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SoNodekitCatalog Member List

This is the complete list of members for SoNodekitCatalog, including all inherited members.

addEntry(const SbName &name, SoType type, SoType defaulttype, SbBool isdefaultnull, const SbName &parent, const SbName &rightsibling, SbBool islist, SoType listcontainertype, SoType listitemtype, SbBool ispublic)SoNodekitCatalog
addListItemType(int part, SoType type)SoNodekitCatalog
addListItemType(const SbName &name, SoType type)SoNodekitCatalog
clone(SoType type) const SoNodekitCatalog
getDefaultType(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getDefaultType(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getListContainerType(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getListContainerType(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getListItemTypes(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getListItemTypes(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getName(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getNumEntries(void) const SoNodekitCatalog
getParentName(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getParentName(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getParentPartNumber(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getParentPartNumber(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getPartNumber(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getRightSiblingName(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getRightSiblingName(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getRightSiblingPartNumber(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getRightSiblingPartNumber(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
getType(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
getType(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
isLeaf(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
isLeaf(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
isList(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
isList(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
isNullByDefault(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
isNullByDefault(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
isPublic(int part) const SoNodekitCatalog
isPublic(const SbName &name) const SoNodekitCatalog
narrowTypes(const SbName &name, SoType newtype, SoType newdefaulttype)SoNodekitCatalog
printCheck(void) const SoNodekitCatalog
recursiveSearch(int part, const SbName &name, SoTypeList *checked) const SoNodekitCatalog
setNullByDefault(const SbName &name, SbBool nullbydefault)SoNodekitCatalog

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