The btAlignedObjectArray template class uses a subset of the stl::vector interface for its methods It...
btCollisionConfiguration allows to configure Bullet collision detection stack allocator size,...
btAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< btPersistentManifold * > > m_batchReleasePtr
virtual btPersistentManifold * getNewManifold(const btCollisionObject *body0, const btCollisionObject *body1) BT_OVERRIDE
btAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< btPersistentManifold * > > m_batchManifoldsPtr
virtual void dispatchAllCollisionPairs(btOverlappingPairCache *pairCache, const btDispatcherInfo &info, btDispatcher *dispatcher) BT_OVERRIDE
btCollisionDispatcherMt(btCollisionConfiguration *config, int grainSize=40)
virtual void releaseManifold(btPersistentManifold *manifold) BT_OVERRIDE
btCollisionDispatcher supports algorithms that handle ConvexConvex and ConvexConcave collision pairs.
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
The btDispatcher interface class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations ...
The btOverlappingPairCache provides an interface for overlapping pair management (add,...
btPersistentManifold is a contact point cache, it stays persistent as long as objects are overlapping...