100#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend, i_dir_0, i_dir_1, i_comp_0, i_comp_1) \
102 const btScalar dir0 = -edge[i_dir_0]; \
103 const btScalar dir1 = edge[i_dir_1]; \
104 btScalar pmin = pointa[i_comp_0] * dir0 + pointa[i_comp_1] * dir1; \
105 btScalar pmax = pointb[i_comp_0] * dir0 + pointb[i_comp_1] * dir1; \
108 GIM_SWAP_NUMBERS(pmin, pmax); \
110 const btScalar abs_dir0 = absolute_edge[i_dir_0]; \
111 const btScalar abs_dir1 = absolute_edge[i_dir_1]; \
112 const btScalar rad = _extend[i_comp_0] * abs_dir0 + _extend[i_comp_1] * abs_dir1; \
113 if (pmin > rad || -rad > pmax) return false; \
118#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_X_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend) \
120 TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend, 2, 1, 1, 2); \
123#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_Y_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend) \
125 TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend, 0, 2, 2, 0); \
128#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_Z_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend) \
130 TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend, 1, 0, 0, 1); \
143 static const btVector3 vepsi(1e-6f, 1e-6f, 1e-6f);
191#define BOX_PLANE_EPSILON 0.000001f
284 template <
typename CLASS_POINT>
286 const CLASS_POINT &V1,
287 const CLASS_POINT &V2,
288 const CLASS_POINT &V3)
299 template <
typename CLASS_POINT>
301 const CLASS_POINT &V1,
302 const CLASS_POINT &V2,
303 const CLASS_POINT &V3,
btScalar margin)
327 center = trans(center);
333 m_min = center - textends;
334 m_max = center + textends;
350 template <
typename CLASS_POINT>
366 extend =
m_max - center;
406 btScalar Dx = vorigin[0] - center[0];
407 if (
GIM_GREATER(Dx, extents[0]) && Dx * vdir[0] >= 0.0f)
return false;
408 btScalar Dy = vorigin[1] - center[1];
409 if (
GIM_GREATER(Dy, extents[1]) && Dy * vdir[1] >= 0.0f)
return false;
410 btScalar Dz = vorigin[2] - center[2];
411 if (
GIM_GREATER(Dz, extents[2]) && Dz * vdir[2] >= 0.0f)
return false;
413 btScalar f = vdir[1] * Dz - vdir[2] * Dy;
414 if (
btFabs(f) > extents[1] *
btFabs(vdir[2]) + extents[2] *
return false;
415 f = vdir[2] * Dx - vdir[0] * Dz;
416 if (
btFabs(f) > extents[0] *
btFabs(vdir[2]) + extents[2] *
return false;
417 f = vdir[0] * Dy - vdir[1] * Dx;
418 if (
btFabs(f) > extents[0] *
btFabs(vdir[1]) + extents[1] *
return false;
429 vmin = _fOrigin - _fMaximumExtent;
430 vmax = _fOrigin + _fMaximumExtent;
472 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
474 T[i] = transcache.
m_R1to0[i].dot(cb) + transcache.
m_T1to0[i] - ca[i];
475 t = transcache.
m_AR[i].dot(eb) + ea[i];
479 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
488 int j, m, n, o, p, q, r;
489 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
495 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
499 t = T[n] * transcache.
m_R1to0[m][j] - T[m] * transcache.
500 t2 = ea[o] * transcache.
m_AR[p][j] + ea[p] * transcache.
m_AR[o][j] +
501 eb[r] * transcache.
m_AR[i][q] + eb[q] * transcache.
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
btScalar btFabs(btScalar x)
bool overlapping_trans_cache(const GIM_AABB &box, const GIM_BOX_BOX_TRANSFORM_CACHE &transcache, bool fulltest)
transcache is the transformation cache from box to this AABB
void calc_from_triangle(const CLASS_POINT &V1, const CLASS_POINT &V2, const CLASS_POINT &V3)
bool collide_triangle_exact(const btVector3 &p1, const btVector3 &p2, const btVector3 &p3, const btVector4 &triangle_plane)
test for a triangle, with edges
void projection_interval(const btVector3 &direction, btScalar &vmin, btScalar &vmax) const
void merge(const GIM_AABB &box)
Merges a Box.
bool collide_ray(const btVector3 &vorigin, const btVector3 &vdir)
Finds the Ray intersection parameter.
GIM_AABB(const btVector3 &V1, const btVector3 &V2, const btVector3 &V3, GREAL margin)
void copy_with_margin(const GIM_AABB &other, btScalar margin)
void appy_transform(const btTransform &trans)
Apply a transform to an AABB.
void merge_point(const CLASS_POINT &point)
Merges a point.
bool collide_plane(const btVector4 &plane)
Simple test for planes.
bool overlapping_trans_conservative(const GIM_AABB &box, btTransform &trans1_to_0)
GIM_AABB(const btVector3 &V1, const btVector3 &V2, const btVector3 &V3)
bool has_collision(const GIM_AABB &other) const
void increment_margin(btScalar margin)
GIM_AABB(const GIM_AABB &other, btScalar margin)
GIM_AABB(const GIM_AABB &other)
void calc_from_triangle_margin(const CLASS_POINT &V1, const CLASS_POINT &V2, const CLASS_POINT &V3, btScalar margin)
void find_intersection(const GIM_AABB &other, GIM_AABB &intersection) const
Finds the intersecting box between this box and the other.
void get_center_extend(btVector3 ¢er, btVector3 &extend) const
Gets the extend and center.
ePLANE_INTERSECTION_TYPE plane_classify(const btVector4 &plane) const
The btMatrix3x3 class implements a 3x3 rotation matrix, to perform linear algebra in combination with...
btMatrix3x3 inverse() const
Return the inverse of the matrix.
btMatrix3x3 transpose() const
Return the transpose of the matrix.
const btVector3 & getRow(int i) const
Get a row of the matrix as a vector.
btMatrix3x3 absolute() const
Return the matrix with all values non negative.
btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.
btScalar dot(const btVector3 &v) const
Return the dot product.
btVector3 dot3(const btVector3 &v0, const btVector3 &v1, const btVector3 &v2) const
btVector3 absolute() const
Return a vector with the absolute values of each element.
#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_X_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend)
#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_Y_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend)
#define TEST_CROSS_EDGE_BOX_Z_AXIS_MCR(edge, absolute_edge, pointa, pointb, _extend)
bool btCompareTransformsEqual(const btTransform &t1, const btTransform &t2)
Compairison of transformation objects.
GREAL mat4f[4][4]
Matrix 4D, row ordered.
#define COPY_MATRIX_3X3(b, a)
#define MAT_GET_TRANSLATION(mat, vec3)
Get the triple(3) col of a transform matrix.
#define MAT_DOT_COL(mat, vec3, colindex)
Returns the dot product between a vec3f and the col of a matrix.
#define GIM_GREATER(x, y)
#define GIM_MIN3(a, b, c)
#define GIM_MAX3(a, b, c)