContainer | |
get(SbString &fielddata, SoOutput *out) | SoFieldContainer | |
getActionMethodIndex(const SoType type) | SoNode | static |
getAllFields(SoFieldList &l) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getAuditors(void) const | SoBase | |
getBoundingBox(SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
getBoundingBoxCache(void) const | SoShape | |
getBoundingBoxS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
getByName(const SbName &name) | SoNode | static |
getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &l) | SoNode | static |
getChildren(void) const | SoVRMLGeometry | protectedvirtual |
getClassTypeId(void) (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | static |
getCompatibilityTypes(const SoType &nodetype) | SoNode | static |
getComplexityValue(SoAction *action) | SoShape | protected |
getCurrentWriteCounter(void) | SoBase | protectedstatic |
getDecimatedComplexity(SoState *state, float complexity) | SoShape | static |
getEventIn(const SbName &name) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getEventOut(const SbName &name) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getField(const SbName &name) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getFieldData(void) const | SoVRMLVertexShape | protectedvirtual |
getFieldDataPtr(void) (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protectedstatic |
getFieldName(const SoField *const field, SbName &name) const | SoFieldContainer | |
getFields(SoFieldList &l) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getFieldsMemorySize(size_t &managed, size_t &unmanaged) const | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
getFileFormatName(void) const | SoBase | protectedvirtual |
getIsBuiltIn(void) const | SoFieldContainer | |
getMatrix(SoGetMatrixAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
getMatrixS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
getName(void) const | SoBase | virtual |
getNamedBase(const SbName &name, SoType type) | SoBase | static |
getNamedBases(const SbName &name, SoBaseList &baselist, SoType type) | SoBase | static |
getNextActionMethodIndex(void) | SoNode | protectedstatic |
getNextNodeId(void) | SoNode | static |
getNodeId(void) const | SoNode | |
getNodeType(void) const | SoNode | |
getNormalCache(void) const (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
getPrimitiveCount(SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action) | SoShape | virtual |
getPrimitiveCountS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
getRefCount(void) const | SoBase | |
getScreenSize(SoState *const state, const SbBox3f &boundingbox, SbVec2s &rectsize) | SoShape | static |
getTraceRefs(void) | SoBase | static |
getTypeId(void) const | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
getUserData(void) const | SoFieldContainer | |
getVertexData(SoState *state, const SoCoordinateElement *&coords, const SbVec3f *&normals, const SbBool neednormals) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
GLRender(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
GLRenderBelowPath(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
GLRenderBoundingBox(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoShape | protected |
GLRenderInPath(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
GLRenderOffPath(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
GLRenderS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
grabEventsCleanup(void) | SoNode | virtual |
grabEventsSetup(void) | SoNode | virtual |
handleEvent(SoHandleEventAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
handleEventS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
hasDefaultValues(void) const | SoFieldContainer | |
hasMultipleWriteRefs(void) const | SoBase | protected |
incNextActionMethodIndex(void) | SoNode | protectedstatic |
incrementCurrentWriteCounter(void) | SoBase | static |
initClass(void) (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | static |
initClasses(void) | SoNode | static |
initCopyDict(void) | SoFieldContainer | static |
INVENTOR enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_1 enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_2_0 enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_2_1 enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_2_5 enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_2_6 enum value | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_5_0 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
INVENTOR_6_0 enum value (defined in SoNode) | SoNode | |
invokeLineSegmentCallbacks(SoAction *const action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v2) | SoShape | protected |
invokePointCallbacks(SoAction *const action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v) | SoShape | protected |
invokeTriangleCallbacks(SoAction *const action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v2, const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v3) | SoShape | protected |
IS_ENGINE enum value (defined in SoBase) | SoBase | protected |
IS_GROUP enum value (defined in SoBase) | SoBase | protected |
isBuiltIn | SoFieldContainer | protected |
isNotifyEnabled(void) const | SoFieldContainer | |
isOfType(SoType type) const | SoBase | |
isOverride(void) const | SoNode | |
LINE_STRIP enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
LINES enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
nextActionMethodIndex | SoNode | protectedstatic |
nextUniqueId | SoNode | protectedstatic |
NodeType enum name | SoNode | |
normal | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
normalPerVertex | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
notify(SoNotList *list) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
OVERALL enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_FACE enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_FACE_INDEXED enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_PART enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_PART_INDEXED enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_VERTEX enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
PER_VERTEX_INDEXED enum value (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
pick(SoPickAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | virtual |
pickS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
POINTS enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
POLYGON enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
QUAD_STRIP enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
QUADS enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
rayPick(SoRayPickAction *action) | SoShape | virtual |
rayPickS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
read(SoInput *input, SoBase *&base, SoType expectedtype) | SoBase | static |
readInstance(SoInput *in, unsigned short flags) | SoNode | protectedvirtual |
readLockNormalCache(void) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
readRoute(SoInput *input) | SoBase | static |
readUnlockNormalCache(void) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
ref(void) const | SoBase | |
referencecount (defined in SoBase) | SoBase | mutable |
removeAuditor(void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type) | SoBase | |
removeName(SoBase *const base, const char *const name) | SoBase | static |
search(SoSearchAction *action) | SoVRMLGeometry | virtual |
searchS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
set(const char *const fielddata) | SoFieldContainer | |
set(const char *fielddata, SoInput *input) | SoFieldContainer | |
setCompatibilityTypes(const SoType &nodetype, const uint32_t bitmask) | SoNode | protectedstatic |
setInstancePrefix(const SbString &c) | SoBase | static |
setName(const SbName &newname) | SoBase | virtual |
setNextActionMethodIndex(int index) | SoNode | protectedstatic |
setNodeType(const NodeType type) | SoNode | |
setNormalCache(SoState *s, int numNormals, SbVec3f *normals) (defined in SoVRMLVertexShape) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
setOverride(const SbBool state) | SoNode | |
setToDefaults(void) | SoFieldContainer | |
setTraceRefs(SbBool trace) | SoBase | static |
setupShapeHints(SoState *state, const SbBool ccw, const SbBool solid) | SoVRMLGeometry | protected |
setUserData(void *userdata) const | SoFieldContainer | |
shapeVertex(const SoPrimitiveVertex *const v) | SoShape | protected |
shouldGLRender(SoGLRenderAction *action) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protectedvirtual |
shouldPrimitiveCount(SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action) | SoShape | protected |
shouldRayPick(SoRayPickAction *const action) | SoShape | protected |
shouldWrite(void) | SoBase | |
SoBase(void) | SoBase | protected |
SoFieldContainer(void) | SoFieldContainer | protected |
SoNode(void) | SoNode | protected |
SoShape(void) | SoShape | protected |
SoVRMLGeometry(void) | SoVRMLGeometry | protected |
SoVRMLVertexShape(void) | SoVRMLVertexShape | protected |
startNotify(void) | SoNode | virtual |
startVertexArray(SoGLRenderAction *action, const SoCoordinateElement *coords, const SbVec3f *pervertexnormals, const SbBool texpervertex, const SbBool colorpervertex) | SoShape | protected |
staticDataLock(void) | SoBase | protectedstatic |
staticDataUnlock(void) | SoBase | protectedstatic |
texCoord | SoVRMLVertexShape | |
touch(void) | SoBase | |
TRIANGLE_FAN enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
TRIANGLE_STRIP enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
TRIANGLES enum value (defined in SoShape) | SoShape | |
TriangleShape enum name | SoShape | |
uniqueId | SoNode | protected |
unref(void) const | SoBase | |
unrefNoDelete(void) const | SoBase | |
validateNewFieldValue(SoField *field, void *newval) | SoFieldContainer | virtual |
VRML1 enum value | SoNode | |
VRML2 enum value | SoNode | |
write(SoWriteAction *action) | SoNode | virtual |
writeFooter(SoOutput *out) const | SoBase | protected |
writeHeader(SoOutput *out, SbBool isgroup, SbBool isengine) const | SoBase | protected |
writeInstance(SoOutput *out) | SoNode | virtual |
writeS(SoAction *action, SoNode *node) | SoNode | static |
~SoBase() | SoBase | protectedvirtual |
~SoFieldContainer() | SoFieldContainer | protectedvirtual |
~SoNode() | SoNode | protectedvirtual |
~SoShape() | SoShape | protectedvirtual |
~SoVRMLGeometry() | SoVRMLGeometry | protectedvirtual |
~SoVRMLVertexShape() | SoVRMLVertexShape | protectedvirtual |
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