Class BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder

  • public class BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder

        public BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder​(int encAlgorithm)
      • BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder

        public BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder​(int encAlgorithm,
                                              int s2kCount)
        Create an SecretKeyEncryptorBuilder with the S2K count different to the default of 0x60.
        encAlgorithm - encryption algorithm to use.
        s2kCount - iteration count to use for S2K function.
      • BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder

        public BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder​(int encAlgorithm,
                                              PGPDigestCalculator s2kDigestCalculator)
        Create a builder which will make encryptors using the passed in digest calculator. If a MD5 calculator is passed in the builder will assume the encryptors are for use with version 3 keys.
        encAlgorithm - encryption algorithm to use.
        s2kDigestCalculator - digest calculator to use.
      • BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder

        public BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder​(int encAlgorithm,
                                              PGPDigestCalculator s2kDigestCalculator,
                                              int s2kCount)
        Create an SecretKeyEncryptorBuilder with the S2k count different to the default of 0x60, and the S2K digest different from SHA-1.
        encAlgorithm - encryption algorithm to use.
        s2kDigestCalculator - digest calculator to use.
        s2kCount - iteration count to use for S2K function.
    • Method Detail

      • setSecureRandom

        public BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder setSecureRandom​( random)
        Provide a user defined source of randomness.
        random - the secure random to be used.
        the current builder.