Class PlainCRLStoreSpi

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PlainCRLStoreSpi
    extends AbstractCRLStoreSPI
    Handles an in-memory CRL store.

    CRLs may be provided as URLs or local files. If the CRL is provided as a local file (i.e. is not an absolute URL) then it can contain wildcard characters ('*', '?'). In case of wildcard locations, the actual file list is regenerated on each update.

    All CRLs are loaded and parsed to establish CA->CRL mapping. This mapping is updated after the updateInterval time is passed.

    Faulty CRL locations together with the respective errors can be obtained by using a listener.

    It is possible to pass more then one location of CRLs of the same CA.

    The class is implemented in an asynchronous mode: CRLs are resolved on regular intervals (or only once on startup). The CRL searching is independent of the updates. It can block to download, read and subsequently parse a CRL if it is not present in the in-memory cache.

    CRLs downloaded from a remote URL (http or ftp) can be cached on a local disk. If the update task can not download the CRL which was previously cached on disk, then the version from disk is returned.

    This class is thread safe.

    K. Benedyczak
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlainCRLStoreSpi

        public PlainCRLStoreSpi​(CRLParameters params,
                                java.util.Timer t,
                                ObserversHandler observers)
        Creates a new CRL store. The store will be empty until the start() method is called.
        params - CRL parameters
        t - timer
        observers - observers handler
        Throws: - invalid algorithm parameter exception
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
        Initiates the store operation (the initial update and subsequent refreshes)
      • loadCRL

        protected loadCRL​( url)
      • getLocations

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocations()
      • getUpdateInterval

        public long getUpdateInterval()
      • reloadCRL

        protected reloadCRL​( location)
      • addCRL

        protected void addCRL​( crl,
      • getCRLForIssuer

        protected java.util.Collection<> getCRLForIssuer​( issuer)
        Specified by:
        getCRLForIssuer in class AbstractCRLStoreSPI
      • getCRLWithMatcher

        protected java.util.Collection<> getCRLWithMatcher​( selectorRaw)
        Specified by:
        getCRLWithMatcher in class AbstractCRLStoreSPI
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        After calling this method no notification will be produced and subsequent updates won't be scheduled. However one next update may be run.
        Specified by:
        dispose in class AbstractCRLStoreSPI