CCfits  2.6
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NCCfitsNamespace enclosing all CCfits classes and globals definitions
 Cauto_array_ptrA class that mimics the std:: library auto_ptr class, but works with arrays
 CCAarrayFunction object returning C array from a valarray. see CVarray for details
 CCVAarrayFunction object returning C array from a vector of valarrays. see CVarray for details
 CCVarrayFunction object class for returning C arrays from standard library objects used in the FITS library implementation
 CMatchNamePredicate for classes that have a name attribute; match input string with instance name
 CMatchNumPredicate for classes that have an index attribute; match input index with instance value
 CMatchPtrNameAs for MatchName, only with the input class a pointer
 CMatchPtrNumAs for MatchNum, only with the input class a pointer
 CMatchTypeFunction object that returns the FITS ValueType corresponding to an input intrinsic type
 CUnrecognizedTypeException thrown by MatchType if it encounters data type incompatible with cfitsio
 CAsciiTableClass Representing Ascii Table Extensions
 CBinTableClass Representing Binary Table Extensions. Contains columns with scalar or vector row entries
 CColumnAbstract base class for Column objects
 CInsufficientElementsException thrown if the data supplied for a write operation is less than declared
 CInvalidDataTypeException thrown for invalid data type inputs
 CInvalidNumberOfRowsException thrown if user enters a non-positive number for the number of rows to write
 CInvalidRowNumberException thrown on attempting to read a row number beyond the end of a table
 CInvalidRowParameterException thrown on incorrect row writing request
 CNoNullValueException thrown if a null value is specified without support from existing column header
 CRangeErrorException to be thrown for inputs that cause range errors in column read operations
 CWrongColumnTypeException thrown on attempting to access a scalar column as vector data
 CExtHDUBase class for all FITS extension HDUs, i.e. Image Extensions and Tables
 CWrongExtensionTypeException to be thrown on unmatched extension types
 CFITSMemory object representation of a disk FITS file
 CCantCreateThrown on failure to create new file
 CCantOpenThrown on failure to open existing file
 CNoSuchHDUException thrown by HDU retrieval methods
 COperationNotSupportedThrown for unsupported operations, such as attempted to select rows from an image extension
 CFitsErrorFitsError is the exception thrown by non-zero cfitsio status codes
 CFitsExceptionFitsException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by this library
 CFitsFatal[potential] base class for exceptions to be thrown on internal library error
 CGroupTableClass representing a hierarchical association of Header Data Units (HDUs)
 CHDUBase class for all HDU [Header-Data Unit] objects
 CInvalidExtensionTypeException to be thrown if user requests extension type that can not be understood as ImageExt, AsciiTable or BinTable
 CInvalidImageDataTypeException to be thrown if user requests creation of an image of type not supported by cfitsio
 CNoNullValueException to be thrown on seek errors for keywords
 CNoSuchKeywordException to be thrown on seek errors for keywords
 CKeywordAbstract base class defining the interface for Keyword objects
 CPHDUClass representing the primary HDU for a FITS file
 CNoSuchColumnException to be thrown on a failure to retrieve a column specified either by name or index number
 CImageExt< T >