39 virtual bool initializePolyhedralFeatures(
int shiftVerticesByMargin = 0);
51 virtual void batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(
const btVector3* vectors,
btVector3* supportVerticesOut,
int numVectors)
void btTransformAabb(const btVector3 &halfExtents, btScalar margin, const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMinOut, btVector3 &aabbMaxOut)
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
The btConvexInternalShape is an internal base class, shared by most convex shape implementations.
The btPolyhedralConvexAabbCachingShape adds aabb caching to the btPolyhedralConvexShape.
void getCachedLocalAabb(btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const
virtual void setLocalScaling(const btVector3 &scaling)
void setCachedLocalAabb(const btVector3 &aabbMin, const btVector3 &aabbMax)
virtual void getAabb(const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const
getAabb's default implementation is brute force, expected derived classes to implement a fast dedicat...
void getNonvirtualAabb(const btTransform &trans, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax, btScalar margin) const
The btPolyhedralConvexShape is an internal interface class for polyhedral convex shapes.
virtual bool isInside(const btVector3 &pt, btScalar tolerance) const =0
virtual void getPlane(btVector3 &planeNormal, btVector3 &planeSupport, int i) const =0
virtual void getEdge(int i, btVector3 &pa, btVector3 &pb) const =0
virtual int getNumPlanes() const =0
virtual void getVertex(int i, btVector3 &vtx) const =0
btConvexPolyhedron * m_polyhedron
const btConvexPolyhedron * getConvexPolyhedron() const
virtual int getNumVertices() const =0
virtual int getNumEdges() const =0
btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.