Package org.bouncycastle.asn1
A library for parsing and writing ASN.1 objects. Support is provided for DER and BER encoding.
Interface Summary Interface Description ASN1ApplicationSpecificParser Interface to parse ASN.1 ApplicationSpecific objects.ASN1Choice Marker interface for CHOICE objects - if you implement this in a role your own object any attempt to tag the object implicitly will convert the tag to an explicit one as the encoding rules require.ASN1Encodable Basic interface to produce serialisers for ASN.1 encodings.ASN1Encoding Supported encoding formats.ASN1OctetStringParser A basic parser for an OCTET STRING objectASN1SequenceParser A basic parser for a SEQUENCE objectASN1SetParser A basic parser for a SET objectASN1String General interface implemented by ASN.1 STRING objects for extracting the content String.ASN1TaggedObjectParser Interface for the parsing of a generic tagged ASN.1 object.BERTags InMemoryRepresentable Interface implemented by objects that can be converted from streaming to in-memory objects. -
Class Summary Class Description ASN1ApplicationSpecific Base class for an ASN.1 ApplicationSpecific objectASN1BitString Base class for BIT STRING objectsASN1Boolean Public facade of ASN.1 Boolean data.ASN1EncodableVector Mutable class for building ASN.1 constructed objects such as SETs or SEQUENCEs.ASN1Enumerated Class representing the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type.ASN1External Class representing the DER-type ExternalASN1GeneralizedTime Base class representing the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type.ASN1Generator Basic class for streaming generators.ASN1InputStream A general purpose ASN.1 decoder - note: this class differs from the others in that it returns null after it has read the last object in the stream.ASN1Integer Class representing the ASN.1 INTEGER type.ASN1Null A NULL object - use DERNull.INSTANCE for populating structures.ASN1Object Base class for defining an ASN.1 object.ASN1ObjectIdentifier Class representing the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.ASN1OctetString Abstract base for the ASN.1 OCTET STRING data typeASN1OutputStream Stream that produces output based on the default encoding for the passed in objects.ASN1Primitive Base class for ASN.1 primitive objects.ASN1Sequence ASN.1SEQUENCE
constructs.ASN1Set ASN.1SET
constructs.ASN1StreamParser A parser for ASN.1 streams which also returns, where possible, parsers for the objects it encounters.ASN1TaggedObject ASN.1 TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).ASN1UTCTime - * UTC time object.BERApplicationSpecific An indefinite-length encoding version of an ASN.1 ApplicationSpecific object.BERApplicationSpecificParser A parser for indefinite-length ASN.1 ApplicationSpecific objects.BERGenerator Base class for generators for indefinite-length structures.BEROctetString ASN.1 OctetStrings, with indefinite length rules, and constructed form support.BEROctetStringGenerator A generator for indefinite-length OCTET STRINGsBEROctetStringParser A parser for indefinite-length OCTET STRINGs.BERSequence Indefinite length SEQUENCE of objects.BERSequenceGenerator A stream generator for DER SEQUENCEsBERSequenceParser Parser for indefinite-length SEQUENCEs.BERSet Indefinite lengthSET
constructs.BERSetParser Parser for indefinite-length SETs.BERTaggedObject BER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).BERTaggedObjectParser Parser for indefinite-length tagged objects.DERApplicationSpecific A DER encoding version of an application specific object.DERBitString A BIT STRING with DER encoding - the first byte contains the count of padding bits included in the byte array's last byte.DERBMPString DER BMPString object encodes BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) subset (aka UCS-2) of UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters in codepoints 0 to 65535.DERBoolean Deprecated. use ASN1BooleanDEREnumerated Deprecated. Use ASN1Enumerated instead of this.DERExternal Class representing the DER-type ExternalDERExternalParser Parser DER EXTERNAL tagged objects.DERGeneralizedTime DER Generalized time object.DERGeneralString ASN.1 GENERAL-STRING data type.DERGenerator Basic class for streaming DER encoding generators.DERGraphicString DERIA5String DER IA5String object - this is a ISO 646 (ASCII) string encoding code points 0 to 127.DERInteger Deprecated. Use ASN1Integer instead of this,DERNull An ASN.1 DER NULL object.DERNumericString DER NumericString object - this is an ascii string of characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, }.DERObjectIdentifier Deprecated. Use ASN1ObjectIdentifier instead of this,DEROctetString Carrier class for a DER encoding OCTET STRINGDEROctetStringParser Parser for DER encoded OCTET STRINGSDEROutputStream Stream that outputs encoding based on distinguished encoding rules.DERPrintableString DER PrintableString object.DERSequence Definite length SEQUENCE, encoding tells explicit number of bytes that the content of this sequence occupies.DERSequenceGenerator A stream generator for DER SEQUENCEsDERSet A DER encoded SET objectDERT61String DER T61String (also the teletex string), try not to use this if you don't need to.DERTaggedObject DER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).DERUniversalString DER UniversalString object - encodes UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters using 32-bit format.DERUTCTime DER UTC time object.DERUTF8String DER UTF8String object.DERVideotexString DERVisibleString DER VisibleString object encoding ISO 646 (ASCII) character code points 32 to 126.DLApplicationSpecific A DER encoding version of an application specific object.DLBitString A Definite length BIT STRINGDLExternal Class representing the Definite-Length-type ExternalDLSequence The DLSequence encodes a SEQUENCE using definite length form.DLSequenceParser Parser class for DL SEQUENCEs.DLSet The DLSet encodes ASN.1 SET value without element ordering, and always using definite length form.DLSetParser Parser class for DL SETs.DLTaggedObject Definite Length TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).OIDTokenizer Class for breaking up an OID into it's component tokens, ala java.util.StringTokenizer. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ASN1Exception Exception thrown in cases of corrupted or unexpected data in a stream.ASN1ParsingException Exception thrown when correctly encoded, but unexpected data is found in a stream while building an object.