Class IESParameterSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IESParameterSpec
    extends java.lang.Object
    Parameter spec for an integrated encryptor, as in IEEE P1363a
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation, byte[] encoding, int macKeySize)
      Set the IES engine parameters.
      IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation, byte[] encoding, int macKeySize, int cipherKeySize, byte[] nonce)
      Set the IES engine parameters.
      IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation, byte[] encoding, int macKeySize, int cipherKeySize, byte[] nonce, boolean usePointCompression)
      Set the IES engine parameters.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getCipherKeySize()
      return the key size in bits for the block cipher used with the message
      byte[] getDerivationV()
      return the derivation vector.
      byte[] getEncodingV()
      return the encoding vector.
      int getMacKeySize()
      return the key size in bits for the MAC used with the message
      byte[] getNonce()
      Return the nonce (IV) value to be associated with message.
      boolean getPointCompression()
      Return the 'point compression' flag.
      void setPointCompression​(boolean usePointCompression)
      Set the 'point compression' flag.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • IESParameterSpec

        public IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation,
                                byte[] encoding,
                                int macKeySize)
        Set the IES engine parameters.
        derivation - the optional derivation vector for the KDF.
        encoding - the optional encoding vector for the KDF.
        macKeySize - the key size (in bits) for the MAC.
      • IESParameterSpec

        public IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation,
                                byte[] encoding,
                                int macKeySize,
                                int cipherKeySize,
                                byte[] nonce)
        Set the IES engine parameters.
        derivation - the optional derivation vector for the KDF.
        encoding - the optional encoding vector for the KDF.
        macKeySize - the key size (in bits) for the MAC.
        cipherKeySize - the key size (in bits) for the block cipher.
        nonce - an IV to use initialising the block cipher.
      • IESParameterSpec

        public IESParameterSpec​(byte[] derivation,
                                byte[] encoding,
                                int macKeySize,
                                int cipherKeySize,
                                byte[] nonce,
                                boolean usePointCompression)
        Set the IES engine parameters.
        derivation - the optional derivation vector for the KDF.
        encoding - the optional encoding vector for the KDF.
        macKeySize - the key size (in bits) for the MAC.
        cipherKeySize - the key size (in bits) for the block cipher.
        nonce - an IV to use initialising the block cipher.
        usePointCompression - whether to use EC point compression or not (false by default)
    • Method Detail

      • getDerivationV

        public byte[] getDerivationV()
        return the derivation vector.
      • getEncodingV

        public byte[] getEncodingV()
        return the encoding vector.
      • getMacKeySize

        public int getMacKeySize()
        return the key size in bits for the MAC used with the message
      • getCipherKeySize

        public int getCipherKeySize()
        return the key size in bits for the block cipher used with the message
      • getNonce

        public byte[] getNonce()
        Return the nonce (IV) value to be associated with message.
        block cipher IV for message.
      • setPointCompression

        public void setPointCompression​(boolean usePointCompression)
        Set the 'point compression' flag.
      • getPointCompression

        public boolean getPointCompression()
        Return the 'point compression' flag.
        the point compression flag