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Chapter 8  Hierarchical Grouping Routines

These functions allow for the creation and manipulation of FITS HDU Groups, as defined in "A Hierarchical Grouping Convention for FITS" by Jennings, Pence, Folk and Schlesinger:

A group is a collection of HDUs whose association is defined by a grouping table. HDUs which are part of a group are referred to as member HDUs or simply as members. Grouping table member HDUs may themselves be grouping tables, thus allowing for the construction of open-ended hierarchies of HDUs.

Grouping tables contain one row for each member HDU. The grouping table columns provide identification information that allows applications to reference or "point to" the member HDUs. Member HDUs are expected, but not required, to contain a set of GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords in their headers for each grouping table that they are referenced by. In this sense, the GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords "link" the member HDU back to its Grouping table. Note that a member HDU need not reside in the same FITS file as its grouping table, and that a given HDU may be referenced by up to 999 grouping tables simultaneously.

Grouping tables are implemented as FITS binary tables with up to six pre-defined column TTYPEn values: ’MEMBER_XTENSION’, ’MEMBER_NAME’, ’MEMBER_VERSION’, ’MEMBER_POSITION’, ’MEMBER_URI_TYPE’ and ’MEMBER_LOCATION’. The first three columns allow member HDUs to be identified by reference to their XTENSION, EXTNAME and EXTVER keyword values. The fourth column allows member HDUs to be identified by HDU position within their FITS file. The last two columns identify the FITS file in which the member HDU resides, if different from the grouping table FITS file.

Additional user defined "auxiliary" columns may also be included with any grouping table. When a grouping table is copied or modified the presence of auxiliary columns is always taken into account by the grouping support functions; however, the grouping support functions cannot directly make use of this data.

If a grouping table column is defined but the corresponding member HDU information is unavailable then a null value of the appropriate data type is inserted in the column field. Integer columns (MEMBER_POSITION, MEMBER_VERSION) are defined with a TNULLn value of zero (0). Character field columns (MEMBER_XTENSION, MEMBER_NAME, MEMBER_URI_TYPE, MEMBER_LOCATION) utilize an ASCII null character to denote a null field value.

The grouping support functions belong to two basic categories: those that work with grouping table HDUs (ffgt**) and those that work with member HDUs (ffgm**). Two functions, fits_copy_group() and fits_remove_group(), have the option to recursively copy/delete entire groups. Care should be taken when employing these functions in recursive mode as poorly defined groups could cause unpredictable results. The problem of a grouping table directly or indirectly referencing itself (thus creating an infinite loop) is protected against; in fact, neither function will attempt to copy or delete an HDU twice.

8.1 Grouping Table Routines

Create (append) a grouping table at the end of the current FITS file pointed to by fptr. The grpname parameter provides the grouping table name (GRPNAME keyword value) and may be set to NULL if no group name is to be specified. The grouptype parameter specifies the desired structure of the grouping table and may take on the values: GT_ID_ALL_URI (all columns created), GT_ID_REF (ID by reference columns), GT_ID_POS (ID by position columns), GT_ID_ALL (ID by reference and position columns), GT_ID_REF_URI (ID by reference and FITS file URI columns), and GT_ID_POS_URI (ID by position and FITS file URI columns).
  int fits_create_group / ffgtcr
      (fitsfile *fptr, char *grpname, int grouptype, > int *status)
Create (insert) a grouping table just after the CHDU of the current FITS file pointed to by fptr. All HDUs below the the insertion point will be shifted downwards to make room for the new HDU. The grpname parameter provides the grouping table name (GRPNAME keyword value) and may be set to NULL if no group name is to be specified. The grouptype parameter specifies the desired structure of the grouping table and may take on the values: GT_ID_ALL_URI (all columns created), GT_ID_REF (ID by reference columns), GT_ID_POS (ID by position columns), GT_ID_ALL (ID by reference and position columns), GT_ID_REF_URI (ID by reference and FITS file URI columns), and GT_ID_POS_URI (ID by position and FITS file URI columns) .
  int fits_insert_group / ffgtis
      (fitsfile *fptr, char *grpname, int grouptype, > int *status)
Change the structure of an existing grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The grouptype parameter (see fits_create_group() for valid parameter values) specifies the new structure of the grouping table. This function only adds or removes grouping table columns, it does not add or delete group members (i.e., table rows). If the grouping table already has the desired structure then no operations are performed and function simply returns with a (0) success status code. If the requested structure change creates new grouping table columns, then the column values for all existing members will be filled with the null values appropriate to the column type.
  int fits_change_group / ffgtch
      (fitsfile *gfptr, int grouptype, > int *status)
Remove the group defined by the grouping table pointed to by gfptr, and optionally all the group member HDUs. The rmopt parameter specifies the action to be taken for all members of the group defined by the grouping table. Valid values are: OPT_RM_GPT (delete only the grouping table) and OPT_RM_ALL (recursively delete all HDUs that belong to the group). Any groups containing the grouping table gfptr as a member are updated, and if rmopt == OPT_RM_GPT all members have their GRPIDn and GRPLCn keywords updated accordingly. If rmopt == OPT_RM_ALL, then other groups that contain the deleted members of gfptr are updated to reflect the deletion accordingly.
  int fits_remove_group / ffgtrm
      (fitsfile *gfptr, int rmopt, > int *status)
Copy (append) the group defined by the grouping table pointed to by infptr, and optionally all group member HDUs, to the FITS file pointed to by outfptr. The cpopt parameter specifies the action to be taken for all members of the group infptr. Valid values are: OPT_GCP_GPT (copy only the grouping table) and OPT_GCP_ALL (recursively copy ALL the HDUs that belong to the group defined by infptr). If the cpopt == OPT_GCP_GPT then the members of infptr have their GRPIDn and GRPLCn keywords updated to reflect the existence of the new grouping table outfptr, since they now belong to the new group. If cpopt == OPT_GCP_ALL then the new grouping table outfptr only contains pointers to the copied member HDUs and not the original member HDUs of infptr. Note that, when cpopt == OPT_GCP_ALL, all members of the group defined by infptr will be copied to a single FITS file pointed to by outfptr regardless of their file distribution in the original group.
  int fits_copy_group / ffgtcp
      (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int cpopt, > int *status)
Merge the two groups defined by the grouping table HDUs infptr and outfptr by combining their members into a single grouping table. All member HDUs (rows) are copied from infptr to outfptr. If mgopt == OPT_MRG_COPY then infptr continues to exist unaltered after the merge. If the mgopt == OPT_MRG_MOV then infptr is deleted after the merge. In both cases, the GRPIDn and GRPLCn keywords of the member HDUs are updated accordingly.
  int fits_merge_groups / ffgtmg
      (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int mgopt, > int *status)
"Compact" the group defined by grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The compaction is achieved by merging (via fits_merge_groups()) all direct member HDUs of gfptr that are themselves grouping tables. The cmopt parameter defines whether the merged grouping table HDUs remain after merging (cmopt == OPT_CMT_MBR) or if they are deleted after merging (cmopt == OPT_CMT_MBR_DEL). If the grouping table contains no direct member HDUs that are themselves grouping tables then this function does nothing. Note that this function is not recursive, i.e., only the direct member HDUs of gfptr are considered for merging.
  int fits_compact_group / ffgtcm
      (fitsfile *gfptr, int cmopt, > int *status)
Verify the integrity of the grouping table pointed to by gfptr to make sure that all group members are accessible and that all links to other grouping tables are valid. The firstfailed parameter returns the member ID (row number) of the first member HDU to fail verification (if positive value) or the first group link to fail (if negative value). If gfptr is successfully verified then firstfailed contains a return value of 0.
  int fits_verify_group / ffgtvf
      (fitsfile *gfptr, > long *firstfailed, int *status)
Open a grouping table that contains the member HDU pointed to by mfptr. The grouping table to open is defined by the grpid parameter, which contains the keyword index value of the GRPIDn/GRPLCn keyword(s) that link the member HDU mfptr to the grouping table. If the grouping table resides in a file other than the member HDUs file then an attempt is first made to open the file readwrite, and failing that readonly. A pointer to the opened grouping table HDU is returned in gfptr.

Note that it is possible, although unlikely and undesirable, for the GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords in a member HDU header to be non-continuous, e.g., GRPID1, GRPID2, GRPID5, GRPID6. In such cases, the grpid index value specified in the function call shall identify the (grpid)th GRPID value. In the above example, if grpid == 3, then the group specified by GRPID5 would be opened.

  int fits_open_group / ffgtop
      (fitsfile *mfptr, int grpid, > fitsfile **gfptr, int *status)
Add a member HDU to an existing grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member HDU may either be pointed to mfptr (which must be positioned to the member HDU) or, if mfptr == NULL, identified by the hdupos parameter (the HDU position number, Primary array == 1) if both the grouping table and the member HDU reside in the same FITS file. The new member HDU shall have the appropriate GRPIDn and GRPLCn keywords created in its header. Note that if the member HDU is already a member of the group then it will not be added a second time.
  int fits_add_group_member / ffgtam
      (fitsfile *gfptr, fitsfile *mfptr, int hdupos, > int *status)

8.2 Group Member Routines

Return the number of member HDUs in a grouping table gfptr. The number of member HDUs is just the NAXIS2 value (number of rows) of the grouping table.
  int fits_get_num_members / ffgtnm
      (fitsfile *gfptr, > long *nmembers, int *status)
Return the number of groups to which the HDU pointed to by mfptr is linked, as defined by the number of GRPIDn/GRPLCn keyword records that appear in its header. Note that each time this function is called, the indices of the GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords are checked to make sure they are continuous (ie no gaps) and are re-enumerated to eliminate gaps if found.
  int fits_get_num_groups / ffgmng
      (fitsfile *mfptr, > long *nmembers, int *status)
Open a member of the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member to open is identified by its row number within the grouping table as given by the parameter ’member’ (first member == 1) . A fitsfile pointer to the opened member HDU is returned as mfptr. Note that if the member HDU resides in a FITS file different from the grouping table HDU then the member file is first opened readwrite and, failing this, opened readonly.
  int fits_open_member / ffgmop
      (fitsfile *gfptr, long member, > fitsfile **mfptr, int *status)
Copy (append) a member HDU of the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member HDU is identified by its row number within the grouping table as given by the parameter ’member’ (first member == 1). The copy of the group member HDU will be appended to the FITS file pointed to by mfptr, and upon return mfptr shall point to the copied member HDU. The cpopt parameter may take on the following values: OPT_MCP_ADD which adds a new entry in gfptr for the copied member HDU, OPT_MCP_NADD which does not add an entry in gfptr for the copied member, and OPT_MCP_REPL which replaces the original member entry with the copied member entry.
  int fits_copy_member / ffgmcp
      (fitsfile *gfptr, fitsfile *mfptr, long member, int cpopt, > int *status)
Transfer a group member HDU from the grouping table pointed to by infptr to the grouping table pointed to by outfptr. The member HDU to transfer is identified by its row number within infptr as specified by the parameter ’member’ (first member == 1). If tfopt == OPT_MCP_ADD then the member HDU is made a member of outfptr and remains a member of infptr. If tfopt == OPT_MCP_MOV then the member HDU is deleted from infptr after the transfer to outfptr.
  int fits_transfer_member / ffgmtf
      (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, long member, int tfopt,
       > int *status)
Remove a member HDU from the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member HDU to be deleted is identified by its row number in the grouping table as specified by the parameter ’member’ (first member == 1). The rmopt parameter may take on the following values: OPT_RM_ENTRY which removes the member HDU entry from the grouping table and updates the member’s GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords, and OPT_RM_MBR which removes the member HDU entry from the grouping table and deletes the member HDU itself.
  int fits_remove_member / ffgmrm
      (fitsfile *gfptr, long member, int rmopt, > int *status)

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