Class AuthEnvelopedData

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ASN1Encodable, Encodable

    public class AuthEnvelopedData
    extends ASN1Object
    RFC 5083: CMS AuthEnveloped Data object.


     id-ct-authEnvelopedData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1)
           member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9)
           smime(16) ct(1) 23 }
     AuthEnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE {
           version CMSVersion,
           originatorInfo [0] IMPLICIT OriginatorInfo OPTIONAL,
           recipientInfos RecipientInfos,
           authEncryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo,
           authAttrs [1] IMPLICIT AuthAttributes OPTIONAL,
           mac MessageAuthenticationCode,
           unauthAttrs [2] IMPLICIT UnauthAttributes OPTIONAL }
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static AuthEnvelopedData getInstance​(ASN1TaggedObject obj,
                                                    boolean explicit)
        Return an AuthEnvelopedData object from a tagged object.

        Accepted inputs:

        obj - the tagged object holding the object we want.
        explicit - true if the object is meant to be explicitly tagged false otherwise.
        a reference that can be assigned to AuthEnvelopedData (may be null)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the object held by the tagged object cannot be converted.
      • getInstance

        public static AuthEnvelopedData getInstance​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Return an AuthEnvelopedData object from the given object.

        Accepted inputs:

        obj - The object we want converted.
        a reference that can be assigned to AuthEnvelopedData (may be null)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the object cannot be converted, or was null.
      • getRecipientInfos

        public ASN1Set getRecipientInfos()
      • getAuthAttrs

        public ASN1Set getAuthAttrs()
      • getUnauthAttrs

        public ASN1Set getUnauthAttrs()