Class ValidatorParamsExt

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidatorParamsExt

        public ValidatorParamsExt()
        Default constructor: proxies are allowed, no initial update listeners, default revocation settings.
      • ValidatorParamsExt

        public ValidatorParamsExt​(RevocationParametersExt revocationSettings,
                                  ProxySupport allowProxy)
        Allows for setting all parameters except the list of initial listeners
        revocationSettings - desired revocation settings
        allowProxy - whether to allow proxies
      • ValidatorParamsExt

        public ValidatorParamsExt​(RevocationParametersExt revocationSettings,
                                  ProxySupport allowProxy,
                                  java.util.Collection<? extends StoreUpdateListener> initialListeners)
        Full version, allows for setting all parameters.
        revocationSettings - desired revocation settings
        allowProxy - whether to allow proxies
        initialListeners - initial trust store update listeners