Class ObjectType

All Implemented Interfaces:
StaticScope<JSType>, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EnumElementType, EnumType, FunctionType, TemplateType, TemplatizedType, UnknownType

public abstract class ObjectType extends JSType implements StaticScope<JSType>
Object type. In JavaScript, all object types have properties, and each of those properties has a type. Property types may be DECLARED, INFERRED, or UNKNOWN. DECLARED properties have an explicit type annotation, as in: /xx @type {number} x/ = 1; This property may only hold number values, and an assignment to any other type of value is an error. INFERRED properties do not have an explicit type annotation. Rather, we try to find all the possible types that this property can hold. = 1; If the programmer assigns other types of values to this property, the property will take on the union of all these types. UNKNOWN properties are properties on the UNKNOWN type. The UNKNOWN type has all properties, but we do not know whether they are declared or inferred.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getRootNode

      public Node getRootNode()
      Description copied from interface: StaticScope
      Returns the root node associated with this scope. May be null.
      Specified by:
      getRootNode in interface StaticScope<JSType>
    • getParentScope

      public ObjectType getParentScope()
      Description copied from interface: StaticScope
      Returns the scope enclosing this one or null if none.
      Specified by:
      getParentScope in interface StaticScope<JSType>
    • getSlot

      public Property getSlot(String name)
      Default getSlot implementation. This gets overridden by FunctionType for lazily-resolved prototypes.
      Specified by:
      getSlot in interface StaticScope<JSType>
      name - The name of the variable slot to look up.
      The defined slot for the variable, or null if no definition exists.
    • getOwnSlot

      public Property getOwnSlot(String name)
      Description copied from interface: StaticScope
      Like getSlot but does not recurse into parent scopes.
      Specified by:
      getOwnSlot in interface StaticScope<JSType>
    • getTypeOfThis

      public JSType getTypeOfThis()
      Description copied from interface: StaticScope
      Returns the expected type of this in the current scope.
      Specified by:
      getTypeOfThis in interface StaticScope<JSType>
    • getTemplateTypes

      public<JSType> getTemplateTypes()
      Gets the declared default element type.
      See Also:
    • getJSDocInfo

      public JSDocInfo getJSDocInfo()
      Gets the docInfo for this type.
      getJSDocInfo in class JSType
    • setJSDocInfo

      public void setJSDocInfo(JSDocInfo info)
      Sets the docInfo for this type from the given JSDocInfo. The JSDocInfo may be null.
    • getReferenceName

      public abstract String getReferenceName()
      Gets the reference name for this object. This includes named types like constructors, prototypes, and enums. It notably does not include literal types like strings and booleans and structural types.
      the object's name or null if this is an anonymous object
    • getNormalizedReferenceName

      public String getNormalizedReferenceName()
      Due to the complexity of some of our internal type systems, sometimes we have different types constructed by the same constructor. In other parts of the type system, these are called delegates. We construct these types by appending suffixes to the constructor name. The normalized reference name does not have these suffixes, and as such, recollapses these implicit types back to their real type.
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Returns a user meaningful label for the JSType instance. For example, Functions and Enums will return their declaration name (if they have one). Some types will not have a meaningful display name. Calls to hasDisplayName() will return true IFF getDisplayName() will return null or a zero length string.
      getDisplayName in class JSType
      the display name of the type, or null if one is not available
    • createDelegateSuffix

      public static String createDelegateSuffix(String suffix)
      Creates a suffix for a proxy delegate.
      See Also:
    • hasReferenceName

      public boolean hasReferenceName()
      Returns true if the object is named.
      true if the object is named, false if it is anonymous
    • testForEquality

      public TernaryValue testForEquality(JSType that)
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Compares this and that.
      testForEquality in class JSType
      • TernaryValue.TRUE if the comparison of values of this type and that always succeed (such as undefined compared to null)
      • TernaryValue.FALSE if the comparison of values of this type and that always fails (such as undefined compared to number)
      • TernaryValue.UNKNOWN if the comparison can succeed or fail depending on the concrete values
    • getConstructor

      public abstract FunctionType getConstructor()
      Gets this object's constructor.
      this object's constructor or null if it is a native object (constructed natively v.s. by instantiation of a function)
    • getImplicitPrototype

      public abstract ObjectType getImplicitPrototype()
      Gets the implicit prototype (a.k.a. the [[Prototype]] property).
    • defineDeclaredProperty

      public final boolean defineDeclaredProperty(String propertyName, JSType type, Node propertyNode)
      Defines a property whose type is explicitly declared by the programmer.
      propertyName - the property's name
      type - the type
      propertyNode - the node corresponding to the declaration of property which might later be accessed using getPropertyNode.
    • defineSynthesizedProperty

      public final boolean defineSynthesizedProperty(String propertyName, JSType type, Node propertyNode)
      Defines a property whose type is on a synthesized object. These objects don't actually exist in the user's program. They're just used for bookkeeping in the type system.
    • defineInferredProperty

      public final boolean defineInferredProperty(String propertyName, JSType type, Node propertyNode)
      Defines a property whose type is inferred.
      propertyName - the property's name
      type - the type
      propertyNode - the node corresponding to the inferred definition of property that might later be accessed using getPropertyNode.
    • removeProperty

      public boolean removeProperty(String propertyName)
      Removes the declared or inferred property from this ObjectType.
      propertyName - the property's name
      true if the property was removed successfully. False if the property did not exist, or could not be removed.
    • getPropertyNode

      public Node getPropertyNode(String propertyName)
      Gets the node corresponding to the definition of the specified property. This could be the node corresponding to declaration of the property or the node corresponding to the first reference to this property, e.g., "this.propertyName" in a constructor. Note this is mainly intended to be an estimate of where in the source code a property is defined. Sometime the returned node is not even part of the global AST but in the AST of the JsDoc that defines a type.
      propertyName - the name of the property
      the Node corresponding to the property or null.
    • getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo

      public JSDocInfo getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo(String propertyName)
      Gets the docInfo on the specified property on this type. This should not be implemented recursively, as you generally need to know exactly on which type in the prototype chain the JSDocInfo exists.
    • setPropertyJSDocInfo

      public void setPropertyJSDocInfo(String propertyName, JSDocInfo info)
      Sets the docInfo for the specified property from the JSDocInfo on its definition.
      info - JSDocInfo for the property definition. May be null.
    • findPropertyType

      public JSType findPropertyType(String propertyName)
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Coerces this type to an Object type, then gets the type of the property whose name is given. Unlike getPropertyType(java.lang.String), returns null if the property is not found.
      findPropertyType in class JSType
      The property's type. null if the current type cannot have properties, or if the type is not found.
    • getPropertyType

      public JSType getPropertyType(String propertyName)
      Gets the property type of the property whose name is given. If the underlying object does not have this property, the Unknown type is returned to indicate that no information is available on this property. This gets overridden by FunctionType for lazily-resolved call() and bind() functions.
      the property's type or UnknownType. This method never returns null.
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName)
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Checks whether the property is present on the object.
      hasProperty in class JSType
      propertyName - The property name.
    • hasOwnProperty

      public boolean hasOwnProperty(String propertyName)
      Checks whether the property whose name is given is present directly on the object. Returns false even if it is declared on a supertype.
    • getOwnPropertyNames

      public Set<String> getOwnPropertyNames()
      Returns the names of all the properties directly on this type. Overridden by FunctionType to add "prototype".
    • isPropertyTypeInferred

      public boolean isPropertyTypeInferred(String propertyName)
      Checks whether the property's type is inferred.
    • isPropertyTypeDeclared

      public boolean isPropertyTypeDeclared(String propertyName)
      Checks whether the property's type is declared.
    • isPropertyInExterns

      public boolean isPropertyInExterns(String propertyName)
      Checks whether the property was defined in the externs.
    • getPropertiesCount

      public int getPropertiesCount()
      Gets the number of properties of this object.
    • getPropertyNames

      public Set<String> getPropertyNames()
      Returns a list of properties defined or inferred on this type and any of its supertypes.
    • visit

      public <T> T visit(Visitor<T> visitor)
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Visit this type with the given visitor.
      Specified by:
      visit in class JSType
      the value returned by the visitor
      See Also:
    • getPossibleToBooleanOutcomes

      public BooleanLiteralSet getPossibleToBooleanOutcomes()
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Computes the set of possible outcomes of the ToBoolean predicate for this type. The ToBoolean predicate is defined by the ECMA-262 standard, 3rd edition. Its behavior for simple types can be summarized by the following table:
      boolean{true, false}
      number{true, false}
      string{true, false}
      Specified by:
      getPossibleToBooleanOutcomes in class JSType
      the set of boolean literals for this type
    • isUnknownType

      public boolean isUnknownType()
      We treat this as the unknown type if any of its implicit prototype properties is unknown.
      isUnknownType in class JSType
    • isObject

      public boolean isObject()
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Tests whether this type is an Object, or any subtype thereof.
      isObject in class JSType
      this &lt;: Object
    • hasCachedValues

      public boolean hasCachedValues()
      Returns true if any cached values have been set for this type. If true, then the prototype chain should not be changed, as it might invalidate the cached values.
    • clearCachedValues

      public void clearCachedValues()
      Clear cached values. Should be called before making changes to a prototype that may have been changed since creation.
    • isNativeObjectType

      public boolean isNativeObjectType()
      Whether this is a built-in object.
    • cast

      public static ObjectType cast(JSType type)
      A null-safe version of JSType#toObjectType.
    • isFunctionPrototypeType

      public final boolean isFunctionPrototypeType()
      Description copied from class: JSType
      Whether this is the prototype of a function.
      isFunctionPrototypeType in class JSType
    • getOwnerFunction

      public FunctionType getOwnerFunction()
      Gets the owner of this if it's a function prototype.
    • getCtorImplementedInterfaces

      public Iterable<ObjectType> getCtorImplementedInterfaces()
      Gets the interfaces implemented by the ctor associated with this type. Intended to be overridden by subclasses.
    • getCtorExtendedInterfaces

      public Iterable<ObjectType> getCtorExtendedInterfaces()
      Gets the interfaces extended by the interface associated with this type. Intended to be overridden by subclasses.