btConstraintSolver provides solver interface
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
The btIDebugDraw interface class allows hooking up a debug renderer to visually debug simulations.
original version written by Erwin Coumans, October 2013
btMatrixXu m_scratchJ3
Cache variable for constraint Jacobian matrix.
btAlignedObjectArray< int > m_multiBodyLimitDependencies
Indices of normal contact constraint associated with frictional contact constraint for multibodies.
btScalar solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup(btCollisionObject **bodies, int numBodies, btPersistentManifold **manifoldPtr, int numManifolds, btTypedConstraint **constraints, int numConstraints, const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw *debugDrawer) BT_OVERRIDE
btVectorXu m_xSplit
Split impulse cache vector corresponding to m_x.
btVectorXu m_b
b vector in the MLCP formulation.
btAlignedObjectArray< btMultiBodySolverConstraint * > m_multiBodyAllConstraintPtrArray
Array of all the multibody constraints.
btMLCPSolverInterface * m_solver
MLCP solver.
int getNumFallbacks() const
Returns the number of fallbacks of using btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver, which happens when the ...
void setNumFallbacks(int num)
Sets the number of fallbacks. This function may be used to reset the number to zero.
btScalar solveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations(btCollisionObject **bodies, int numBodies, btPersistentManifold **manifoldPtr, int numManifolds, btTypedConstraint **constraints, int numConstraints, const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw *debugDrawer)
btVectorXu m_lo
Lower bound of constraint impulse, m_x.
btMatrixXu m_A
A matrix in the MLCP formulation.
int m_fallback
Count of fallbacks of using btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver, which happens when the MLCP solver f...
btMatrixXu m_multiBodyA
A matrix in the MLCP formulation.
btAlignedObjectArray< int > m_limitDependencies
Indices of normal contact constraint associated with frictional contact constraint for rigid bodies.
btVectorXu m_bSplit
Split impulse Cache vector corresponding to m_b.
void setMLCPSolver(btMLCPSolverInterface *solver)
Sets MLCP solver. Assumed it's not null.
btAlignedObjectArray< int > m_scratchOfs
Cache variable for offsets.
void createMLCPFastRigidBody(const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal)
Constructs MLCP terms for constraints of two rigid bodies.
btVectorXu m_hi
Upper bound of constraint impulse, m_x.
virtual bool solveMLCP(const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal)
Solves MLCP and returns the success.
btVectorXu m_x
Constraint impulse, which is an output of MLCP solving.
btVectorXu m_multiBodyLo
Lower bound of constraint impulse, m_x.
virtual void createMLCPFast(const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal)
Constructs MLCP terms, which are m_A, m_b, m_lo, and m_hi.
btAlignedObjectArray< btSolverConstraint * > m_allConstraintPtrArray
Array of all the rigid body constraints.
btMatrixXu m_scratchJInvM3
Cache variable for constraint Jacobian times inverse mass matrix.
btVectorXu m_multiBodyX
Constraint impulse, which is an output of MLCP solving.
void createMLCPFastMultiBody(const btContactSolverInfo &infoGlobal)
Constructs MLCP terms for constraints of two multi-bodies or one rigid body and one multibody.
btVectorXu m_multiBodyHi
Upper bound of constraint impulse, m_x.
virtual btConstraintSolverType getSolverType() const
Returns the constraint solver type.
btVectorXu m_multiBodyB
b vector in the MLCP formulation.
btPersistentManifold is a contact point cache, it stays persistent as long as objects are overlapping...
TypedConstraint is the baseclass for Bullet constraints and vehicles.