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Chapter 12  FITSIO Error Status Codes

Status codes in the range -99 to -999  and 1 to 999 are reserved for future

  0  OK, no error
101  input and output files are the same
103  too many FITS files open at once; all internal buffers full
104  error opening existing file
105  error creating new FITS file; (does a file with this name already exist?)
106  error writing record to FITS file
107  end-of-file encountered while reading record from FITS file
108  error reading record from file
110  error closing FITS file
111  internal array dimensions exceeded
112  Cannot modify file with readonly access
113  Could not allocate memory
114  illegal logical unit number; must be between 1 - 300, inclusive
115  NULL input pointer to routine
116  error seeking position in file

121  invalid URL prefix on file name
122  tried to register too many IO drivers
123  driver initialization failed
124  matching driver is not registered
125  failed to parse input file URL
126  parse error in range list

151  bad argument in shared memory driver
152  null pointer passed as an argument
153  no more free shared memory handles
154  shared memory driver is not initialized
155  IPC error returned by a system call
156  no memory in shared memory driver
157  resource deadlock would occur
158  attempt to open/create lock file failed
159  shared memory block cannot be resized at the moment

201  header not empty; can't write required keywords
202  specified keyword name was not found in the header
203  specified header record number is out of bounds
204  keyword value field is blank
205  keyword value string is missing the closing quote character
206  illegal indexed keyword name (e.g. 'TFORM1000')
207  illegal character in keyword name or header record
208  keyword does not have expected name. Keyword out of sequence?
209  keyword does not have expected integer value
210  could not find the required END header keyword
211  illegal BITPIX keyword value
212  illegal NAXIS keyword value
213  illegal NAXISn keyword value: must be 0 or positive integer
214  illegal PCOUNT keyword value
215  illegal GCOUNT keyword value
216  illegal TFIELDS keyword value
217  negative ASCII or binary table width value (NAXIS1)
218  negative number of rows in ASCII or binary table (NAXIS2)
219  column name (TTYPE keyword) not found
220  illegal SIMPLE keyword value
221  could not find the required SIMPLE header keyword
222  could not find the required BITPIX header keyword
223  could not find the required NAXIS header keyword
224  could not find all the required NAXISn keywords in the header
225  could not find the required XTENSION header keyword
226  the CHDU is not an ASCII table extension
227  the CHDU is not a binary table extension
228  could not find the required PCOUNT header keyword
229  could not find the required GCOUNT header keyword
230  could not find the required TFIELDS header keyword
231  could not find all the required TBCOLn keywords in the header
232  could not find all the required TFORMn keywords in the header
233  the CHDU is not an IMAGE extension
234  illegal TBCOL keyword value; out of range
235  this operation only allowed for ASCII or BINARY table extension
236  column is too wide to fit within the specified width of the ASCII table
237  the specified column name template matched more than one column name
241  binary table row width is not equal to the sum of the field widths
251  unrecognizable type of FITS extension
252  unrecognizable FITS record
253  END keyword contains non-blank characters in columns 9-80
254  Header fill area contains non-blank characters
255  Data fill area contains non-blank on non-zero values
261  unable to parse the TFORM keyword value string
262  unrecognizable TFORM datatype code
263  illegal TDIMn keyword value

301  illegal HDU number; less than 1 or greater than internal buffer size
302  column number out of range (1 - 999)
304  attempt to move to negative file record number
306  attempted to read or write a negative number of bytes in the FITS file
307  illegal starting row number for table read or write operation
308  illegal starting element number for table read or write operation
309  attempted to read or write character string in non-character table column
310  attempted to read or write logical value in non-logical table column
311  illegal ASCII table TFORM format code for attempted operation
312  illegal binary table TFORM format code for attempted operation
314  value for undefined pixels has not been defined
317  attempted to read or write descriptor in a non-descriptor field
320  number of array dimensions out of range
321  first pixel number is greater than the last pixel number
322  attempt to set BSCALE or TSCALn scaling parameter = 0
323  illegal axis length less than 1

340 NOT_GROUP_TABLE 340   Grouping function error

360 NGP_NO_MEMORY              malloc failed
361 NGP_READ_ERR               read error from file
362 NGP_NUL_PTR                null pointer passed as an argument.
                                 Passing null pointer as a name of
                                 template file raises this error
363 NGP_EMPTY_CURLINE          line read seems to be empty (used
364 NGP_UNREAD_QUEUE_FULL      cannot unread more then 1 line (or single
                                 line twice)
365 NGP_INC_NESTING            too deep include file nesting (infinite
                                 loop, template includes itself ?)
366 NGP_ERR_FOPEN              fopen() failed, cannot open template file
367 NGP_EOF                    end of file encountered and not expected
368 NGP_BAD_ARG                bad arguments passed. Usually means
                                 internal parser error. Should not happen
369 NGP_TOKEN_NOT_EXPECT       token not expected here

401  error attempting to convert an integer to a formatted character string
402  error attempting to convert a real value to a formatted character string
403  cannot convert a quoted string keyword to an integer
404  attempted to read a non-logical keyword value as a logical value
405  cannot convert a quoted string keyword to a real value
406  cannot convert a quoted string keyword to a double precision value
407  error attempting to read character string as an integer
408  error attempting to read character string as a real value
409  error attempting to read character string as a double precision value
410  bad keyword datatype code
411  illegal number of decimal places while formatting floating point value
412  numerical overflow during implicit datatype conversion
413  error compressing image
414  error uncompressing image
420  error in date or time conversion

431  syntax error in parser expression
432  expression did not evaluate to desired type
433  vector result too large to return in array
434  data parser failed not sent an out column
435  bad data encounter while parsing column
436  parse error: output file not of proper type

501  celestial angle too large for projection
502  bad celestial coordinate or pixel value
503  error in celestial coordinate calculation
504  unsupported type of celestial projection
505  required celestial coordinate keywords not found
506  approximate wcs keyword values were returned

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