Chapter 5 Basic Interface Routines
This section defines a basic set of subroutines that can be
used to perform the most common types of read and write operations
on FITS files. New users should start with these subroutines and
then, as needed, explore the more advance routines described in
the following chapter to perform more complex or specialized operations.
A right arrow symbol (>) is used to separate the input parameters from
the output parameters in the definition of each routine. This symbol
is not actually part of the calling sequence. Note that
the status parameter is both an input and an output parameter
and must be initialized = 0 prior to calling the FITSIO subroutines.
Refer to Chapter 9 for the definition of all the parameters
used by these interface routines.
5.1 FITSIO Error Status Routines
- 1
- Return the current version number of the fitsio library.
The version number will be incremented with each new
release of CFITSIO. The 3 fields of the version string M.xx.yy
are converted to a float as: M + .01*xx + .0001*yy.
FTVERS( > version)
- 2
- Return the descriptive text string corresponding to a FITSIO error
status code. The 30-character length string contains a brief
description of the cause of the error.
FTGERR(status, > errtext)
- 3
- Return the top (oldest) 80-character error message from the
internal FITSIO stack of error messages and shift any remaining
messages on the stack up one level. Any FITSIO error will
generate one or more messages on the stack. Call this routine
repeatedly to get each message in sequence. The error stack is empty
when a blank string is returned.
FTGMSG( > errmsg)
- 4
- The FTPMRK routine puts an invisible marker on the
CFITSIO error stack. The FTCMRK routine can then be
used to delete any more recent error messages on the stack, back to
the position of the marker. This preserves any older error messages
on the stack. FTCMSG simply clears the entire error message stack.
These routines are called without any arguments.
- 5
- Print out the error message corresponding to the input status
value and all the error messages on the FITSIO stack to the specified
file stream (stream can be either the string ’STDOUT’ or ’STDERR’).
If the input status value = 0 then this routine does nothing.
FTRPRT (stream, > status)
- 6
- Write an 80-character message to the FITSIO error stack. Application
programs should not normally write to the stack, but there may be
some situations where this is desirable.
5.2 File I/O Routines
- 1
- Open an existing FITS file with readonly or readwrite access.
This routine always opens the primary array (the first HDU) of
the file, and does not move to a following extension, if one was
specified as part of the filename. Use the FTNOPN routine to
automatically move to the extension. This routine will also
open IRAF images (.imh format files) and raw binary data arrays
with READONLY access by first converting them on the fly into
virtual FITS images. See the ‘Extended File Name Syntax’ chapter
for more details. The FTDKOPN routine simply opens the specified
file without trying to interpret the filename using the extended
filename syntax.
FTOPEN(unit,filename,rwmode, > blocksize,status)
FTDKOPN(unit,filename,rwmode, > blocksize,status)
- 2
- Open an existing FITS file with readonly or readwrite access
and move to a following extension, if one was specified as
part of the filename. (e.g., ’filename.fits+2’ or
’filename.fits[2]’ will move to the 3rd HDU in the file).
Note that this routine differs from FTOPEN in that it does not
have the redundant blocksize argument.
FTNOPN(unit,filename,rwmode, > status)
- 3
- Open an existing FITS file with readonly or readwrite access
and then move to the first HDU containing significant data, if a) an HDU
name or number to open was not explicitly specified as part of the
filename, and b) if the FITS file contains a null primary array (i.e.,
NAXIS = 0). In this case, it will look for the first IMAGE HDU with
NAXIS > 0, or the first table that does not contain the strings ‘GTI’
(Good Time Interval) or ‘OBSTABLE’ in the EXTNAME keyword value. FTTOPN
is similar, except it will move to the first significant table HDU
(skipping over any image HDUs) in the file if a specific HDU name
or number is not specified. FTIOPN will move to the first non-null
image HDU, skipping over any tables.
FTDOPN(unit,filename,rwmode, > status)
FTTOPN(unit,filename,rwmode, > status)
FTIOPN(unit,filename,rwmode, > status)
- 4
- Open and initialize a new empty FITS file. A template file may also be
specified to define the structure of the new file (see section 4.2.4).
The FTDKINIT routine simply creates the specified
file without trying to interpret the filename using the extended
filename syntax.
FTINIT(unit,filename,blocksize, > status)
FTDKINIT(unit,filename,blocksize, > status)
- 5
- Close a FITS file previously opened with ftopen or ftinit
FTCLOS(unit, > status)
- 6
- Move to a specified (absolute) HDU in the FITS file (nhdu = 1 for the
FITS primary array)
FTMAHD(unit,nhdu, > hdutype,status)
- 7
- Create a primary array (if none already exists), or insert a
new IMAGE extension immediately following the CHDU, or
insert a new Primary Array at the beginning of the file. Any
following extensions in the file will be shifted down to make room
for the new extension. If the CHDU is the last HDU in the file
then the new image extension will simply be appended to the end of
the file. One can force a new primary array to be inserted at the
beginning of the FITS file by setting status = -9 prior
to calling the routine. In this case the existing primary array will be
converted to an IMAGE extension. The new extension (or primary
array) will become the CHDU. The FTIIMGLL routine is identical
to the FTIIMG routine except that the 4th parameter (the length
of each axis) is an array of 64-bit integers rather than an array
of 32-bit integers.
FTIIMG(unit,bitpix,naxis,naxes, > status)
FTIIMGLL(unit,bitpix,naxis,naxesll, > status)
- 8
- Insert a new ASCII TABLE extension immediately following the CHDU.
Any following extensions will be shifted down to make room for
the new extension. If there are no other following extensions
then the new table extension will simply be appended to the
end of the file. The new extension will become the CHDU. The FTITABLL
routine is identical
to the FTITAB routine except that the 2nd and 3rd parameters (that give
the size of the table) are 64-bit integers rather than
32-bit integers. Under normal circumstances, the nrows and nrowsll
paramenters should have a value of 0; CFITSIO will automatically update
the number of rows as data is written to the table.
FTITAB(unit,rowlen,nrows,tfields,ttype,tbcol,tform,tunit,extname, >
FTITABLL(unit,rowlenll,nrowsll,tfields,ttype,tbcol,tform,tunit,extname, >
- 9
- Insert a new binary table extension immediately following the CHDU.
Any following extensions will be shifted down to make room for
the new extension. If there are no other following extensions
then the new bintable extension will simply be appended to the
end of the file. The new extension will become the CHDU. The FTIBINLL
routine is identical
to the FTIBIN routine except that the 2nd parameter (that gives
the length of the table) is a 64-bit integer rather than
a 32-bit integer. Under normal circumstances, the nrows and nrowsll
paramenters should have a value of 0; CFITSIO will automatically update
the number of rows as data is written to the table.
FTIBIN(unit,nrows,tfields,ttype,tform,tunit,extname,varidat > status)
FTIBINLL(unit,nrowsll,tfields,ttype,tform,tunit,extname,varidat > status)
5.3 Keyword I/O Routines
- 1
- Put (append) an 80-character record into the CHU.
FTPREC(unit,card, > status)
- 2
- Put (append) a new keyword of the appropriate datatype into the CHU.
The E and D versions of this routine have the added feature that
if the ’decimals’ parameter is negative, then the ’G’ display
format rather then the ’E’ format will be used when constructing
the keyword value, taking the absolute value of ’decimals’ for the
precision. This will suppress trailing zeros, and will use a
fixed format rather than an exponential format,
depending on the magnitude of the value.
FTPKY[JKLS](unit,keyword,keyval,comment, > status)
FTPKY[EDFG](unit,keyword,keyval,decimals,comment, > status)
- 3
- Get the nth 80-character header record from the CHU. The first keyword
in the header is at key_no = 1; if key_no = 0 then this subroutine
simple moves the internal pointer to the beginning of the header
so that subsequent keyword operations will start at the top of
the header; it also returns a blank card value in this case.
FTGREC(unit,key_no, > card,status)
- 4
- Get a keyword value (with the appropriate datatype) and comment from
the CHU
FTGKY[EDJKLS](unit,keyword, > keyval,comment,status)
- 5
- Delete an existing keyword record.
FTDKEY(unit,keyword, > status)
5.4 Data I/O Routines
The following routines read or write data values in the current HDU of
the FITS file. Automatic datatype conversion
will be attempted for numerical datatypes if the specified datatype is
different from the actual datatype of the FITS array or table column.
- 1
- Write elements into the primary data array or image extension.
FTPPR[BIJKED](unit,group,fpixel,nelements,values, > status)
- 2
- Read elements from the primary data array or image extension.
Undefined array elements will be
returned with a value = nullval, unless nullval = 0 in which case no
checks for undefined pixels will be performed. The anyf parameter is
set to true (= .true.) if any of the returned
elements were undefined.
FTGPV[BIJKED](unit,group,fpixel,nelements,nullval, > values,anyf,status)
- 3
- Write elements into an ASCII or binary table column. The ‘felem’
parameter applies only to vector columns in binary tables and is
ignored when writing to ASCII tables.
FTPCL[SLBIJKEDCM](unit,colnum,frow,felem,nelements,values, > status)
- 4
- Read elements from an ASCII or binary table column. Undefined
array elements will be returned with a value = nullval, unless nullval = 0
(or = ’ ’ for ftgcvs) in which case no checking for undefined values will
be performed. The ANYF parameter is set to true if any of the returned
elements are undefined.
Any column, regardless of it’s intrinsic datatype, may be read as a
string. It should be noted however that reading a numeric column
as a string is 10 - 100 times slower than reading the same column
as a number due to the large overhead in constructing the formatted
strings. The display format of the returned strings will be
determined by the TDISPn keyword, if it exists, otherwise by the
datatype of the column. The length of the returned strings can be
determined with the ftgcdw routine. The following TDISPn display
formats are currently supported:
Iw.m Integer
Ow.m Octal integer
Zw.m Hexadecimal integer
Fw.d Fixed floating point
Ew.d Exponential floating point
Dw.d Exponential floating point
Gw.d General; uses Fw.d if significance not lost, else Ew.d
where w is the width in characters of the displayed values, m is the minimum
number of digits displayed, and d is the number of digits to the right of the
decimal. The .m field is optional.
FTGCV[SBIJKEDCM](unit,colnum,frow,felem,nelements,nullval, >
- 5
- Get the table column number and full name of the column whose name
matches the input template string. See the ‘Advanced Interface Routines’
chapter for a full description of this routine.
FTGCNN(unit,casesen,coltemplate, > colname,colnum,status)