Class OpensslTrustAnchorStoreImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    OpensslTrustAnchorStore, TrustAnchorStore

    public class OpensslTrustAnchorStoreImpl
    extends DirectoryTrustAnchorStore
    implements OpensslTrustAnchorStore
    Implementation of the truststore which uses CA certificates from a single directory in OpenSSL format. Each certificate should be stored in a file named HASH.NUM, where HASH is an 8 digit hex number. The NUM must be a number, starting from 0. The hash can be either of openssl pre 1.0.0 version (with 8 least significant digits of the MD5 hash of the certificate subject in DER format) or in openssl 1.0.0 and above format (SHA1 hash of specially normalized DN). The class is configured to use one or another, never both.

    This class is extending the DirectoryTrustAnchorStore and restricts the certificates which are loaded.

    K. Benedyczak