Class DANEEntrySelectorFactory

  • public class DANEEntrySelectorFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factory for creating selector objects to use with the DANECertificateStore.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DANEEntrySelectorFactory

        public DANEEntrySelectorFactory​(DigestCalculator digestCalculator)
        Base constructor.

        At the moment you would call this as:

             new DANEEntrySelectorFactory(new TruncatingDigestCalculator(new SHA256DigestCalculator()));
        or some equivalent.
        digestCalculator - a calculator for the message digest to filter email addresses currently truncated SHA-256 (originally SHA-224).
    • Method Detail

      • createSelector

        public DANEEntrySelector createSelector​(java.lang.String emailAddress)
                                         throws DANEException
        Create a selector for the passed in email address.
        emailAddress - the emails address of interest.
        DANEException - in case of issue generating a matching name.