Class ExonSequence

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<NucleotideCompound>, Accessioned, Sequence<NucleotideCompound>

public class ExonSequence extends DNASequence
A gene contains a collection of Exon sequences
Scooter Willis
  • Constructor Details

    • ExonSequence

      public ExonSequence(GeneSequence parentGeneSequence, int bioBegin, int bioEnd)
      Need a parent gene sequence and the bioBegin and bioEnd. An Exon sequence doesn't actually imply what the protein coding sequence will be. This is a little difficult to model and have it make sense. A gene has a collection of Exon and Intron sequences where the Exon sequences will join up. A gene sequences has a collection of different possible isoform proteins based on the transcription rules. A TranscriptionSequence will contain CDSSequence where the CDSSequence will be contained in the ExonSequence. Thus a ExonSequence is the union of overlapping CDSSequences.
      parentGeneSequence -
      bioBegin -
      bioEnd -
  • Method Details