btConstraintSolver provides solver interface
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
The btAlignedObjectArray template class uses a subset of the stl::vector interface for its methods It...
The btBroadphaseInterface class provides an interface to detect aabb-overlapping object pairs.
btCollisionConfiguration allows to configure Bullet collision detection stack allocator size,...
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
btConstraintSolverPoolMt - masquerades as a constraint solver, but really it is a threadsafe pool of ...
static const size_t kCacheLineSize
ThreadSolver * getAndLockThreadSolver()
virtual void reset() BT_OVERRIDE
clear internal cached data and reset random seed
btConstraintSolverType m_solverType
void init(btConstraintSolver **solvers, int numSolvers)
virtual ~btConstraintSolverPoolMt()
virtual btConstraintSolverType getSolverType() const BT_OVERRIDE
virtual btScalar solveGroup(btCollisionObject **bodies, int numBodies, btPersistentManifold **manifolds, int numManifolds, btTypedConstraint **constraints, int numConstraints, const btContactSolverInfo &info, btIDebugDraw *debugDrawer, btDispatcher *dispatcher) BT_OVERRIDE
solve a group of constraints
btConstraintSolverPoolMt(int numSolvers)
btAlignedObjectArray< ThreadSolver > m_solvers
btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt – a version of DiscreteDynamicsWorld with some minor changes to support sol...
btConstraintSolver * m_constraintSolverMt
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld provides discrete rigid body simulation those classes replace the obsolete Cc...
void integrateTransformsInternal(btRigidBody **bodies, int numBodies, btScalar timeStep)
void createPredictiveContactsInternal(btRigidBody **bodies, int numBodies, btScalar timeStep)
The btDispatcher interface class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations ...
The btIDebugDraw interface class allows hooking up a debug renderer to visually debug simulations.
btPersistentManifold is a contact point cache, it stays persistent as long as objects are overlapping...
The btRigidBody is the main class for rigid body objects.
btSpinMutex – lightweight spin-mutex implemented with atomic ops, never puts a thread to sleep becaus...
TypedConstraint is the baseclass for Bullet constraints and vehicles.
char _cachelinePadding[kCacheLineSize - sizeof(btSpinMutex) - sizeof(void *)]
btConstraintSolver * solver