28struct ConstraintInput;
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
The btBvhTriangleMeshShape is a static-triangle mesh shape, it can only be used for fixed/non-moving ...
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
The btCollisionShape class provides an interface for collision shapes that can be shared among btColl...
btAlignedObjectArray< btOptimizedBvh * > m_allocatedBvhs
virtual void deleteAllData()
delete all memory collision shapes, rigid bodies, constraints etc.
virtual ~btCollisionWorldImporter()
virtual btStridingMeshInterfaceData * createStridingMeshInterfaceData(btStridingMeshInterfaceData *interfaceData)
virtual btOptimizedBvh * createOptimizedBvh()
acceleration and connectivity structures
btAlignedObjectArray< btTriangleIndexVertexArray * > m_allocatedTriangleIndexArrays
virtual btCollisionShape * createCylinderShapeX(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
bool convertAllObjects(btBulletSerializedArrays *arrays)
int getNumTriangleInfoMaps() const
btCollisionShape * getCollisionShapeByName(const char *name)
virtual btCollisionShape * createPlaneShape(const btVector3 &planeNormal, btScalar planeConstant)
char * duplicateName(const char *name)
virtual class btTriangleIndexVertexArray * createTriangleMeshContainer()
btCollisionShape * convertCollisionShape(btCollisionShapeData *shapeData)
void setVerboseMode(int verboseMode)
virtual btCollisionShape * createConeShapeZ(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
btTriangleInfoMap * getTriangleInfoMapByIndex(int index) const
btAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionObject * > m_allocatedRigidBodies
int getVerboseMode() const
btCollisionWorld * m_collisionWorld
virtual class btCompoundShape * createCompoundShape()
virtual class btMultiSphereShape * createMultiSphereShape(const btVector3 *positions, const btScalar *radi, int numSpheres)
btHashMap< btHashPtr, btCollisionShape * > m_shapeMap
virtual btCollisionShape * createConeShapeY(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
virtual btCollisionShape * createSphereShape(btScalar radius)
btHashMap< btHashPtr, btTriangleInfoMap * > m_timMap
btCollisionShape * getCollisionShapeByIndex(int index)
virtual btCollisionShape * createBoxShape(const btVector3 &halfExtents)
btAlignedObjectArray< btVector3DoubleData * > m_doubleVertexArrays
virtual btCollisionShape * createCylinderShapeZ(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
virtual class btConvexHullShape * createConvexHullShape()
btAlignedObjectArray< int * > m_indexArrays
const char * getNameForPointer(const void *ptr) const
virtual btTriangleInfoMap * createTriangleInfoMap()
int getNumCollisionShapes() const
virtual btCollisionShape * createConeShapeX(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
btHashMap< btHashString, btCollisionShape * > m_nameShapeMap
btCollisionObject * getCollisionObjectByName(const char *name)
btAlignedObjectArray< char * > m_allocatedNames
virtual btBvhTriangleMeshShape * createBvhTriangleMeshShape(btStridingMeshInterface *trimesh, btOptimizedBvh *bvh)
btAlignedObjectArray< short int * > m_shortIndexArrays
btAlignedObjectArray< btStridingMeshInterfaceData * > m_allocatedbtStridingMeshInterfaceDatas
btOptimizedBvh * getBvhByIndex(int index) const
btHashMap< btHashString, btCollisionObject * > m_nameColObjMap
btCollisionObject * getRigidBodyByIndex(int index) const
btHashMap< btHashPtr, btOptimizedBvh * > m_bvhMap
btHashMap< btHashPtr, const char * > m_objectNameMap
int getNumRigidBodies() const
btAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionObject * > m_allocatedCollisionObjects
virtual btCollisionShape * createConvexTriangleMeshShape(btStridingMeshInterface *trimesh)
virtual class btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape * createScaledTrangleMeshShape(btBvhTriangleMeshShape *meshShape, const btVector3 &localScalingbtBvhTriangleMeshShape)
virtual btCollisionShape * createCylinderShapeY(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
virtual btCollisionShape * createCapsuleShapeY(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
virtual btCollisionShape * createCapsuleShapeZ(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
btAlignedObjectArray< btVector3FloatData * > m_floatVertexArrays
btAlignedObjectArray< btTriangleInfoMap * > m_allocatedTriangleInfoMaps
virtual btCollisionObject * createCollisionObject(const btTransform &startTransform, btCollisionShape *shape, const char *bodyName)
those virtuals are called by load and can be overridden by the user
virtual btTriangleIndexVertexArray * createMeshInterface(btStridingMeshInterfaceData &meshData)
btHashMap< btHashPtr, btCollisionObject * > m_bodyMap
btCollisionWorldImporter(btCollisionWorld *world)
btAlignedObjectArray< unsigned char * > m_charIndexArrays
btAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionShape * > m_allocatedCollisionShapes
virtual btCollisionShape * createCapsuleShapeX(btScalar radius, btScalar height)
CollisionWorld is interface and container for the collision detection.
The btCompoundShape allows to store multiple other btCollisionShapes This allows for moving concave c...
btConeTwistConstraint can be used to simulate ragdoll joints (upper arm, leg etc)
The btConvexHullShape implements an implicit convex hull of an array of vertices.
This class manages a mesh supplied by the btStridingMeshInterface interface.
The btGeatConstraint will couple the angular velocity for two bodies around given local axis and rati...
btGeneric6DofConstraint between two rigidbodies each with a pivotpoint that descibes the axis locatio...
Generic 6 DOF constraint that allows to set spring motors to any translational and rotational DOF.
hinge constraint between two rigidbodies each with a pivotpoint that descibes the axis location in lo...
The btMultiSphereShape represents the convex hull of a collection of spheres.
The btOptimizedBvh extends the btQuantizedBvh to create AABB tree for triangle meshes,...
point to point constraint between two rigidbodies each with a pivotpoint that descibes the 'ballsocke...
The btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape allows to instance a scaled version of an existing btBvhTriangleMesh...
The btStridingMeshInterface is the interface class for high performance generic access to triangle me...
The btTriangleIndexVertexArray allows to access multiple triangle meshes, by indexing into existing t...
btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.
do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
The btTriangleInfoMap stores edge angle information for some triangles. You can compute this informat...