Class PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

      • PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator

        protected PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator​(char[] passPhrase,
                                                  PGPDigestCalculator s2kDigestCalculator)
        Construct a PBE key generator using the default iteration count (0x60 == 65536 iterations).
        passPhrase - the pass phrase to encrypt with.
        s2kDigestCalculator - a digest calculator to use in the string-to-key function.
      • PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator

        protected PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator​(char[] passPhrase,
                                                  PGPDigestCalculator s2kDigestCalculator,
                                                  int s2kCount)
        Construct a PBE key generator using a specific iteration level.
        passPhrase - the pass phrase to encrypt with.
        s2kDigestCalculator - a digest calculator to use in the string-to-key function.
        s2kCount - a single byte S2K iteration count specifier, which is translated to an actual iteration count by the S2K class.
    • Method Detail

      • setSecureRandom

        public PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator setSecureRandom​( random)
        Sets a user defined source of randomness.

        If no SecureRandom is configured, a default SecureRandom will be used.

        the current generator.
      • getKey

        public byte[] getKey​(int encAlgorithm)
                      throws PGPException
        Generate a key for a symmetric encryption algorithm using the PBE configuration in this method.
        encAlgorithm - the encryption algorithm to generate the key for.
        the bytes of the generated key.
        PGPException - if an error occurs performing the string-to-key generation.
      • encryptSessionInfo

        protected abstract byte[] encryptSessionInfo​(int encAlgorithm,
                                                     byte[] key,
                                                     byte[] sessionInfo)
                                              throws PGPException