CCfits  2.6
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
CCfits Namespace Reference

Namespace enclosing all CCfits classes and globals definitions. More...


class  AsciiTable
 Class Representing Ascii Table Extensions. More...
class  BinTable
 Class Representing Binary Table Extensions. Contains columns with scalar or vector row entries. More...
class  Column
 Abstract base class for Column objects. More...
class  ExtHDU
 base class for all FITS extension HDUs, i.e. Image Extensions and Tables. More...
class  FITS
 Memory object representation of a disk FITS file. More...
class  FitsError
 FitsError is the exception thrown by non-zero cfitsio status codes. More...
class  FitsException
 FitsException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by this library. More...
class  FitsFatal
 [potential] base class for exceptions to be thrown on internal library error. More...
class  GroupTable
 Class representing a hierarchical association of Header Data Units (HDUs). More...
class  HDU
 Base class for all HDU [Header-Data Unit] objects. More...
class  Keyword
 Abstract base class defining the interface for Keyword objects. More...
class  PHDU
 class representing the primary HDU for a FITS file. More...
class  Table


typedef std::multimap< std::string, CCfits::Column * > ColMap
 Type definition for a table's column container.


enum  ValueType
 CCfits value types and their CFITSIO equivalents (in caps) More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const CCfits::HDU &right)
 Output operator for HDU objects. Primarily for testing purposes.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Column &right)
 output operator for Column objects.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const FITS &right)
 Output operator. Calls output operators for HDUs in turn. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace enclosing all CCfits classes and globals definitions.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ValueType

CCfits value types and their CFITSIO equivalents (in caps)

Tnull, Tbit = TBIT, Tbyte = TBYTE, Tlogical = TLOGICAL, Tstring = TSTRING, Tushort = TUSHORT, Tshort = TSHORT, Tuint = TUINT, Tint = TINT, Tulong = TULONG, Tlong = TLONG, Tlonglong = TLONGLONG, Tfloat = TFLOAT, Tdouble = TDOUBLE, Tcomplex = TCOMPLEX, Tdblcomplex=TDBLCOMPLEX, VTbit= -TBIT, VTbyte=-TBYTE, VTlogical=-TLOGICAL, VTstring=-TSTRING, VTushort=-TUSHORT, VTshort=-TSHORT, VTuint=-TUINT, VTint=-TINT, VTulong=-TULONG, VTlong=-TLONG, VTlonglong=-TLONGLONG, VTfloat=-TFLOAT, VTdouble=-TDOUBLE, VTcomplex=-TCOMPLEX, VTdblcomplex=-TDBLCOMPLEX

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const FITS right 

Output operator. Calls output operators for HDUs in turn.

This operator acts similarly to the ftool fdump for a fits file, except that there is no freedom to output partial information.

The current implementation of this operator for PHDU objects only outputs the array sizes, not the data, which that for tables prints the data also.

Provision of this operator is intended largely for debugging purposes.