CCfits  2.6
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CCfits::FitsException Class Reference

FitsException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by this library. More...

#include <FitsError.h>

Inheritance diagram for CCfits::FitsException:
CCfits::Column::InsufficientElements CCfits::Column::InvalidDataType CCfits::Column::InvalidNumberOfRows CCfits::Column::InvalidRowNumber CCfits::Column::InvalidRowParameter CCfits::Column::NoNullValue CCfits::Column::RangeError CCfits::Column::WrongColumnType CCfits::ExtHDU::WrongExtensionType CCfits::FITS::CantCreate CCfits::FITS::CantOpen CCfits::FITS::NoSuchHDU CCfits::FITS::OperationNotSupported CCfits::FITSUtil::UnrecognizedType CCfits::FitsError CCfits::HDU::InvalidExtensionType CCfits::HDU::InvalidImageDataType CCfits::HDU::NoNullValue CCfits::HDU::NoSuchKeyword CCfits::Table::NoSuchColumn

Public Member Functions

 FitsException (const string &msg, bool &silent)
const string & message () const
 returns the error message More...

Detailed Description

FitsException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by this library.

All exceptions derived from this class can be caught by a single 'catch' clause catching FitsException by reference (which is the point of this base class design).

A static "verboseMode" parameter is provided by the FITS class to control diagnostics - if FITS::verboseMode() is true, all diagnostics are printed (for debugging purposes). If not, then a boolean silent determines printing of messages. Each exception derived from FitsException must define a default value for the silent parameter.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FitsException()

CCfits::FitsException::FitsException ( const string &  diag,
bool &  silent 
diagA diagnostic string to be printed optionally.
silentA boolean controlling the printing of messages

Member Function Documentation

◆ message()

const string & CCfits::FitsException::message ( ) const

returns the error message

This returns the diagnostic error message associated with the exception object, and which is accessible regardless of the verboseMode and silent flag settings.

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