Interface StoreUpdateListener

  • public interface StoreUpdateListener
    Implementations receive information about updates of certificate, CRL stores or OCSP errors. Most often this listener is used to be notified about update errors and warnings (often not synchronous with a certificate validation).
    K. Benedyczak
    • Method Detail

      • loadingNotification

        void loadingNotification​(java.lang.String location,
                                 java.lang.String type,
                                 StoreUpdateListener.Severity level,
                                 java.lang.Exception cause)
        Informs about an update related to loading of trust related material, like loading or downloading a CA certificate, CRL or others.
        location - not null location of the updated resource (URL or file path)
        type - not-null type of resource (CA certificate, CRL files etc)
        level - severity of the notification
        cause - an exception thrown by a loading code, typically IOException. Can be null. If not null, message of the exception should contain problem description.