19#ifndef BT_AXIS_SWEEP_3_H
20#define BT_AXIS_SWEEP_3_H
The bt32BitAxisSweep3 allows higher precision quantization and more objects compared to the btAxisSwe...
bt32BitAxisSweep3(const btVector3 &worldAabbMin, const btVector3 &worldAabbMax, unsigned int maxHandles=1500000, btOverlappingPairCache *pairCache=0, bool disableRaycastAccelerator=false)
The internal templace class btAxisSweep3Internal implements the sweep and prune broadphase.
The btAxisSweep3 is an efficient implementation of the 3d axis sweep and prune broadphase.
btAxisSweep3(const btVector3 &worldAabbMin, const btVector3 &worldAabbMax, unsigned short int maxHandles=16384, btOverlappingPairCache *pairCache=0, bool disableRaycastAccelerator=false)
The btOverlappingPairCache provides an interface for overlapping pair management (add,...
btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.