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SoRenderManager Class Reference

The SoRenderManager class is used for controlling the rendering of a scene graph. More...

#include <Inventor/SoRenderManager.h>

Public Types

enum  RenderMode {
enum  StereoMode {

Public Member Functions

 SoRenderManager (void)
virtual ~SoRenderManager ()
virtual void render (const SbBool clearwindow=TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer=TRUE)
virtual void render (SoGLRenderAction *action, const SbBool initmatrices=TRUE, const SbBool clearwindow=TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer=TRUE)
Superimposition * addSuperimposition (SoNode *scene, uint32_t flags=Superimposition::AUTOREDRAW|Superimposition::ZBUFFERON|Superimposition::CLEARZBUFFER)
void removeSuperimposition (Superimposition *s)
virtual void setSceneGraph (SoNode *const sceneroot)
virtual SoNodegetSceneGraph (void) const
void setCamera (SoCamera *camera)
SoCameragetCamera (void) const
void setAutoClipping (AutoClippingStrategy autoclipping)
AutoClippingStrategy getAutoClipping (void) const
void setNearPlaneValue (float value)
float getNearPlaneValue (void) const
void setTexturesEnabled (const SbBool onoff)
SbBool isTexturesEnabled (void) const
void setDoubleBuffer (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isDoubleBuffer (void) const
void setRenderMode (const RenderMode mode)
RenderMode getRenderMode (void) const
void setStereoMode (const StereoMode mode)
StereoMode getStereoMode (void) const
void setStereoOffset (const float offset)
float getStereoOffset (void) const
void setRenderCallback (SoRenderManagerRenderCB *f, void *const userData=NULL)
SbBool isAutoRedraw (void) const
void setRedrawPriority (const uint32_t priority)
uint32_t getRedrawPriority (void) const
void scheduleRedraw (void)
void setWindowSize (const SbVec2s &newsize)
const SbVec2sgetWindowSize (void) const
void setSize (const SbVec2s &newsize)
const SbVec2sgetSize (void) const
void setOrigin (const SbVec2s &newOrigin)
const SbVec2sgetOrigin (void) const
void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)
const SbViewportRegiongetViewportRegion (void) const
void setBackgroundColor (const SbColor4f &color)
const SbColor4fgetBackgroundColor (void) const
void setOverlayColor (const SbColor4f &color)
SbColor4f getOverlayColor (void) const
void setBackgroundIndex (const int index)
int getBackgroundIndex (void) const
void setRGBMode (const SbBool onOrOff)
SbBool isRGBMode (void) const
virtual void activate (void)
virtual void deactivate (void)
void setAntialiasing (const SbBool smoothing, const int numPasses)
void getAntialiasing (SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const
void setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *const action)
SoGLRenderActiongetGLRenderAction (void) const
void setAudioRenderAction (SoAudioRenderAction *const action)
SoAudioRenderActiongetAudioRenderAction (void) const
void addPreRenderCallback (SoRenderManagerRenderCB *cb, void *data)
void removePreRenderCallback (SoRenderManagerRenderCB *cb, void *data)
void addPostRenderCallback (SoRenderManagerRenderCB *cb, void *data)
void removePostRenderCallback (SoRenderManagerRenderCB *cb, void *data)
void reinitialize (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static void enableRealTimeUpdate (const SbBool flag)
static SbBool isRealTimeUpdateEnabled (void)
static uint32_t getDefaultRedrawPriority (void)

Protected Member Functions

int isActive (void) const
void redraw (void)
void renderScene (SoGLRenderAction *action, SoNode *scene, uint32_t clearmask)
void actuallyRender (SoGLRenderAction *action, const SbBool initmatrices=TRUE, const SbBool clearwindow=TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer=TRUE)
void renderSingle (SoGLRenderAction *action, SbBool initmatrices, SbBool clearwindow, SbBool clearzbuffer)
 Render once in correct draw style. More...
void renderStereo (SoGLRenderAction *action, SbBool initmatrices, SbBool clearwindow, SbBool clearzbuffer)
 Render scene according to current stereo mode. More...
void initStencilBufferForInterleavedStereo (void)
void clearBuffers (SbBool color, SbBool depth)

Detailed Description

The SoRenderManager class is used for controlling the rendering of a scene graph.

You can use this class to configure things like clipping planes, rendering mode, stereo rendering and the background color. In earlier versions of Coin/Inventor, this was set up in the GUI toolkits, making it quite hard to make a new Coin viewer for another GUI toolkit. With this new class all that is needed is to create one SoRenderManager instance per viewer/view.

This class does not handle events for the scene graph/viewer. To do that you can use the SoEventManager class.

Coin 3.0

Member Enumeration Documentation

Sets how rendering of primitives is done.


Render primitives as they are described in the scenegraph.


Render polygons as wireframe


Render only the vertices of the polygons and lines.


Render a wireframe overlay in addition to the AS_IS mode


As WIREFRAME, but culls lines which would otherwise not be shown due to geometric culling.


Only show the bounding box of each object.

Manages how to render steroscopic images.


No stereoscopic rendering


Anaglyph rendering is used to provide a steroscopic 3D effect, when viewed with 3D glasses. The image is made up of two color layers which are superimposed on each other, and appears as 3 dimensional when viewed through corresponding colored filters(glases)


Send output to separate buffers.


Same as SEPARATE_OUTPUT, SEPARATE_OUTPUT is more commonly known as QUAD_BUFFER, when also using double buffering.


Render every second row as left and right image. If rendered with a polarized projector, polarized filters kan be used to give a 3D effect.


Render every second column as left and right image. If rendered with a polarized projector, polarized filters kan be used to give a 3D effect.

Buffering strategy


Output to one buffer


Alternate between output buffers

Strategy for adjusting camera near/far clipping plane


Turn off automatic clipping. The user needs to set the correct values in the camera.


Keep near plane at a fixed distance from the camera. The far plane is always set at the end of the bounding box.


Variable adjustment of the nearplane relative to the camera.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoRenderManager::SoRenderManager ( void  )


SoRenderManager::~SoRenderManager ( )


Member Function Documentation

void SoRenderManager::render ( const SbBool  clearwindow = TRUE,
const SbBool  clearzbuffer = TRUE 

Render the scene graph.

All SbBool arguments should normally be TRUE, but they can be set to FALSE to optimize for special cases (e.g. when doing wireframe rendering one doesn't need a depth buffer).

[in]clearwindowIf set to TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing.
[in]clearzbufferIf set to TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.
void SoRenderManager::render ( SoGLRenderAction action,
const SbBool  initmatrices = TRUE,
const SbBool  clearwindow = TRUE,
const SbBool  clearzbuffer = TRUE 

Render the scene graph.

All SbBool arguments should normally be TRUE, but they can be set to FALSE to optimize for special cases (e.g. when doing wireframe rendering one doesn't need a depth buffer).

[in]clearwindowIf set to TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing.
[in]clearzbufferIf set to TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.
[in]initmatricesif true, the projection and modelview matrices are reset to identity
[in]actionRenders with a user supplied action
SoRenderManager::Superimposition * SoRenderManager::addSuperimposition ( SoNode scene,
uint32_t  flags = Superimposition::AUTOREDRAW | Superimposition::ZBUFFERON | Superimposition::CLEARZBUFFER 

Add a superimposition for this scene graph. A superimposition can either be a scene rendered in the background, or a scene rendered in the front of the actual scene graph.

This is useful, for instance, if you want to add a gradient or an image in the background, and for having some HUD info in the foreground.

Please note that if you use superimpositions, multipass antialiasing have to be handled in the render manager, and not in SoGLRenderAction, so the pass update features in SoGLRenderAction will be disabled.

See also
void SoRenderManager::removeSuperimposition ( Superimposition *  s)

Removes a superimposition.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setSceneGraph ( SoNode *const  sceneroot)

Set the node which is top of the scene graph we're managing. The sceneroot node reference count will be increased by 1, and any previously set scene graph top node will have it's reference count decreased by 1.

See also
SoNode * SoRenderManager::getSceneGraph ( void  ) const

Returns the pointer to root of scene graph.

void SoRenderManager::setCamera ( SoCamera camera)

Sets the camera to be used.

SoCamera * SoRenderManager::getCamera ( void  ) const

Returns the current camera.

void SoRenderManager::setAutoClipping ( AutoClippingStrategy  autoclipping)

Sets strategy for adjusting camera clipping plane

See also
SoRenderManager::AutoClippingStrategy SoRenderManager::getAutoClipping ( void  ) const

This method returns the current autoclipping strategy.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setNearPlaneValue ( float  value)

When the SoRenderManager::FIXED_NEAR_PLANE autoclipping strategy is used, you set the value of the near plane distance with this method.

See also
setAutoClipping, getNearPlaneValue, SoRenderManager::AutoClippingStrategy
float SoRenderManager::getNearPlaneValue ( void  ) const

This method returns the near plane distance value that will be used when the SoRenderManager::FIXED_NEAR_PLANE autoclipping strategy is used.

Default value is 0.6.

See also
setAutoClipping, setNearPlaneValue, SoRenderManager::AutoClippingStrategy
void SoRenderManager::setTexturesEnabled ( const SbBool  onoff)

Enable/disable textures when rendering. Defaults to TRUE.

See also
SbBool SoRenderManager::isTexturesEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether textures are enabled or not.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setDoubleBuffer ( const SbBool  enable)

Tell the scenemanager that double buffering is used

SbBool SoRenderManager::isDoubleBuffer ( void  ) const

returns if the scenemanager is double buffered

void SoRenderManager::setRenderMode ( const RenderMode  mode)

Sets the render mode.

SoRenderManager::RenderMode SoRenderManager::getRenderMode ( void  ) const

Returns the current render mode.

void SoRenderManager::setStereoMode ( const StereoMode  mode)

Sets the stereo mode.

SoRenderManager::StereoMode SoRenderManager::getStereoMode ( void  ) const

Returns the current stereo mode.

void SoRenderManager::setStereoOffset ( const float  offset)

Sets the stereo offset used when doing stereo rendering.

float SoRenderManager::getStereoOffset ( void  ) const

Returns the current stereo offset.

void SoRenderManager::setRenderCallback ( SoRenderManagerRenderCB *  f,
void *const  userdata = NULL 

Set the callback function f to invoke when rendering the scene. userdata will be passed as the first argument of the function.

SbBool SoRenderManager::isAutoRedraw ( void  ) const

Returns TRUE if the SoRenderManager automatically redraws the scene upon detecting changes in the scene graph.

The automatic redraw is turned on and off by setting either a valid callback function with setRenderCallback(), or by passing NULL.

void SoRenderManager::setRedrawPriority ( const uint32_t  priority)

Set up the redraw priority for the SoOneShotSensor used to trigger redraws. By setting this lower than for your own sensors, you can make sure some code is always run before redraw happens.

See also
uint32_t SoRenderManager::getRedrawPriority ( void  ) const

Returns value of priority on the redraw sensor.

void SoRenderManager::scheduleRedraw ( void  )

Redraw at first opportunity as system becomes idle.

Multiple calls to this method before an actual redraw has taken place will only result in a single redraw of the scene.

void SoRenderManager::setWindowSize ( const SbVec2s newsize)

Update window size of our SoGLRenderAction's viewport settings.

Note that this will only change the information about window dimensions, the actual viewport size and origin (ie the rectangle which redraws are confined to) will stay the same.

See also
const SbVec2s & SoRenderManager::getWindowSize ( void  ) const

Returns the current render action window size.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setSize ( const SbVec2s newsize)

Set size of rendering area for the viewport within the current window.

const SbVec2s & SoRenderManager::getSize ( void  ) const

Returns size of render area.

void SoRenderManager::setOrigin ( const SbVec2s newOrigin)

Set only the origin of the viewport region within the rendering window.

See also
setViewportRegion(), setWindowSize()
const SbVec2s & SoRenderManager::getOrigin ( void  ) const

Returns origin of rendering area viewport.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setViewportRegion ( const SbViewportRegion newregion)

Update our SoGLRenderAction's viewport settings.

This will change both the information about window dimensions and the actual viewport size and origin.

See also
const SbViewportRegion & SoRenderManager::getViewportRegion ( void  ) const

Returns current viewport region used by the renderaction and the event handling.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setBackgroundColor ( const SbColor4f color)

Sets color of rendering canvas.

const SbColor4f & SoRenderManager::getBackgroundColor ( void  ) const

Returns color used for clearing the rendering area before rendering the scene.

void SoRenderManager::setOverlayColor ( const SbColor4f color)

Sets color of overlay.

SbColor4f SoRenderManager::getOverlayColor ( void  ) const

Returns color used rendering overlay.

void SoRenderManager::setBackgroundIndex ( const int  index)

Set index of background color in the color lookup table if rendering in colorindex mode.

Note: colorindex mode is not supported yet in Coin.

int SoRenderManager::getBackgroundIndex ( void  ) const

Returns index of colormap for background filling.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setRGBMode ( const SbBool  yes)

Turn RGB truecolor mode on or off. If you turn truecolor mode off, colorindex mode will be used instead.

SbBool SoRenderManager::isRGBMode ( void  ) const

Returns the "truecolor or colorindex" mode flag.

void SoRenderManager::activate ( void  )

Activate rendering and event handling. Default is off.

void SoRenderManager::deactivate ( void  )

Deactive rendering and event handling.

void SoRenderManager::setAntialiasing ( const SbBool  smoothing,
const int  numpasses 

Turn antialiased rendering on or off.

See documentation for SoGLRenderAction::setSmoothing() and SoGLRenderAction::setNumPasses().

void SoRenderManager::getAntialiasing ( SbBool &  smoothing,
int &  numpasses 
) const

Returns rendering pass information.

See also
void SoRenderManager::setGLRenderAction ( SoGLRenderAction *const  action)

Set the action to use for rendering. Overrides the default action made in the constructor.

SoGLRenderAction * SoRenderManager::getGLRenderAction ( void  ) const

Returns pointer to render action.

void SoRenderManager::setAudioRenderAction ( SoAudioRenderAction *const  action)

Set the action to use for rendering audio. Overrides the default action made in the constructor.

SoAudioRenderAction * SoRenderManager::getAudioRenderAction ( void  ) const

Returns pointer to audio render action.

void SoRenderManager::enableRealTimeUpdate ( const SbBool  flag)

Set whether or not for SoRenderManager instances to "touch" the global realTime field after a redraw. If this is not done, redrawing when animating the scene will only happen as fast as the realTime interval goes (which defaults to 12 times a second).

See also
SbBool SoRenderManager::isRealTimeUpdateEnabled ( void  )

Returns whether or not we automatically notifies everything connected to the realTime field after a redraw.

uint32_t SoRenderManager::getDefaultRedrawPriority ( void  )

Returns the default priority of the redraw sensor.

See also
SoDelayQueueSensor, setRedrawPriority()
void SoRenderManager::addPreRenderCallback ( SoRenderManagerRenderCB *  cb,
void *  data 

Adds a function to be called before rendering starts

[in]cbfunction to be called
[in]dataUser specified data to supply to callback function
void SoRenderManager::removePreRenderCallback ( SoRenderManagerRenderCB *  cb,
void *  data 

Removes a prerendercallback.

The tuple (cb, data) must exactly match an earlier call to SoRenderManager::addPreRenderCallback
[in]cbfunction to be called
[in]dataUser specified data to supply to callback function
void SoRenderManager::addPostRenderCallback ( SoRenderManagerRenderCB *  cb,
void *  data 

Adds a function to be called after rendering is complete

[in]cbfunction to be called
[in]dataUser specified data to supply to callback function
void SoRenderManager::removePostRenderCallback ( SoRenderManagerRenderCB *  cb,
void *  data 

Removes a postrendercallback.

The tuple (cb, data) must exactly match an earlier call to SoRenderManager::addPostRenderCallback
[in]cbfunction to be called
[in]dataUser specified data to supply to callback function
void SoRenderManager::reinitialize ( void  )

Reinitialize after parameters affecting the OpenGL context has changed.

int SoRenderManager::isActive ( void  ) const

Returns the active flag.

void SoRenderManager::redraw ( void  )

Do an immediate redraw by calling the redraw callback function.

void SoRenderManager::renderScene ( SoGLRenderAction action,
SoNode scene,
uint32_t  clearmask 

Renders a scene and applies clear state as given by this renderManager

[in]actionAction to apply
[in]sceneScene to render
[in]clearmaskmask to pass to glClear
void SoRenderManager::actuallyRender ( SoGLRenderAction action,
const SbBool  initmatrices = TRUE,
const SbBool  clearwindow = TRUE,
const SbBool  clearzbuffer = TRUE 

Convenience function for SoRenderManager::renderScene

[in]actionRenders with a user supplied action
[in]initmatricesif true, the projection and modelview matrices are reset to identity
[in]clearwindowIf set to TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing.
[in]clearzbufferIf set to TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.
void SoRenderManager::renderSingle ( SoGLRenderAction action,
SbBool  initmatrices,
SbBool  clearwindow,
SbBool  clearzbuffer 

Render once in correct draw style.

Convenience function for SoRenderManager::renderScene

[in]actionRenders with a user supplied action
[in]initmatricesif true, the projection and modelview matrices are reset to identity
[in]clearwindowIf set to TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing.
[in]clearzbufferIf set to TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.
void SoRenderManager::renderStereo ( SoGLRenderAction action,
SbBool  initmatrices,
SbBool  clearwindow,
SbBool  clearzbuffer 

Render scene according to current stereo mode.

Convenience function for SoRenderManager::renderScene

[in]actionRenders with a user supplied action
[in]initmatricesif true, the projection and modelview matrices are reset to identity
[in]clearwindowIf set to TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing.
[in]clearzbufferIf set to TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.
void SoRenderManager::initStencilBufferForInterleavedStereo ( void  )

Initializes stencilbuffers for interleaved stereo

void SoRenderManager::clearBuffers ( SbBool  color,
SbBool  depth 

Clears buffers with the backgroundcolor set correctly

[in]colorSet to TRUE if color buffer should be cleared
[in]depthSet to TRUE if depth buffer should be cleared

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