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SbViewVolume Member List

This is the complete list of members for SbViewVolume, including all inherited members.

frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearval, float farval)SbViewVolume
getAlignRotation(SbBool rightAngleOnly=FALSE) const SbViewVolume
getCameraSpaceMatrix(void) const SbViewVolume
getDepth(void) const SbViewVolume
getDPViewVolume(void) const SbViewVolume
getHeight(void) const SbViewVolume
getMatrices(SbMatrix &affine, SbMatrix &proj) const SbViewVolume
getMatrix(void) const SbViewVolume
getNearDist(void) const SbViewVolume
getPlane(const float distFromEye) const SbViewVolume
getPlanePoint(const float distFromEye, const SbVec2f &normPoint) const SbViewVolume
getProjectionDirection(void) const SbViewVolume
getProjectionPoint(void) const SbViewVolume
getProjectionType(void) const SbViewVolume
getSightPoint(const float distFromEye) const SbViewVolume
getViewUp(void) const SbViewVolume
getViewVolumePlanes(SbPlane planes[6]) const SbViewVolume
getWidth(void) const SbViewVolume
getWorldToScreenScale(const SbVec3f &worldCenter, float normRadius) const SbViewVolume
intersect(const SbVec3f &p) const SbViewVolume
intersect(const SbVec3f &p0, const SbVec3f &p1, SbVec3f &closestpoint) const SbViewVolume
intersect(const SbBox3f &box) const SbViewVolume
intersectionBox(const SbBox3f &box) const SbViewVolume
narrow(float left, float bottom, float right, float top) const SbViewVolume
narrow(const SbBox3f &box) const SbViewVolume
ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearval, float farval)SbViewVolume
ORTHOGRAPHIC enum valueSbViewVolume
outsideTest(const SbPlane &p, const SbVec3f &bmin, const SbVec3f &bmax) const SbViewVolume
PERSPECTIVE enum valueSbViewVolume
perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float nearval, float farval)SbViewVolume
print(FILE *fp) const SbViewVolume
projectBox(const SbBox3f &box) const SbViewVolume
ProjectionType enum nameSbViewVolume
projectPointToLine(const SbVec2f &pt, SbLine &line) const SbViewVolume
projectPointToLine(const SbVec2f &pt, SbVec3f &line0, SbVec3f &line1) const SbViewVolume
projectToScreen(const SbVec3f &src, SbVec3f &dst) const SbViewVolume
rotateCamera(const SbRotation &q)SbViewVolume
scale(float factor)SbViewVolume
scaleHeight(float ratio)SbViewVolume
scaleWidth(float ratio)SbViewVolume
transform(const SbMatrix &matrix)SbViewVolume
translateCamera(const SbVec3f &v)SbViewVolume
zNarrow(float nearval, float farval) const SbViewVolume
zVector(void) const SbViewVolume

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