Class ProxyCertificateOptions

  • public class ProxyCertificateOptions
    extends BaseProxyCertificateOptions
    Holds parameters which are used to create a proxy certificate using only a certificate chain.
    J. Hahkala, K. Benedyczak
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProxyCertificateOptions

        public ProxyCertificateOptions​([] parentCertChain)
        Create a new proxy cert based on the parent cert chain. Useful when locally creating a proxy from existing cert chain.
        parentCertChain - parent certificate chain
    • Method Detail

      • setKeyLength

        public void setKeyLength​(int length)
        Sets the length of the keys to be generated, only used if the keys are not set separately. If this method is not used, the default is 1024 bits.
        length - to be set
      • getKeyLength

        public int getKeyLength()
        Gets the length of the keys to be generated. By default it returns value of DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH, or, if proxy liftime exceeds LONG_PROXY, DEFAULT_LONG_KEY_LENGTH.
        the currently set key length
      • setPublicKey

        public void setPublicKey​( pubKey)
        Manually sets public key which shall be included in the generated proxy
        pubKey - the public key to set
      • getPublicKey

        public getPublicKey()
        Returns the manually set public key for the proxy.
        the public key