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Chapter 4 FITSIO Conventions and Guidelines

4.1 CFITSIO Size Limitations

CFITSIO places few restrictions on the size of FITS files that it reads or writes. There are a few limits, however, which may affect some extreme cases:

1. The maximum number of FITS files that may be simultaneously opened by CFITSIO is set by NMAXFILES, as defined in fitsio2.h. The current default value is 1000, but this may be increased if necessary. Note that CFITSIO allocates NIOBUF * 2880 bytes of I/O buffer space for each file that is opened. The default value of NIOBUF is 40 (defined in fitsio.h), so this amounts to more than 115K of memory for each opened file (or 115 MB for 1000 opened files). Note that the underlying operating system, may have a lower limit on the number of files that can be opened simultaneously.

2. By default, CFITSIO can handle FITS files up to 2.1 GB in size (2**31 bytes). This file size limit is often imposed by 32-bit operating systems. More recently, as 64-bit operating systems become more common, an industry-wide standard (at least on Unix systems) has been developed to support larger sized files (see Starting with version 2.1 of CFITSIO, larger FITS files up to 6 terabytes in size may be read and written on supported platforms. In order to support these larger files, CFITSIO must be compiled with the ’-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE’ and ‘-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64’ compiler flags. Some platforms may also require the ‘-D_LARGE_FILES’ compiler flag. This causes the compiler to allocate 8-bytes instead of 4-bytes for the ‘off_t’ datatype which is used to store file offset positions. It appears that in most cases it is not necessary to also include these compiler flags when compiling programs that link to the CFITSIO library.

If CFITSIO is compiled with the -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE and -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 flags on a platform that supports large files, then it can read and write FITS files that contain up to 2**31 2880-byte FITS records, or approximately 6 terabytes in size. It is still required that the value of the NAXISn and PCOUNT keywords in each extension be within the range of a signed 4-byte integer (max value = 2,147,483,648). Thus, each dimension of an image (given by the NAXISn keywords), the total width of a table (NAXIS1 keyword), the number of rows in a table (NAXIS2 keyword), and the total size of the variable-length array heap in binary tables (PCOUNT keyword) must be less than this limit.

Currently, support for large files within CFITSIO has been tested on the Linux, Solaris, and IBM AIX operating systems.

4.2 Multiple Access to the Same FITS File

CFITSIO supports simultaneous read and write access to multiple HDUs in the same FITS file. Thus, one can open the same FITS file twice within a single program and move to 2 different HDUs in the file, and then read and write data or keywords to the 2 extensions just as if one were accessing 2 completely separate FITS files. Since in general it is not possible to physically open the same file twice and then expect to be able to simultaneously (or in alternating succession) write to 2 different locations in the file, CFITSIO recognizes when the file to be opened (in the call to fits_open_file) has already been opened and instead of actually opening the file again, just logically links the new file to the old file. (This only applies if the file is opened more than once within the same program, and does not prevent the same file from being simultaneously opened by more than one program). Then before CFITSIO reads or writes to either (logical) file, it makes sure that any modifications made to the other file have been completely flushed from the internal buffers to the file. Thus, in principle, one could open a file twice, in one case pointing to the first extension and in the other pointing to the 2nd extension and then write data to both extensions, in any order, without danger of corrupting the file, There may be some efficiency penalties in doing this however, since CFITSIO has to flush all the internal buffers related to one file before switching to the other, so it would still be prudent to minimize the number of times one switches back and forth between doing I/O to different HDUs in the same file.

4.3 Current Header Data Unit (CHDU)

In general, a FITS file can contain multiple Header Data Units, also called extensions. CFITSIO only operates within one HDU at any given time, and the currently selected HDU is called the Current Header Data Unit (CHDU). When a FITS file is first created or opened the CHDU is automatically defined to be the first HDU (i.e., the primary array). CFITSIO routines are provided to move to and open any other existing HDU within the FITS file or to append or insert a new HDU in the FITS file which then becomes the CHDU.

4.4 Subroutine Names

All FITSIO subroutine names begin with the letters ’ft’ to distinguish them from other subroutines and are 5 or 6 characters long. Users should not name their own subroutines beginning with ’ft’ to avoid conflicts. (The SPP interface routines all begin with ’fs’). Subroutines which read or get information from the FITS file have names beginning with ’ftg...’. Subroutines which write or put information into the FITS file have names beginning with ’ftp...’.

4.5 Subroutine Families and Datatypes

Many of the subroutines come in families which differ only in the datatype of the associated parameter(s) . The datatype of these subroutines is indicated by the last letter of the subroutine name (e.g., ’j’ in ’ftpkyj’) as follows:

        x - bit
        b - character*1 (unsigned byte)
        i - short integer (I*2)
        j - integer (I*4, 32-bit integer)
        k - long long integer (I*8, 64-bit integer)
        e - real exponential floating point (R*4)
        f - real fixed-format floating point (R*4)
        d - double precision real floating-point (R*8)
        g - double precision fixed-format floating point (R*8)
        c - complex reals (pairs of R*4 values)
        m - double precision complex (pairs of R*8 values)
        l - logical (L*4)
        s - character string

When dealing with the FITS byte datatype, it is important to remember that the raw values (before any scaling by the BSCALE and BZERO, or TSCALn and TZEROn keyword values) in byte arrays (BITPIX = 8) or byte columns (TFORMn = ’B’) are interpreted as unsigned bytes with values ranging from 0 to 255. Some Fortran compilers support a non-standard byte datatype such as INTEGER*1, LOGICAL*1, or BYTE, which can sometimes be used instead of CHARACTER*1 variables. Many machines permit passing a numeric datatype (such as INTEGER*1) to the FITSIO subroutines which are expecting a CHARACTER*1 datatype, but this technically violates the Fortran-77 standard and is not supported on all machines (e.g., on a VAX/VMS machine one must use the VAX-specific %DESCR function).

One feature of the CFITSIO routines is that they can operate on a ‘X’ (bit) column in a binary table as though it were a ‘B’ (byte) column. For example a ‘11X’ datatype column can be interpreted the same as a ‘2B’ column (i.e., 2 unsigned 8-bit bytes). In some instances, it can be more efficient to read and write whole bytes at a time, rather than reading or writing each individual bit.

The double precision complex datatype is not a standard Fortran-77 datatype. If a particular Fortran compiler does not directly support this datatype, then one may instead pass an array of pairs of double precision values to these subroutines. The first value in each pair is the real part, and the second is the imaginary part.

4.6 Implicit Data Type Conversion

The FITSIO routines that read and write numerical data can perform implicit data type conversion. This means that the data type of the variable or array in the program does not need to be the same as the data type of the value in the FITS file. Data type conversion is supported for numerical and string data types (if the string contains a valid number enclosed in quotes) when reading a FITS header keyword value and for numeric values when reading or writing values in the primary array or a table column. CFITSIO returns status = NUM_OVERFLOW if the converted data value exceeds the range of the output data type. Implicit data type conversion is not supported within binary tables for string, logical, complex, or double complex data types.

In addition, any table column may be read as if it contained string values. In the case of numeric columns the returned string will be formatted using the TDISPn display format if it exists.

4.7 Data Scaling

When reading numerical data values in the primary array or a table column, the values will be scaled automatically by the BSCALE and BZERO (or TSCALn and TZEROn) header keyword values if they are present in the header. The scaled data that is returned to the reading program will have

        output value = (FITS value) * BSCALE + BZERO

(a corresponding formula using TSCALn and TZEROn is used when reading from table columns). In the case of integer output values the floating point scaled value is truncated to an integer (not rounded to the nearest integer). The ftpscl and fttscl subroutines may be used to override the scaling parameters defined in the header (e.g., to turn off the scaling so that the program can read the raw unscaled values from the FITS file).

When writing numerical data to the primary array or to a table column the data values will generally be automatically inversely scaled by the value of the BSCALE and BZERO (or TSCALn and TZEROn) header keyword values if they they exist in the header. These keywords must have been written to the header before any data is written for them to have any effect. Otherwise, one may use the ftpscl and fttscl subroutines to define or override the scaling keywords in the header (e.g., to turn off the scaling so that the program can write the raw unscaled values into the FITS file). If scaling is performed, the inverse scaled output value that is written into the FITS file will have

         FITS value = ((input value) - BZERO) / BSCALE

(a corresponding formula using TSCALn and TZEROn is used when writing to table columns). Rounding to the nearest integer, rather than truncation, is performed when writing integer datatypes to the FITS file.

4.8 Error Status Values and the Error Message Stack

The last parameter in nearly every FITSIO subroutine is the error status value which is both an input and an output parameter. A returned positive value for this parameter indicates an error was detected. A listing of all the FITSIO status code values is given at the end of this document.

The FITSIO library uses an ‘inherited status’ convention for the status parameter which means that if a subroutine is called with a positive input value of the status parameter, then the subroutine will exit immediately without changing the value of the status parameter. Thus, if one passes the status value returned from each FITSIO routine as input to the next FITSIO subroutine, then whenever an error is detected all further FITSIO processing will cease. This convention can simplify the error checking in application programs because it is not necessary to check the value of the status parameter after every single FITSIO subroutine call. If a program contains a sequence of several FITSIO calls, one can just check the status value after the last call. Since the returned status values are generally distinctive, it should be possible to determine which subroutine originally returned the error status.

FITSIO also maintains an internal stack of error messages (80-character maximum length) which in many cases provide a more detailed explanation of the cause of the error than is provided by the error status number alone. It is recommended that the error message stack be printed out whenever a program detects a FITSIO error. To do this, call the FTGMSG routine repeatedly to get the successive messages on the stack. When the stack is empty FTGMSG will return a blank string. Note that this is a ‘First In – First Out’ stack, so the oldest error message is returned first by ftgmsg.

4.9 Variable-Length Array Facility in Binary Tables

FITSIO provides easy-to-use support for reading and writing data in variable length fields of a binary table. The variable length columns have TFORMn keyword values of the form ‘1Pt(len)’ or ‘1Qt(len)’ where ‘t’ is the datatype code (e.g., I, J, E, D, etc.) and ‘len’ is an integer specifying the maximum length of the vector in the table. If the value of ‘len’ is not specified when the table is created (e.g., if the TFORM keyword value is simply specified as ’1PE’ instead of ’1PE(400) ), then FITSIO will automatically scan the table when it is closed to determine the maximum length of the vector and will append this value to the TFORMn value.

The same routines which read and write data in an ordinary fixed length binary table extension are also used for variable length fields, however, the subroutine parameters take on a slightly different interpretation as described below.

All the data in a variable length field is written into an area called the ‘heap’ which follows the main fixed-length FITS binary table. The size of the heap, in bytes, is specified with the PCOUNT keyword in the FITS header. When creating a new binary table, the initial value of PCOUNT should usually be set to zero. FITSIO will recompute the size of the heap as the data is written and will automatically update the PCOUNT keyword value when the table is closed. When writing variable length data to a table, CFITSIO will automatically extend the size of the heap area if necessary, so that any following HDUs do not get overwritten.

By default the heap data area starts immediately after the last row of the fixed-length table. This default starting location may be overridden by the THEAP keyword, but this is not recommended. If additional rows of data are added to the table, CFITSIO will automatically shift the the heap down to make room for the new rows, but it is obviously be more efficient to initially create the table with the necessary number of blank rows, so that the heap does not needed to be constantly moved.

When writing to a variable length field, the entire array of values for a given row of the table must be written with a single call to FTPCLx. The total length of the array is calculated from (NELEM+FELEM-1). One cannot append more elements to an existing field at a later time; any attempt to do so will simply overwrite all the data which was previously written. Note also that the new data will be written to a new area of the heap and the heap space used by the previous write cannot be reclaimed. For this reason it is advised that each row of a variable length field only be written once. An exception to this general rule occurs when setting elements of an array as undefined. One must first write a dummy value into the array with FTPCLx, and then call FTPCLU to flag the desired elements as undefined. (Do not use the FTPCNx family of routines with variable length fields). Note that the rows of a table, whether fixed or variable length, do not have to be written consecutively and may be written in any order.

When writing to a variable length ASCII character field (e.g., TFORM = ’1PA’) only a single character string written. FTPCLS writes the whole length of the input string (minus any trailing blank characters), thus the NELEM and FELEM parameters are ignored. If the input string is completely blank then FITSIO will write one blank character to the FITS file. Similarly, FTGCVS and FTGCFS read the entire string (truncated to the width of the character string argument in the subroutine call) and also ignore the NELEM and FELEM parameters.

The FTPDES subroutine is useful in situations where multiple rows of a variable length column have the identical array of values. One can simply write the array once for the first row, and then use FTPDES to write the same descriptor values into the other rows (use the FTGDES routine to read the first descriptor value); all the rows will then point to the same storage location thus saving disk space.

When reading from a variable length array field one can only read as many elements as actually exist in that row of the table; reading does not automatically continue with the next row of the table as occurs when reading an ordinary fixed length table field. Attempts to read more than this will cause an error status to be returned. One can determine the number of elements in each row of a variable column with the FTGDES subroutine.

4.10 Support for IEEE Special Values

The ANSI/IEEE-754 floating-point number standard defines certain special values that are used to represent such quantities as Not-a-Number (NaN), denormalized, underflow, overflow, and infinity. (See the Appendix in the FITS standard or the FITS User’s Guide for a list of these values). The FITSIO subroutines that read floating point data in FITS files recognize these IEEE special values and by default interpret the overflow and infinity values as being equivalent to a NaN, and convert the underflow and denormalized values into zeros. In some cases programmers may want access to the raw IEEE values, without any modification by FITSIO. This can be done by calling the FTGPVx or FTGCVx routines while specifying 0.0 as the value of the NULLVAL parameter. This will force FITSIO to simply pass the IEEE values through to the application program, without any modification. This does not work for double precision values on VAX/VMS machines, however, where there is no easy way to bypass the default interpretation of the IEEE special values. This is also not supported when reading floating-point images that have been compressed with the FITS tiled image compression convention that is discussed in section 5.6; the pixels values in tile compressed images are represented by scaled integers, and a reserved integer value (not a NaN) is used to represent undefined pixels.

4.11 When the Final Size of the FITS HDU is Unknown

It is not required to know the total size of a FITS data array or table before beginning to write the data to the FITS file. In the case of the primary array or an image extension, one should initially create the array with the size of the highest dimension (largest NAXISn keyword) set to a dummy value, such as 1. Then after all the data have been written and the true dimensions are known, then the NAXISn value should be updated using the fits_ update_key routine before moving to another extension or closing the FITS file.

When writing to FITS tables, CFITSIO automatically keeps track of the highest row number that is written to, and will increase the size of the table if necessary. CFITSIO will also automatically insert space in the FITS file if necessary, to ensure that the data ’heap’, if it exists, and/or any additional HDUs that follow the table do not get overwritten as new rows are written to the table.

As a general rule it is best to specify the initial number of rows = 0 when the table is created, then let CFITSIO keep track of the number of rows that are actually written. The application program should not manually update the number of rows in the table (as given by the NAXIS2 keyword) since CFITSIO does this automatically. If a table is initially created with more than zero rows, then this will usually be considered as the minimum size of the table, even if fewer rows are actually written to the table. Thus, if a table is initially created with NAXIS2 = 20, and CFITSIO only writes 10 rows of data before closing the table, then NAXIS2 will remain equal to 20. If however, 30 rows of data are written to this table, then NAXIS2 will be increased from 20 to 30. The one exception to this automatic updating of the NAXIS2 keyword is if the application program directly modifies the value of NAXIS2 (up or down) itself just before closing the table. In this case, CFITSIO does not update NAXIS2 again, since it assumes that the application program must have had a good reason for changing the value directly. This is not recommended, however, and is only provided for backward compatibility with software that initially creates a table with a large number of rows, than decreases the NAXIS2 value to the actual smaller value just before closing the table.

4.12 Local FITS Conventions supported by FITSIO

CFITSIO supports several local FITS conventions which are not defined in the official FITS standard and which are not necessarily recognized or supported by other FITS software packages. Programmers should be cautious about using these features, especially if the FITS files that are produced are expected to be processed by other software systems which do not use the CFITSIO interface.

4.12.1 Support for Long String Keyword Values.

The length of a standard FITS string keyword is limited to 68 characters because it must fit entirely within a single FITS header keyword record. In some instances it is necessary to encode strings longer than this limit, so FITSIO supports a local convention in which the string value is continued over multiple keywords. This continuation convention uses an ampersand character at the end of each substring to indicate that it is continued on the next keyword, and the continuation keywords all have the name CONTINUE without an equal sign in column 9. The string value may be continued in this way over as many additional CONTINUE keywords as is required. The following lines illustrate this continuation convention which is used in the value of the STRKEY keyword:

LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP Long String Convention may be used.
STRKEY  = 'This is a very long string keyword&'  / Optional Comment
CONTINUE  ' value that is continued over 3 keywords in the &  '
CONTINUE  'FITS header.' / This is another optional comment.

It is recommended that the LONGSTRN keyword, as shown here, always be included in any HDU that uses this longstring convention. A subroutine called FTPLSW has been provided in CFITSIO to write this keyword if it does not already exist.

This long string convention is supported by the following FITSIO subroutines that deal with string-valued keywords:

      ftgkys - read a string keyword
      ftpkls - write (append) a string keyword
      ftikls - insert a string keyword
      ftmkls - modify the value of an existing string keyword
      ftukls - update an existing keyword, or write a new keyword
      ftdkey - delete a keyword

These routines will transparently read, write, or delete a long string value in the FITS file, so programmers in general do not have to be concerned about the details of the convention that is used to encode the long string in the FITS header. When reading a long string, one must ensure that the character string parameter used in these subroutine calls has been declared long enough to hold the entire string, otherwise the returned string value will be truncated.

Note that the more commonly used FITSIO subroutine to write string valued keywords (FTPKYS) does NOT support this long string convention and only supports strings up to 68 characters in length. This has been done deliberately to prevent programs from inadvertently writing keywords using this non-standard convention without the explicit intent of the programmer or user. The FTPKLS subroutine must be called instead to write long strings. This routine can also be used to write ordinary string values less than 68 characters in length.

4.12.2 Arrays of Fixed-Length Strings in Binary Tables

CFITSIO supports 2 ways to specify that a character column in a binary table contains an array of fixed-length strings. The first way, which is officially supported by the FITS Standard document, uses the TDIMn keyword. For example, if TFORMn = ’60A’ and TDIMn = ’(12,5)’ then that column will be interpreted as containing an array of 5 strings, each 12 characters long.

FITSIO also supports a local convention for the format of the TFORMn keyword value of the form ’rAw’ where ’r’ is an integer specifying the total width in characters of the column, and ’w’ is an integer specifying the (fixed) length of an individual unit string within the vector. For example, TFORM1 = ’120A10’ would indicate that the binary table column is 120 characters wide and consists of 12 10-character length strings. This convention is recognized by the FITSIO subroutines that read or write strings in binary tables. The Binary Table definition document specifies that other optional characters may follow the datatype code in the TFORM keyword, so this local convention is in compliance with the FITS standard, although other FITS readers are not required to recognize this convention.

4.12.3 Keyword Units Strings

One deficiency of the current FITS Standard is that it does not define a specific convention for recording the physical units of a keyword value. The TUNITn keyword can be used to specify the physical units of the values in a table column, but there is no analogous convention for keyword values. The comment field of the keyword is often used for this purpose, but the units are usually not specified in a well defined format that FITS readers can easily recognize and extract.

To solve this deficiency, FITSIO uses a local convention in which the keyword units are enclosed in square brackets as the first token in the keyword comment field; more specifically, the opening square bracket immediately follows the slash ’/’ comment field delimiter and a single space character. The following examples illustrate keywords that use this convention:

EXPOSURE=               1800.0 / [s] elapsed exposure time
V_HELIO =                16.23 / [km s**(-1)] heliocentric velocity
LAMBDA  =                5400. / [angstrom] central wavelength
FLUX    = 4.9033487787637465E-30 / [J/cm**2/s] average flux

In general, the units named in the IAU(1988) Style Guide are recommended, with the main exception that the preferred unit for angle is ’deg’ for degrees.

The FTPUNT and FTGUNT subroutines in FITSIO write and read, respectively, the keyword unit strings in an existing keyword.

4.12.4 HIERARCH Convention for Extended Keyword Names

CFITSIO supports the HIERARCH keyword convention which allows keyword names that are longer than 8 characters. This convention was developed at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and allows characters consisting of digits 0-9, upper case letters A-Z, the dash ’-’ and the underscore ’_’. The components of hierarchical keywords are separated by a single ASCII space charater. For instance:

HIERARCH ESO INS FOCU POS = -0.00002500 / Focus position

Basically, this convention uses the FITS keyword ’HIERARCH’ to indicate that this convention is being used, then the actual keyword name (’ESO INS FOCU POS’ in this example) begins in column 10. The equals sign marks the end of the keyword name and is followed by the usual value and comment fields just as in standard FITS keywords. Further details of this convention are described at and in Section 4.4 of the ESO Data Interface Control Document that is linked to from

This convention allows a broader range of keyword names than is allowed by the FITS Standard. Here are more examples of such keywords:

HIERARCH LONGKEYWORD = 47.5 / Keyword has > 8 characters
HIERARCH LONG-KEY_WORD2 = 52.3 / Long keyword with hyphen, underscore and digit
HIERARCH EARTH IS A STAR = F / Keyword contains embedded spaces

CFITSIO will transparently read and write these keywords, so application programs do not in general need to know anything about the specific implementation details of the HIERARCH convention. In particular, application programs do not need to specify the ‘HIERARCH’ part of the keyword name when reading or writing keywords (although it may be included if desired). When writing a keyword, CFITSIO first checks to see if the keyword name is legal as a standard FITS keyword (no more than 8 characters long and containing only letters, digits, or a minus sign or underscore). If so it writes it as a standard FITS keyword, otherwise it uses the hierarch convention to write the keyword. The maximum keyword name length is 67 characters, which leaves only 1 space for the value field. A more practical limit is about 40 characters, which leaves enough room for most keyword values. CFITSIO returns an error if there is not enough room for both the keyword name and the keyword value on the 80-character card, except for string-valued keywords which are simply truncated so that the closing quote character falls in column 80. A space is also required on either side of the equal sign.

4.13 Optimizing Code for Maximum Processing Speed

CFITSIO has been carefully designed to obtain the highest possible speed when reading and writing FITS files. In order to achieve the best performance, however, application programmers must be careful to call the CFITSIO routines appropriately and in an efficient sequence; inappropriate usage of CFITSIO routines can greatly slow down the execution speed of a program.

The maximum possible I/O speed of CFITSIO depends of course on the type of computer system that it is running on. To get a general idea of what data I/O speeds are possible on a particular machine, build the speed.c program that is distributed with CFITSIO (type ’make speed’ in the CFITSIO directory). This diagnostic program measures the speed of writing and reading back a test FITS image, a binary table, and an ASCII table.

The following 2 sections provide some background on how CFITSIO internally manages the data I/O and describes some strategies that may be used to optimize the processing speed of software that uses CFITSIO.

4.13.1 Background Information: How CFITSIO Manages Data I/O

Many CFITSIO operations involve transferring only a small number of bytes to or from the FITS file (e.g, reading a keyword, or writing a row in a table); it would be very inefficient to physically read or write such small blocks of data directly in the FITS file on disk, therefore CFITSIO maintains a set of internal Input–Output (IO) buffers in RAM memory that each contain one FITS block (2880 bytes) of data. Whenever CFITSIO needs to access data in the FITS file, it first transfers the FITS block containing those bytes into one of the IO buffers in memory. The next time CFITSIO needs to access bytes in the same block it can then go to the fast IO buffer rather than using a much slower system disk access routine. The number of available IO buffers is determined by the NIOBUF parameter (in fitsio2.h) and is currently set to 40.

Whenever CFITSIO reads or writes data it first checks to see if that block of the FITS file is already loaded into one of the IO buffers. If not, and if there is an empty IO buffer available, then it will load that block into the IO buffer (when reading a FITS file) or will initialize a new block (when writing to a FITS file). If all the IO buffers are already full, it must decide which one to reuse (generally the one that has been accessed least recently), and flush the contents back to disk if it has been modified before loading the new block.

The one major exception to the above process occurs whenever a large contiguous set of bytes are accessed, as might occur when reading or writing a FITS image. In this case CFITSIO bypasses the internal IO buffers and simply reads or writes the desired bytes directly in the disk file with a single call to a low-level file read or write routine. The minimum threshold for the number of bytes to read or write this way is set by the MINDIRECT parameter and is currently set to 3 FITS blocks = 8640 bytes. This is the most efficient way to read or write large chunks of data. Note that this fast direct IO process is not applicable when accessing columns of data in a FITS table because the bytes are generally not contiguous since they are interleaved by the other columns of data in the table. This explains why the speed for accessing FITS tables is generally slower than accessing FITS images.

Given this background information, the general strategy for efficiently accessing FITS files should now be apparent: when dealing with FITS images, read or write large chunks of data at a time so that the direct IO mechanism will be invoked; when accessing FITS headers or FITS tables, on the other hand, once a particular FITS block has been loading into one of the IO buffers, try to access all the needed information in that block before it gets flushed out of the IO buffer. It is important to avoid the situation where the same FITS block is being read then flushed from a IO buffer multiple times.

The following section gives more specific suggestions for optimizing the use of CFITSIO.

4.13.2 Optimization Strategies

1. Because the data in FITS files is always stored in "big-endian" byte order, where the first byte of numeric values contains the most significant bits and the last byte contains the least significant bits, CFITSIO must swap the order of the bytes when reading or writing FITS files when running on little-endian machines (e.g., Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems running on PCs with x86 CPUs).

On fairly new CPUs that support "SSSE3" machine instructions (e.g., starting with Intel Core 2 CPUs in 2007, and in AMD CPUs beginning in 2011) significantly faster 4-byte and 8-byte swapping algorithms are available. These faster byte swapping functions are not used by default in CFITSIO (because of the potential code portablility issues), but users can enable them on supported platforms by adding the appropriate compiler flags (-mssse3 with gcc or icc on linux) when compiling the swapproc.c source file, which will allow the compiler to generate code using the SSSE3 instruction set. A convenient way to do this is to configure the CFITSIO library with the following command:

  >  ./configure --enable-ssse3

Note, however, that a binary executable file that is created using these faster functions will only run on machines that support the SSSE3 machine instructions. It will crash on machines that do not support them.

For faster 2-byte swaps on virtually all x86-64 CPUs (even those that do not support SSSE3), a variant using only SSE2 instructions exists. SSE2 is enabled by default on x86_64 CPUs with 64-bit operating systems (and is also automatically enabled by the –enable-ssse3 flag). When running on x86_64 CPUs with 32-bit operating systems, these faster 2-byte swapping algorithms are not used by default in CFITSIO, but can be enabled explicitly with:

./configure --enable-sse2

Preliminary testing indicates that these SSSE3 and SSE2 based byte-swapping algorithms can boost the CFITSIO performance when reading or writing FITS images by 20% - 30% or more. It is important to note, however, that compiler optimization must be turned on (e.g., by using the -O1 or -O2 flags in gcc) when building programs that use these fast byte-swapping algorithms in order to reap the full benefit of the SSSE3 and SSE2 instructions; without optimization, the code may actually run slower than when using more traditional byte-swapping techniques.

2. When dealing with a FITS primary array or IMAGE extension, it is more efficient to read or write large chunks of the image at a time (at least 3 FITS blocks = 8640 bytes) so that the direct IO mechanism will be used as described in the previous section. Smaller chunks of data are read or written via the IO buffers, which is somewhat less efficient because of the extra copy operation and additional bookkeeping steps that are required. In principle it is more efficient to read or write as big an array of image pixels at one time as possible, however, if the array becomes so large that the operating system cannot store it all in RAM, then the performance may be degraded because of the increased swapping of virtual memory to disk.

3. When dealing with FITS tables, the most important efficiency factor in the software design is to read or write the data in the FITS file in a single pass through the file. An example of poor program design would be to read a large, 3-column table by sequentially reading the entire first column, then going back to read the 2nd column, and finally the 3rd column; this obviously requires 3 passes through the file which could triple the execution time of an I/O limited program. For small tables this is not important, but when reading multi-megabyte sized tables these inefficiencies can become significant. The more efficient procedure in this case is to read or write only as many rows of the table as will fit into the available internal I/O buffers, then access all the necessary columns of data within that range of rows. Then after the program is completely finished with the data in those rows it can move on to the next range of rows that will fit in the buffers, continuing in this way until the entire file has been processed. By using this procedure of accessing all the columns of a table in parallel rather than sequentially, each block of the FITS file will only be read or written once.

The optimal number of rows to read or write at one time in a given table depends on the width of the table row, on the number of I/O buffers that have been allocated in FITSIO, and also on the number of other FITS files that are open at the same time (since one I/O buffer is always reserved for each open FITS file). Fortunately, a FITSIO routine is available that will return the optimal number of rows for a given table: call ftgrsz(unit, nrows, status). It is not critical to use exactly the value of nrows returned by this routine, as long as one does not exceed it. Using a very small value however can also lead to poor performance because of the overhead from the larger number of subroutine calls.

The optimal number of rows returned by ftgrsz is valid only as long as the application program is only reading or writing data in the specified table. Any other calls to access data in the table header would cause additional blocks of data to be loaded into the I/O buffers displacing data from the original table, and should be avoided during the critical period while the table is being read or written.

4. Use binary table extensions rather than ASCII table extensions for better efficiency when dealing with tabular data. The I/O to ASCII tables is slower because of the overhead in formatting or parsing the ASCII data fields, and because ASCII tables are about twice as large as binary tables with the same information content.

5. Design software so that it reads the FITS header keywords in the same order in which they occur in the file. When reading keywords, FITSIO searches forward starting from the position of the last keyword that was read. If it reaches the end of the header without finding the keyword, it then goes back to the start of the header and continues the search down to the position where it started. In practice, as long as the entire FITS header can fit at one time in the available internal I/O buffers, then the header keyword access will be very fast and it makes little difference which order they are accessed.

6. Avoid the use of scaling (by using the BSCALE and BZERO or TSCAL and TZERO keywords) in FITS files since the scaling operations add to the processing time needed to read or write the data. In some cases it may be more efficient to temporarily turn off the scaling (using ftpscl or fttscl) and then read or write the raw unscaled values in the FITS file.

7. Avoid using the ’implicit datatype conversion’ capability in FITSIO. For instance, when reading a FITS image with BITPIX = -32 (32-bit floating point pixels), read the data into a single precision floating point data array in the program. Forcing FITSIO to convert the data to a different datatype can significantly slow the program.

8. Where feasible, design FITS binary tables using vector column elements so that the data are written as a contiguous set of bytes, rather than as single elements in multiple rows. For example, it is faster to access the data in a table that contains a single row and 2 columns with TFORM keywords equal to ’10000E’ and ’10000J’, than it is to access the same amount of data in a table with 10000 rows which has columns with the TFORM keywords equal to ’1E’ and ’1J’. In the former case the 10000 floating point values in the first column are all written in a contiguous block of the file which can be read or written quickly, whereas in the second case each floating point value in the first column is interleaved with the integer value in the second column of the same row so CFITSIO has to explicitly move to the position of each element to be read or written.

9. Avoid the use of variable length vector columns in binary tables, since any reading or writing of these data requires that CFITSIO first look up or compute the starting address of each row of data in the heap. In practice, this is probably not a significant efficiency issue.

10. When copying data from one FITS table to another, it is faster to transfer the raw bytes instead of reading then writing each column of the table. The FITSIO subroutines FTGTBS and FTPTBS (for ASCII tables), and FTGTBB and FTPTBB (for binary tables) will perform low-level reads or writes of any contiguous range of bytes in a table extension. These routines can be used to read or write a whole row (or multiple rows) of a table with a single subroutine call. These routines are fast because they bypass all the usual data scaling, error checking and machine dependent data conversion that is normally done by FITSIO, and they allow the program to write the data to the output file in exactly the same byte order. For these same reasons, use of these routines can be somewhat risky because no validation or machine dependent conversion is performed by these routines. In general these routines are only recommended for optimizing critical pieces of code and should only be used by programmers who thoroughly understand the internal byte structure of the FITS tables they are reading or writing.

11. Another strategy for improving the speed of writing a FITS table, similar to the previous one, is to directly construct the entire byte stream for a whole table row (or multiple rows) within the application program and then write it to the FITS file with ftptbb. This avoids all the overhead normally present in the column-oriented CFITSIO write routines. This technique should only be used for critical applications, because it makes the code more difficult to understand and maintain, and it makes the code more system dependent (e.g., do the bytes need to be swapped before writing to the FITS file?).

12. Finally, external factors such as the type of magnetic disk controller (SCSI or IDE), the size of the disk cache, the average seek speed of the disk, the amount of disk fragmentation, and the amount of RAM available on the system can all have a significant impact on overall I/O efficiency. For critical applications, a system administrator should review the proposed system hardware to identify any potential I/O bottlenecks.

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