| btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint (btRigidBody &rbA, btRigidBody &rbB, const btTransform &frameInA, const btTransform &frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA) |
| btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint (btRigidBody &rbB, const btTransform &frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameB) |
void | enableSpring (int index, bool onOff) |
void | setStiffness (int index, btScalar stiffness) |
void | setDamping (int index, btScalar damping) |
void | setEquilibriumPoint () |
void | setEquilibriumPoint (int index) |
void | setEquilibriumPoint (int index, btScalar val) |
bool | isSpringEnabled (int index) const |
btScalar | getStiffness (int index) const |
btScalar | getDamping (int index) const |
btScalar | getEquilibriumPoint (int index) const |
virtual void | setAxis (const btVector3 &axis1, const btVector3 &axis2) |
virtual void | getInfo2 (btConstraintInfo2 *info) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
virtual int | calculateSerializeBufferSize () const |
virtual const char * | serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const |
| fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
| btGeneric6DofConstraint (btRigidBody &rbA, btRigidBody &rbB, const btTransform &frameInA, const btTransform &frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA) |
| btGeneric6DofConstraint (btRigidBody &rbB, const btTransform &frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameB) |
void | calculateTransforms (const btTransform &transA, const btTransform &transB) |
| Calcs global transform of the offsets. More...
void | calculateTransforms () |
const btTransform & | getCalculatedTransformA () const |
| Gets the global transform of the offset for body A. More...
const btTransform & | getCalculatedTransformB () const |
| Gets the global transform of the offset for body B. More...
const btTransform & | getFrameOffsetA () const |
const btTransform & | getFrameOffsetB () const |
btTransform & | getFrameOffsetA () |
btTransform & | getFrameOffsetB () |
virtual void | buildJacobian () |
| performs Jacobian calculation, and also calculates angle differences and axis More...
virtual void | getInfo1 (btConstraintInfo1 *info) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
void | getInfo1NonVirtual (btConstraintInfo1 *info) |
virtual void | getInfo2 (btConstraintInfo2 *info) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
void | getInfo2NonVirtual (btConstraintInfo2 *info, const btTransform &transA, const btTransform &transB, const btVector3 &linVelA, const btVector3 &linVelB, const btVector3 &angVelA, const btVector3 &angVelB) |
void | updateRHS (btScalar timeStep) |
btVector3 | getAxis (int axis_index) const |
| Get the rotation axis in global coordinates. More...
btScalar | getAngle (int axis_index) const |
| Get the relative Euler angle. More...
btScalar | getRelativePivotPosition (int axis_index) const |
| Get the relative position of the constraint pivot. More...
void | setFrames (const btTransform &frameA, const btTransform &frameB) |
bool | testAngularLimitMotor (int axis_index) |
| Test angular limit. More...
void | setLinearLowerLimit (const btVector3 &linearLower) |
void | getLinearLowerLimit (btVector3 &linearLower) const |
void | setLinearUpperLimit (const btVector3 &linearUpper) |
void | getLinearUpperLimit (btVector3 &linearUpper) const |
void | setAngularLowerLimit (const btVector3 &angularLower) |
void | getAngularLowerLimit (btVector3 &angularLower) const |
void | setAngularUpperLimit (const btVector3 &angularUpper) |
void | getAngularUpperLimit (btVector3 &angularUpper) const |
btRotationalLimitMotor * | getRotationalLimitMotor (int index) |
| Retrieves the angular limit informacion. More...
btTranslationalLimitMotor * | getTranslationalLimitMotor () |
| Retrieves the limit informacion. More...
void | setLimit (int axis, btScalar lo, btScalar hi) |
bool | isLimited (int limitIndex) const |
| Test limit. More...
virtual void | calcAnchorPos (void) |
int | get_limit_motor_info2 (btRotationalLimitMotor *limot, const btTransform &transA, const btTransform &transB, const btVector3 &linVelA, const btVector3 &linVelB, const btVector3 &angVelA, const btVector3 &angVelB, btConstraintInfo2 *info, int row, btVector3 &ax1, int rotational, int rotAllowed=false) |
bool | getUseFrameOffset () const |
void | setUseFrameOffset (bool frameOffsetOnOff) |
bool | getUseLinearReferenceFrameA () const |
void | setUseLinearReferenceFrameA (bool linearReferenceFrameA) |
virtual void | setParam (int num, btScalar value, int axis=-1) |
| override the default global value of a parameter (such as ERP or CFM), optionally provide the axis (0..5). More...
virtual btScalar | getParam (int num, int axis=-1) const |
| return the local value of parameter More...
void | setAxis (const btVector3 &axis1, const btVector3 &axis2) |
virtual int | getFlags () const |
virtual int | calculateSerializeBufferSize () const |
virtual const char * | serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const |
| fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
virtual | ~btTypedConstraint () |
| btTypedConstraint (btTypedConstraintType type, btRigidBody &rbA) |
| btTypedConstraint (btTypedConstraintType type, btRigidBody &rbA, btRigidBody &rbB) |
int | getOverrideNumSolverIterations () const |
void | setOverrideNumSolverIterations (int overideNumIterations) |
| override the number of constraint solver iterations used to solve this constraint -1 will use the default number of iterations, as specified in SolverInfo.m_numIterations More...
virtual void | buildJacobian () |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
virtual void | setupSolverConstraint (btConstraintArray &ca, int solverBodyA, int solverBodyB, btScalar timeStep) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
virtual void | getInfo1 (btConstraintInfo1 *info)=0 |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
virtual void | getInfo2 (btConstraintInfo2 *info)=0 |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
void | internalSetAppliedImpulse (btScalar appliedImpulse) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
btScalar | internalGetAppliedImpulse () |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
btScalar | getBreakingImpulseThreshold () const |
void | setBreakingImpulseThreshold (btScalar threshold) |
bool | isEnabled () const |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual void | solveConstraintObsolete (btSolverBody &, btSolverBody &, btScalar) |
| internal method used by the constraint solver, don't use them directly More...
const btRigidBody & | getRigidBodyA () const |
const btRigidBody & | getRigidBodyB () const |
btRigidBody & | getRigidBodyA () |
btRigidBody & | getRigidBodyB () |
int | getUserConstraintType () const |
void | setUserConstraintType (int userConstraintType) |
void | setUserConstraintId (int uid) |
int | getUserConstraintId () const |
void | setUserConstraintPtr (void *ptr) |
void * | getUserConstraintPtr () |
void | setJointFeedback (btJointFeedback *jointFeedback) |
const btJointFeedback * | getJointFeedback () const |
btJointFeedback * | getJointFeedback () |
int | getUid () const |
bool | needsFeedback () const |
void | enableFeedback (bool needsFeedback) |
| enableFeedback will allow to read the applied linear and angular impulse use getAppliedImpulse, getAppliedLinearImpulse and getAppliedAngularImpulse to read feedback information More...
btScalar | getAppliedImpulse () const |
| getAppliedImpulse is an estimated total applied impulse. More...
btTypedConstraintType | getConstraintType () const |
void | setDbgDrawSize (btScalar dbgDrawSize) |
btScalar | getDbgDrawSize () |
virtual void | setParam (int num, btScalar value, int axis=-1)=0 |
| override the default global value of a parameter (such as ERP or CFM), optionally provide the axis (0..5). More...
virtual btScalar | getParam (int num, int axis=-1) const =0 |
| return the local value of parameter More...
virtual int | calculateSerializeBufferSize () const |
virtual const char * | serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const |
| fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
| btTypedObject (int objectType) |
int | getObjectType () const |