Provides graph data structures and algorithms for coloring and fixed-point
E> A minimal graph interface.Object that has an annotation.Information that can be annotated to aGraphNode
.DiGraph<N,E> A generic directed graph.DiGraph.DiGraphEdge<N,E> A generic directed graph edge.DiGraph.DiGraphNode<N,E> A generic directed graph node.A utility class for doing fixed-point computations.FixedPointGraphTraversal.EdgeCallback<Node,Edge> Graph<N,E> The base generic class for graph-like data structure and algorithms in the compiler.Graph.GraphEdge<N,E> A generic edge.GraphColoring<N,E> Annotates the graph with a color in a way that no connected node will have the same color.Greedily assign nodes with high degree unique colors.GraphNode<N,E> A generic node.GraphPruner<N,E> Prunes a graph, creating a new graph with nodes removed.GraphReachability<N,E> Computes all the reachable nodes.Represents Source Node, Edge and Destination Node.A graph that can be dumped to a Graphviz DOT file.A Graphviz edge.A Graphviz node.A lattice element.LinkedDirectedGraph<N,E> A directed graph using linked list within nodes to store edge information.An undirected graph using linked list within nodes to store edge information.A Union-Find implementation.SubGraph<N,E> An interface representing a subgraph that provides adjacency calculation to a node.UndiGraph<N,E> A generic undirected graph.A generic undirected graph edge.A generic undirected graph node.UnionFind<E>Union-Find is a classical algorithm used to find connected components in graph theory.