Class DANEEntryFactory

  • public class DANEEntryFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factory class for creating DANEEntry objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DANEEntryFactory

        public DANEEntryFactory​(DigestCalculator digestCalculator)
        Base constructor.
        digestCalculator - a calculator for the message digest to filter email addresses currently SHA-224.
    • Method Detail

      • createEntry

        public DANEEntry createEntry​(java.lang.String emailAddress,
                                     X509CertificateHolder certificate)
                              throws DANEException
        Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate. This method sets the entry's certificate usage field to 3.
        emailAddress - the emails address of interest.
        certificate - the certificate to be associated with the email address.
        DANEException - in case of issue generating a matching name.
      • createEntry

        public DANEEntry createEntry​(java.lang.String emailAddress,
                                     int certUsage,
                                     X509CertificateHolder certificate)
                              throws DANEException
        Return a DANEEntry for the passed in email address and certificate.
        emailAddress - the emails address of interest.
        certUsage - the certificate usage field value to use.
        certificate - the certificate to be associated with the email address.
        DANEException - in case of issue generating a matching name.