Class |
Description |
AbstractCRLStoreSPI |
AbstractDelegatingX509Credential |
Abstract base for credential implementations which delegate to
another one.
AbstractEuGridPmaNamespacesStore |
EuGridPMA policy store common code.
AbstractGlobusNamespacesStore |
Globus EACL policy store common code.
AbstractHostnameToCertificateChecker |
AbstractNamespacesStore |
Policy store common code.
AbstractTrustAnchorStore |
Base implementation of Trust Anchor stores.
AbstractValidator |
AbstractX509Credential |
BaseProxyCertificateOptions |
Generic proxy creation parameters useful for all scenarios.
BCCertPathValidator |
Low-level certificate validator based on the BC PKIXCertPathReviewer
with additional support for proxy certificates.
BCErrorMapper |
BinaryCertChainValidator |
A simplistic X509CertChainValidator implementation which always fails or accepts certificates,
basing on the constructor argument.
BoundedSizeLruMap<S,T> |
CachedElement<T> |
Cached element is a container of an arbitrary object,
enriched with a creation timestamp.
CachedPEMReader |
This class extends the PEMParser class from the BC library.
CertificateExtension |
Stores DER form of a certificate extension along with its OID and
flag if the extension is critical.
CertificateHelpers |
Utility methods for certificates handling and reading/writing PEM files.
CertificateHelpers.PEMContentsType |
CertificateUtils |
Utility class with methods simplifying typical certificate related operations.
CertificateUtils.Encoding |
Definition of the encoding that can be used for reading or writing
certificates or keys.
CertificateUtils.MissingPasswordForEncryptedKeyException |
CertPathValidatorUtilitiesCanl |
CharArrayPasswordFinder |
Trivial implementation of PasswordSupplier which uses a password
provided to the constructor.
CommonX509TrustManager |
This class wraps X509CertChainValidator so it can be easily used in
the standard Java SSL API.
CredentialX509KeyManager |
Simple KeyManager implementation which always returns the only key and certificate
which is available in the configured X509Credential object.
CrlCheckingMode |
Defines Certificate Revocation List verification mode.
CRLParameters |
Manages configuration of CRL sources, used in non-openssl truststores.
CRLRevocationChecker |
DERCredential |
Wraps certificate and private key stored in DER format.
DirectoryCertChainValidator |
The certificate validator which uses a flexible set of certificates and CRL locations.
DirectoryTrustAnchorStore |
Retrieves CA certificates from locations given as local paths with wildcards
or URLs.
DisabledNameMismatchCallback |
DNComparator |
Helpers for checking text representations of DNs for equality.
DraftRFCProxyCertInfoExtension |
Proxy cert info extension class.
EnforcingNameMismatchCallback |
EuGridPmaNamespacesParser |
Parses a single EUGridPMA namespaces file and returns NamespacePolicy object.
EuGridPmaNamespacesStore |
ExtendedProxyType |
ExtPKIXParameters2 |
Extended PKIX parameters with additional settings related to
the library features: different CRL modes and proxy support.
ExtPKIXParameters2.Builder |
FixedBCPKIXCertPathReviewer |
Validation of X.509 Certificate Paths.
FlexiblePEMReader |
Extends BC's PEMParser class so it can read correctly also
PEM files with a garbage at the beginning
and minor syntax violations which occur more then often in the wild.
FormatMode |
String output mode.
GlobusNamespacesParser |
GlobusNamespacesParser.InvalidPolicyFilenameException |
GlobusNamespacesParser.PolicySyntaxException |
GlobusNamespacesStore |
HostnameMismatchCallback |
HostnameMismatchCallback2 |
Implementation should react to the event when remote SSL peer's certificate is not matching its hostname.
HostnameToCertificateChecker |
Verifies if a peer's host name matches a DN of its certificate.
HostnameToCertificateChecker.ResultWrapper |
InMemoryKeystoreCertChainValidator |
The certificate validator which uses Java KeyStore as a truststore.
IPAddressHelper |
Helpers for IP addresses comparison.
JavaAndBCStyle |
Extends BCStyle with additional recognized attribute names, to make
it fully compatible with what the internal OpenJDK implementation supports
when parsing string RFC 2253 DNs.
JDKFSTrustAnchorStore |
JDKInMemoryTrustAnchorStore |
Implementation of the TrustAnchorStore which uses JDK's KeyStore
as a in-memory storage.
KeyAndCertCredential |
KeystoreCertChainValidator |
The certificate validator which uses Java KeyStore as a truststore.
KeystoreCredential |
Wraps a Java KeyStore in form suitable for use in JSSE.
KeyStoreHelper |
KeyStore class utility helpers
LazyEuGridPmaNamespacesStore |
EuGridPMA namespace policies are loaded on demand by this store and are cached in memory.
LazyGlobusNamespacesStore |
Globus EACL policies are loaded on demand by this store and are cached in memory.
LazyOpensslCRLStoreSpi |
Handles an Openssl-like CRL store.
LazyOpensslTrustAnchorStoreImpl |
Implementation of the truststore which uses CA certificates from a single directory
in OpenSSL format.
NamespaceChecker |
Implements namespace policy checking.
NamespaceCheckingMode |
Used to define the CA namespace checking mode.
NamespacePolicy |
Represents a namespace policy, i.e.
NamespacesParser |
Implemented by namespace parsers.
NamespacesStore |
NonValidatingCertPathBuilder |
This class is a modified copy of BC's PKIXCertPathBuilderSpi .
ObserversHandler |
OCSPCacheBase |
Common base class for responses and responders caches.
OCSPCachingClient |
OCSPCheckingMode |
Defines On-line Certificate Status Protocol usage mode.
OCSPClientImpl |
OCSP client is responsible for the network related activity of the OCSP invocation pipeline.
OCSPParametes |
Manages configuration of OCSP support for all truststores.
OCSPResponder |
Configuration of a local responder.
OCSPRespondersCache |
OCSP failing responses cache: in memory with disk persistence.
OCSPResponsesCache |
OCSP responses cache: in memory with disk persistence.
OCSPResponseStructure |
Holds OCSP response (parsed) and some additional metadata, e.g.
OCSPResult |
OCSPResult.Status |
OCSPRevocationChecker |
OCSPVerifier |
OidAndValue<T extends org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable> |
Stores DER form of a certificate attribute value with its OID.
OpensslCertChainValidator |
The certificate validator which uses OpenSSL directory as a truststore.
OpensslCRLStoreSpi |
Implementation of the CRL store which uses CRLs from a single directory
in OpenSSL format.
OpensslNamespacePolicyImpl |
Represents a namespace policy, i.e.
OpensslNameUtils |
This class provides support for the legacy Openssl format of DN encoding.
OpensslTrustAnchorStore |
OpensslTrustAnchorStoreImpl |
Implementation of the truststore which uses CA certificates from a single directory
in OpenSSL format.
OpensslTruststoreHelper |
Several static methods helping to mangle truststore file paths in openssl style.
ParserUtils |
Common helpers for namespace file parsers.
PasswordSupplier |
Provides password on demand.
PEMCredential |
Wraps certificate and private key stored in PEM format.
PKCS8DERReader |
This class extends the PEMParser class from the BC library.
PKIXPolicyNode |
PKIXProxyCertificateChecker |
Checker which handles proxy certificate extensions so BC won't report them as unknown.
PlainCRLStoreSpi |
Handles an in-memory CRL store.
PlainCRLValidator |
An abstract validator which provides a CRL support common for validators
using PlainCRLStoreSpi .
PlainStoreUtils |
Class for CA or CRL stores with utility methods for handling list
of locations as wildcards or URLs.
ProxyACExtension |
A class for handling the VOMS AC extension in certificates (OID:
ProxyAddressRestrictionData |
An utility class for defining the allowed address space, used both to define
the source and target restrictions.
ProxyCertificate |
Wraps information about a new proxy which was generated by the ProxyGenerator .
ProxyCertificateImpl |
ProxyCertificateOptions |
Holds parameters which are used to create a proxy certificate using
only a certificate chain.
ProxyCertInfoExtension |
Proxy cert info extension class.
ProxyChainInfo |
A class to get an information from a proxy certificate chain.
ProxyChainType |
Specifies the type of the proxy chain.
ProxyCSR |
Wraps information about a new proxy certificate signing request which was generated by the ProxyCSRGenerator .
ProxyCSRGenerator |
Generates a proxy certificate signing request.
ProxyCSRImpl |
ProxyCSR implementation.
ProxyCSRInfo |
A class to get the information from the proxy certificate request.
ProxyGenerator |
Utilities to create proxy certificates.
ProxyGeneratorHelper |
Actual implementation of the Proxy generation.
ProxyHelper |
Various helpers for handling proxy certificates
ProxyPolicy |
Proxy policy ASN1 class.
ProxyRequestOptions |
Holds parameters which are used to issue a proxy certificate
using a provided Certificate Signing Request and a local certificate chain.
ProxySAMLExtension |
A class for handling the SAML extension in the Certificate.
ProxySupport |
Defines proxy support mode for validators.
ProxyTracingExtension |
A class for generating and parsing the proxy tracing extensions.
ProxyType |
Specifies the type of the proxy.
ProxyUtils |
Utility methods for checking properties of proxy certificates.
ReaderInputStream |
InputStream implementation that reads a character stream from a Reader
and transforms it to a byte stream using a specified charset encoding.
RevocationChecker |
Used to check revocation using a single revocation checking mechanism.
RevocationParameters |
Wraps the information required to control how certificates revocation is checked.
RevocationParameters.RevocationCheckingOrder |
RevocationParametersExt |
Manages configuration of revocation settings, used in non-openssl truststores.
RevocationStatus |
Covers possible generic revocation checking outcomes, in case when certificate being checked is not revoked.
RFC3280CertPathUtilitiesCanl |
This class exposes the BC's JCA implementation of the RFC3280CertPathUtilities .
RFCProxyCertInfoExtension |
Proxy cert info extension class.
SimpleCRLStore |
Provider-less implementation of the CertStore.
SimpleValidationErrorException |
Contains one problem code with optional arguments.
SocketFactoryCreator |
SocketFactoryCreator2 |
Utility allowing programmers to quickly create SSL socket factories using configuration abstractions
of this library.
SSLTrustManager |
SSLTrustManagerWithHostnameChecking |
Wires CANL abstractions: credentials and verificators into Java SSL socket factory.
StoreUpdateListener |
Implementations receive information about updates of certificate, CRL stores or OCSP errors.
StoreUpdateListener.Severity |
TimedTrustAnchorStoreBase |
Base implementation of Trust Anchor stores which load all certificates into memory.
TrustAnchorExt |
TrustAnchorStore |
Implementations provide trust store material: a list of trusted CA certificates.
ValidationError |
Holds information about a single validation problem with a reference to
the certificate chain.
ValidationErrorCategory |
This enumeration contains general classes of errors that can be signaled
during certificate path validation.
ValidationErrorCode |
This enumeration contains codes of errors that can be signaled
during certificate path validation.
ValidationErrorException |
ValidationErrorListener |
Invoked when there is an error found during certificate chain validation.
ValidationResult |
Wraps a validation result, error messages and unresolved
certificate extension oids (if any).
ValidatorParams |
ValidatorParamsExt |
WeakTimerTask<T> |
This class holds a partner of the TimerTask reference as weak one.
X500NameUtils |
Contains utility static methods which are helpful in manipulating X.500 Distinguished
Names, especially encoded in String form using RFC 2253.
X509CertChainValidator |
Implementations are used to perform a manual certificate chain validation.
X509CertChainValidatorExt |
Extends the main X509CertChainValidator interface with some additional methods
which are commonly provided by the most validator implementations, but are not
strictly required for the sole validation.
X509Credential |
Implementations are used to wrap credentials (private key and certificate)
in various formats.
X509Formatter |
Utility allowing for converting certificates to various text representations.
X509v3CertificateBuilder |
Class to produce an X.509 Version 3 certificate.