static DBVT_INLINE btScalar size(const btDbvtVolume &a)
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
btCollisionAlgorithm is an collision interface that is compatible with the Broadphase and btDispatche...
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
The btDispatcher interface class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations ...
virtual int getNumManifolds() const =0
virtual btPersistentManifold * getManifoldByIndexInternal(int index)=0
virtual const btPoolAllocator * getInternalManifoldPool() const =0
virtual void dispatchAllCollisionPairs(btOverlappingPairCache *pairCache, const btDispatcherInfo &dispatchInfo, btDispatcher *dispatcher)=0
virtual void clearManifold(btPersistentManifold *manifold)=0
virtual void * allocateCollisionAlgorithm(int size)=0
virtual void releaseManifold(btPersistentManifold *manifold)=0
virtual void freeCollisionAlgorithm(void *ptr)=0
virtual bool needsCollision(const btCollisionObject *body0, const btCollisionObject *body1)=0
virtual bool needsResponse(const btCollisionObject *body0, const btCollisionObject *body1)=0
virtual btCollisionAlgorithm * findAlgorithm(const btCollisionObjectWrapper *body0Wrap, const btCollisionObjectWrapper *body1Wrap, btPersistentManifold *sharedManifold, ebtDispatcherQueryType queryType)=0
virtual btPersistentManifold * getNewManifold(const btCollisionObject *b0, const btCollisionObject *b1)=0
virtual btPersistentManifold ** getInternalManifoldPointer()=0
virtual btPoolAllocator * getInternalManifoldPool()=0
The btIDebugDraw interface class allows hooking up a debug renderer to visually debug simulations.
The btOverlappingPairCache provides an interface for overlapping pair management (add,...
btPersistentManifold is a contact point cache, it stays persistent as long as objects are overlapping...
The btPoolAllocator class allows to efficiently allocate a large pool of objects, instead of dynamica...
The btRigidBody is the main class for rigid body objects.
The btBroadphaseProxy is the main class that can be used with the Bullet broadphases.
btScalar m_allowedCcdPenetration
bool m_deterministicOverlappingPairs
bool m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil
btScalar m_convexConservativeDistanceThreshold
class btIDebugDraw * m_debugDraw