virtual | ~btCompoundFromGimpactShape () |
| btCompoundShape (bool enableDynamicAabbTree=true, const int initialChildCapacity=0) |
virtual | ~btCompoundShape () |
void | addChildShape (const btTransform &localTransform, btCollisionShape *shape) |
virtual void | removeChildShape (btCollisionShape *shape) |
| Remove all children shapes that contain the specified shape. More...
void | removeChildShapeByIndex (int childShapeindex) |
int | getNumChildShapes () const |
btCollisionShape * | getChildShape (int index) |
const btCollisionShape * | getChildShape (int index) const |
btTransform & | getChildTransform (int index) |
const btTransform & | getChildTransform (int index) const |
void | updateChildTransform (int childIndex, const btTransform &newChildTransform, bool shouldRecalculateLocalAabb=true) |
| set a new transform for a child, and update internal data structures (local aabb and dynamic tree) More...
btCompoundShapeChild * | getChildList () |
virtual void | getAabb (const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const |
| getAabb's default implementation is brute force, expected derived classes to implement a fast dedicated version More...
virtual void | recalculateLocalAabb () |
| Re-calculate the local Aabb. More...
virtual void | setLocalScaling (const btVector3 &scaling) |
virtual const btVector3 & | getLocalScaling () const |
virtual void | calculateLocalInertia (btScalar mass, btVector3 &inertia) const |
virtual void | setMargin (btScalar margin) |
virtual btScalar | getMargin () const |
virtual const char * | getName () const |
const btDbvt * | getDynamicAabbTree () const |
btDbvt * | getDynamicAabbTree () |
void | createAabbTreeFromChildren () |
void | calculatePrincipalAxisTransform (const btScalar *masses, btTransform &principal, btVector3 &inertia) const |
| computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia and the center of mass to the current coordinate system. More...
int | getUpdateRevision () const |
virtual int | calculateSerializeBufferSize () const |
virtual const char * | serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const |
| fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
| btCollisionShape () |
virtual | ~btCollisionShape () |
virtual void | getAabb (const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const =0 |
| getAabb returns the axis aligned bounding box in the coordinate frame of the given transform t. More...
virtual void | getBoundingSphere (btVector3 ¢er, btScalar &radius) const |
virtual btScalar | getAngularMotionDisc () const |
| getAngularMotionDisc returns the maximum radius needed for Conservative Advancement to handle time-of-impact with rotations. More...
virtual btScalar | getContactBreakingThreshold (btScalar defaultContactThresholdFactor) const |
void | calculateTemporalAabb (const btTransform &curTrans, const btVector3 &linvel, const btVector3 &angvel, btScalar timeStep, btVector3 &temporalAabbMin, btVector3 &temporalAabbMax) const |
| calculateTemporalAabb calculates the enclosing aabb for the moving object over interval [0..timeStep) result is conservative More...
bool | isPolyhedral () const |
bool | isConvex2d () const |
bool | isConvex () const |
bool | isNonMoving () const |
bool | isConcave () const |
bool | isCompound () const |
bool | isSoftBody () const |
bool | isInfinite () const |
| isInfinite is used to catch simulation error (aabb check) More...
virtual void | setLocalScaling (const btVector3 &scaling)=0 |
virtual const btVector3 & | getLocalScaling () const =0 |
virtual void | calculateLocalInertia (btScalar mass, btVector3 &inertia) const =0 |
virtual const char * | getName () const =0 |
int | getShapeType () const |
virtual btVector3 | getAnisotropicRollingFrictionDirection () const |
| the getAnisotropicRollingFrictionDirection can be used in combination with setAnisotropicFriction See Bullet/Demos/RollingFrictionDemo for an example More...
virtual void | setMargin (btScalar margin)=0 |
virtual btScalar | getMargin () const =0 |
void | setUserPointer (void *userPtr) |
| optional user data pointer More...
void * | getUserPointer () const |
void | setUserIndex (int index) |
int | getUserIndex () const |
void | setUserIndex2 (int index) |
int | getUserIndex2 () const |
virtual int | calculateSerializeBufferSize () const |
virtual const char * | serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const |
| fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
virtual void | serializeSingleShape (btSerializer *serializer) const |