Class GlobusNamespacesParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GlobusNamespacesParser
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements NamespacesParser
    Parses a single .signing_policy file and returns NamespacePolicy object. Only the simplified parsing of the EACL format is implemented, in a similar way is in case of a native Globus implementation. However there are differences. First of all the format of this file is defined in a very imprecise way.

    The parsing is done in the following way:

    • as a whitespace the space and tab characters are used; a separator may contain an arbitrary number of those, below only one space was used for clarity.
    • all empty lines, whitespace only lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored
    • the first line like this is searched: access_id_CA X509 'ANY_STRING' other are ignored. Line with the access_id_CA prefix and other ending causes an error.
    • after this line it is expected that the next significant line is : pos_rights globus CA:sign
    • next the line in the format: cond_subjects globus '"ANY_STRING" ["ANY_STRING"]' is expected. The trailing string need not to be enclosed in '' and in "", but if it is then the order of quotation must be preserved.
    • go to step 3.
    K. Benedyczak
    • Field Detail

      • ACCESS_ID_CA

        public static java.lang.String ACCESS_ID_CA
      • DEF_AUTH_X509

        public static java.lang.String DEF_AUTH_X509

        public static java.lang.String DEF_AUTH_GLOBUS
      • POS_RIGHTS

        public static java.lang.String POS_RIGHTS

        public static java.lang.String CONDITION_SUBJECT

        public static java.lang.String VALUE_CA_SIGN
    • Constructor Detail

      • GlobusNamespacesParser

        public GlobusNamespacesParser​(java.lang.String filePath)
    • Method Detail

      • normalize

        public static java.lang.String normalize​(java.lang.String dn)
      • makeRegexpClassicWildcard

        public static java.lang.String makeRegexpClassicWildcard​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Converts wildcard string to Java regexp, ensuring that literal sequences are correctly escaped.
        pattern - input wildcard
        Java regular expression